P-40 Flying Tigers, circa 1941
Time-stamped scene list: 00:00 AVGs. P-40s and bomber airplanes. Kunming hostel #1. AVG picnic. City of Rangoon and temples. 03:00 Misenheimer and other AVGs sightseeing in Rangoon. More Rangoon temples. 05:40 Pre-teeth P-40s (#10 and others). AVGs with bicycle around P-40 in Toungoo. Flying P-40. 06:00 Uebele and Kenner talk on P-40. P-40 #5, #9, #4, and others taxing, taking off.and flying in the sky. Workers at airfield. 06:50 Two AVGs in front of P-40 #10. Misenheimer comes down from P-40. An AVG working on wheel of P-40. 07:05 Locke, Wylie, other AVG's and workers under a tent. AVGs sightseeing. 07:35 People carrying a load on a street. Boats on a river. 08:30 AVG trucks and jeeps. Two AVGs or British by AVG truck. Bomber airplanes. 10:02 A man and a woman (AVG?) with a dog. P-40 being repaired. Prop specialists working on propellers of P-40 at Kunming airbase. 11:00 Burma road. AVG trucks. 11:55 An AVG truck driver closes door and looks out window. View of road and mountains. 12:35 Trucks and cars on Burma Road. 13:13 Truck stops once, back up and turns hairpin curve on Burma Road. 13:55 Stacked truck on winding road. Mountain view. 14:35 Truck convoy at a sign of Rasio-Mandalay. 15:00 London 6372 miles sign. 15:05 Truck convoy goes through a Chinese city. Street scene. Children play on street. Rickshaws. 16:30 Market in a Chinese city. Parks.
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