Liechow, Hengyang, Chikiang, & Kunming, 1938


P.Y. Shu, “Liechow, Hengyang, Chikiang, & Kunming, 1938,” Digital Collections, accessed March 19, 2025,


Liechow, Hengyang, Chikiang, & Kunming, 1938



Chennault, Claire Lee, 1893-1963


Black and white film taken by Chinese Air Force Interpreter P.Y. Shu (no sound). The footage was recorded by Shu as he traveled with Col. Claire Chennault to aid the Chinese Air Force in training and establishing the American Volunteer Group (AVG). The footage documents Shu's travel and family as well as Chennault's and the AVG's activities during the Second Sino-Japanese War.

Time-stamped scene list: 00:02 Sightseeing and family affairs. Countryside landscapes and rural village. 03:20 View of mountains and river in Kweilin (trip to Kunming). 04:16 Chennault and P. Y. Shu eat sandwiches in a rural area. Village children. 05:00 Car parked in a rural area. Chennault and Chinese children. 05:13 A sign of Chinese Air Force. A sign of a junior high school. Girls play Ping-pong. Chinese interpreters by a car. They ride bicycle. Sunset. 07:32 A plane in the sky. A group of Chinese in front of a barrack. Chinese pilots and officers walk to camera. 08:11 P. Y. Shu play cards with Chinese boys. They eat lunch, and swim in a river. 09:51 Chinese laborers pull raft from shore. Mountain view. A village by a river. 11:14 Chinese villagers. River and Gwei Yang Water Fall. Mountain view. Trucks on a mountain road. 15:48 P. Y. Shu with a rifle. Chennault with a hunting party.


World War II




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Grand Valley State University. University Libraries. Lemmen Library and Archives
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