Browse All 52 Collections

Browse the Native American Publication Collection collection

Native American Publication Collection

Selected digital surrogates of published and unpublished materials from the Edward V. Gillis Native American publication collection dealing with…

Browse the Richard A. Rhem Collection collection

Richard A. Rhem Collection

Text and sound recordings of the sermons, prayers, services, and articles of Richard Rhem, pastor emeritus of Christ Community Church in Spring Lake,…

Contributors: Kaufman Interfaith Institute

Browse the Grand Valley State University Photographs collection

Grand Valley State University Photographs

People, places, and events of Grand Valley State University from its founding in 1960 as a 4-year college in western Michigan.

Browse the Civil War and Slavery Collection collection

Civil War and Slavery Collection

A selection of correspondence, diaries, official documents, photographs related to the American Civil War and to the institution of slavery, collected…

Browse the Flying Tigers Interviews and Films collection

Flying Tigers Interviews and Films

Collection contains original 1940s films and interviews conducted in the 1990s, documenting the history of the American Volunteer Group (AVG) "Flying…

Contributors: Fei Hu Films
Christopher, Frank
Gasdick, Joseph
Misenheimer, Charles V.
P.Y. Shu

Browse the D.J. Angus Photographs collection

D.J. Angus Photographs

An extensive photographic record of Angus’ work and travels throughout the U.S. and Mexico. The images of manmade and natural phenomenon often reflect…

Browse the Honors Institute for Young Scientists (HIFYS) Scrapbook collection

Honors Institute for Young Scientists (HIFYS) Scrapbook

The Honors Institute for Young Scientists provided a competitive scholarship to an advanced summer educational program in science and math for high…

Browse the Naval Recognition Training Slides collection

Naval Recognition Training Slides

Slides developed during World War II as a training tool, for top-side battle-station personnel on board ship and for all aircraft personnel, by the US…

Browse the Grand Rapids Oral Histories collection

Grand Rapids Oral Histories

Taped and transcribed interviews conducted in the early 1970s primarily of the children and grandchildren of many of the founders of Grand Rapids,…

Browse the Mathias J. Alten Collection collection

Mathias J. Alten Collection

Digitized photographs, artworks, and diary transcript from the papers of West Michigan painter, Mathias J. Alten (1871-1938) represent one of the most…

Browse the D. J. Angus Moving Pictures collection

D. J. Angus Moving Pictures

Indiana resident and entrepreneur, D. J. Angus produced an extensive photographic record of his work and travels throughout the U.S. and Mexico,…

Browse the Speaking Out: Western Michigan Civil Rights Oral Histories collection

Speaking Out: Western Michigan Civil Rights Oral Histories

Collection of oral history recordings documenting the history of civil rights and social justice advocacy in Western Michigan. The collection was…

Browse the Michigan Philanthropy Oral History Project Interviews  collection

Michigan Philanthropy Oral History Project Interviews

The Michigan Philanthropy Oral History Project (MPOHP) was initiated in 2006 as an innovative partnership between the Council of Michigan Foundations,…

Contributors: StoryCorps (Project)

Browse the Russell Mawby Papers collection

Russell Mawby Papers

The Russell Mawby papers document the life and work of Michigan-born Russell Mawby from 1928 to the present. Mawby was the Chief Executive Officer and…

Contributors: Johnson Center for Philanthropy

Browse the Young Lords in Lincoln Park Collection collection

Young Lords in Lincoln Park Collection

Collection of oral history interviews and digitized materials documenting the history of the Young Lords Organization in Lincoln Park, Chicago.…

Browse the U.S.S. Michigan Memorabilia collection

U.S.S. Michigan Memorabilia

The name U.S.S. Michigan has been shared by 3 vessels in the United States Navy. The first U.S.S. Michigan was the Navy's first iron-hulled warship…

Browse the GVSU Concert & Event Posters collection

GVSU Concert & Event Posters

Division of Student Services provides programs, services, and environments that enhance the personal, social, and intellectual growth of undergraduate…

Browse the Fore-Edge Paintings collection

Fore-Edge Paintings

A fore-edge painting is a miniature watercolor executed on the fanned edge or edges of a book; when the book is closed the art disappears, now hidden…

Browse the The Pine Tree in Michigan collection

The Pine Tree in Michigan

The Pine Tree in Michigan depicts the drama of Michigan's pine woods in twenty-four block prints carved by the artist from his original sketches.

Browse the Decorated Publishers' Bindings collection

Decorated Publishers' Bindings

From the early 1870s to roughly 1930, many publishers issued their commercial book covers with a remarkable variety of graphic designs and…

Browse the Veterans History Project collection

Veterans History Project

The Library of Congress established the Veterans History Project in 2001 to collect memories, accounts, and documents of U.S. war veterans from World…

Contributors: Smither, James
Boring, Frank

Browse the Our State of Generosity collection

Our State of Generosity

Collection contains the records of four Michigan nonprofit organizations: Council of Michigan Foundations, Michigan Nonprofit Association, Michigan…

Contributors: Council of Michigan Foundations; Michigan Nonprofit Association; Michigan Community Service Commission

Browse the Insel-Bücherei Series collection

Insel-Bücherei Series

The German publishing company Insel Verlag was founded in 1899 by Anton Kippenberg in Leipzig. In its early years the firm only printed expensive,…

Browse the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League Interviews collection

All-American Girls Professional Baseball League Interviews

The All-American Girls Professional Baseball League was started by Philip Wrigley, owner of the Chicago Cubs, during World War II to fill the void…

Contributors: Smither, James
Boring, Frank