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- Tags: Resurrection
Paul: Simply Wrong About History?
A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on April 25, 1999 entitled "Paul: Simply Wrong About History?", as part of the series "Varieties of Religious Experience", on the occasion of Eastertide IV, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI.…
Tags: Compassion, Eschatology, Justice, Resurrection
You Can't Go Home, Peter!
A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on April 19, 1998 entitled "You Can't Go Home, Peter!", as part of the series "Christian Faith: Interpreting an Experience", on the occasion of Eastertide II, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI.…
In the Holy Spirit: Butterflies Are Free
A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on May 26, 1996 entitled "In the Holy Spirit: Butterflies Are Free", as part of the series "I Do Believe", on the occasion of Pentecost, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: II…
The End is Life
A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on April 14, 1996 entitled "The End is Life", as part of the series "I Do Believe", on the occasion of Eastertide II, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Psalm 16:11, I Cor…
Tags: Belief, Eastertide, Life, Resurrection, Way of Jesus
The Cross in History and Human Experience
Article created, delivered, or published by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on April 20, 1973 entitled "The Cross in History and Human Experience", it appeared in The Church Herald, pp. 10-11. Tags: Lent, Suffering, Crucifixion, Transforming Love,…
Tags: Crucifixion, Lent, Resurrection, Suffering, Transforming Love
Resurrection: A Shift in Perception
A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on April 18, 2004 entitled "Resurrection: A Shift in Perception", as part of the series "Remembering Jesus, Experiencing God", on the occasion of Eastertide II, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI.…
Tags: Love, Resurrection
The Rise of Easter Faith
A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on April 22, 2001 entitled "The Rise of Easter Faith", as part of the series "Credo", on the occasion of Eastertide I, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Luke 24:31, I Cor.…
Tags: Nature of God, Resurrection, Transformation
An Invitation to Life
A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on April 15, 2001 entitled "An Invitation to Life", as part of the series "A Fresh Look At an Ancient Story, ", on the occasion of Easter Sunday, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture…
Tags: Divine Intention, Love, Resurrection, Sacred
The Truth That Will Not Die
A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on April 23, 2000 entitled "The Truth That Will Not Die", on the occasion of Easter Sunday, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Psalm 82, I Corinthians 15:12-29, Matthew…
Tags: Easter, Justice, Resurrection, Spirit, Transformation
Christian Hope: Life Now and Forever
A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on May 15, 1994 entitled "Christian Hope: Life Now and Forever", as part of the series "Credo: A Series For Eastertide", on the occasion of Eastertide VII, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI.…
Tags: Creeds, Eastertide, Hope, Life, Resurrection
Good News
A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on April 18, 1993 entitled "Good News", as part of the series "Faith in Jesus: Trust in God", on the occasion of Eastertide II, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Luke 1:1-14,…
God's Love: A "Yes" That Conquers Our "No"
A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on April 15, 1990 entitled "God's Love: A "Yes" That Conquers Our "No"", as part of the series "Love Story", on the occasion of Easter Sunday, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture…
A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on April 3, 1988 entitled "Authentication", as part of the series "The Servant of the Lord", on the occasion of Easter Sunday, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: I Corinthians…
Tags: Easter, Resurrection, Salvation, Servant of the Lord, Suffering, Trust
He Lives, We Live, Alleluia!
A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on April 19, 1987 entitled "He Lives, We Live, Alleluia!", as part of the series "The Human Face of God", on the occasion of Easter Sunday, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references:…
Tags: Easter, Followers of Jesus, Joy, Resurrection, Transforming Love
It is an Easter World
A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on April 13, 1986 entitled "It is an Easter World", on the occasion of Eastertide III, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: I Corinthians 15:20.
Tags: Community of Faith, Eastertide, Eschatology, Forgiveness, Freedom, Hope, Resurrection, Shalom, Sin
The First Day of the Rest of Your Life
A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on April 6, 1986 entitled "The First Day of the Rest of Your Life", on the occasion of Eastertide II, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: II Corinthians 5:17, 6:2.