Chinese Air Force Graduation, December 1938
Time-stamped scene list: 00:00 Aerial shot of a city. Chinese flag and flagpole with carved words of Chinese cadet school. Building of the school. Inside of the building. Picture of President Chiang Kai-shek and other ornaments on the wall. 02:35 An old building. A person paints the wall. Buildings of the Kunming Air Cadet School. 03:20 Graduation ceremony in a hall. "Tiger" Wang Shuming and others come out of the hall. Crowd of cadets in front of the building. A group of Chinese officers and their wives walk on the campus. 04:29 Chennault sits next to General Lung Yin and with Billie McDonald. Basketball game. Officers and wives leave. 05:32 Chennault talks to General Chen and General Jiou, the chief of aeronautical commission. He sits with them. Rugby game. 06:20 Chinese children. P. Y. Shu and his son. 07:12 Welcome party for the American ambassador. A Chinese personnel gives speech. American ambassador gives speech. 08:19 Chennault smokes at a table in the party. Ambassador shakes hands with Chinese people. 09:15 Chennault sits next to Ambassador. Ambassador and Chinese people. (American councilman in the crowd.) 09:57 Soccer game. People leave after the game. 12:02 Volleyball game. Chinese cadets (including P.Y. Shu) in front of school. 13:02 Ambassador with Chennault and "Tiger" Wang visits and leaves the cadet school. 14:28 Chennault, an officer and "Tiger" Wang in front of a building. Chennault with Billie McDonald and Western officers.