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  • Tags: Hope
Go to Hope item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on January 25, 1998 entitled "Hope", on the occasion of Epiphany III, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Jeremiah 32: 1-17, Romans 8: 18-31, 35-39.
Go to The God We Forsake item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on July 28, 1996 entitled "The God We Forsake", as part of the series "If God Be For Us", on the occasion of Pentecost IX, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Jeremiah 2:13.
Go to Can We Be Both Truthful and Hopeful? item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on December 17, 1995 entitled "Can We Be Both Truthful and Hopeful?", as part of the series "Now - But Then", on the occasion of Advent III, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references:…
Go to In Memoriam: The Reverend Dr. Arie R. Brouwer, 1935-1993 item page

Article created, delivered, or published by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on December 1, 1993 entitled "In Memoriam: The Reverend Dr. Arie R. Brouwer, 1935-1993", it appeared in Perspectives, pp. 6-7. Tags: Ecumenical, Interfaith, Hope.
Go to What is Good News? Great sermons must embrace the 3 basic needs of those who listen item page

Article created, delivered, or published by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on February 1, 1989 entitled "What is Good News? Great sermons must embrace the 3 basic needs of those who listen", it appeared in The Church Herald, Feb. 1989, pp. 24-27. Tags:…
Go to The Ground of Hope item page

Article created, delivered, or published by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on December 20, 1985 entitled "The Ground of Hope", it appeared in The Church Herald, pp. 6-7. Tags: Advent, Hope, God of Grace, Faithful.
Go to Introduction to Dr. Ira Progoff item page

Talk created, delivered, or published by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on January 30, 1989 entitled "Introduction to Dr. Ira Progoff", on the occasion of Midweek Lecture, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Tags: Progoff, Transformation, Hope,…
Go to When the Heart is Surprised by Hope item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on August 10, 2008 entitled "When the Heart is Surprised by Hope", on the occasion of Lakeshore Interfaith Gathering, at Lakeshore Interfaith Center, Ganges. Scripture references: Lamentations 3:20.

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Go to Going Home item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on December 11, 1994 entitled "Going Home", on the occasion of Advent III, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Isaiah 40:1, 11, I Thessalonians 4:17.
Go to Come Lord Jesus item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on November 27, 1994 entitled "Come Lord Jesus", on the occasion of Advent I, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Revelation 22:8-13, 16-21.
Go to The Hope That Heals The Human Hurt item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on September 4, 1994 entitled "The Hope That Heals The Human Hurt", as part of the series "Wisdom Literature", on the occasion of Pentecost XV, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture…
Go to Christian Hope: Life Now and Forever item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on May 15, 1994 entitled "Christian Hope: Life Now and Forever", as part of the series "Credo: A Series For Eastertide", on the occasion of Eastertide VII, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI.…
Go to The Faith of Jesus Vindicated item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on April 11, 1993 entitled "The Faith of Jesus Vindicated", on the occasion of Easter Sunday, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Ezekiel 37:9, Romans 1:4, Mark 16:6.
Go to Surprised by Grace item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on August 2, 1987 entitled "Surprised by Grace", on the occasion of Pentecost IX, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Lamentations 3:22-26.
Go to The Hopes and Fears of All the Years item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on December 14, 1986 entitled "The Hopes and Fears of All the Years", on the occasion of Advent III, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Isaiah 7: 14, Matthew 1:23.
Go to Advent Hope: Jesus Will Bring Us All Together Again item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on December 7, 1986 entitled "Advent Hope: Jesus Will Bring Us All Together Again", on the occasion of Advent II, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: I Thessalonians 4:14, 5:9,…
Go to Mary Magdalene: Bedeviled item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on November 9, 1986 entitled "Mary Magdalene: Bedeviled", as part of the series "No Stained Glass Saints", on the occasion of Pentecost XXV, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references:…
Go to It is an Easter World item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on April 13, 1986 entitled "It is an Easter World", on the occasion of Eastertide III, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: I Corinthians 15:20.
Go to Follow the Star: Trust the Vision item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on January 6, 1985 entitled "Follow the Star: Trust the Vision", on the occasion of Epiphany Sunday, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Matthew 2:9.
Go to Memory and Hope in Our Cosmic Journey item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on November 29, 1981 entitled "Memory and Hope in Our Cosmic Journey", on the occasion of Advent I, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Isaiah 11:1, 2-5 , Luke 2:29-32.

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