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  • Description: Robert Robson is a military veteran who was born and raised in Grand Rapids. He signed a contract with the navy in 1962 and spent 4 years in active duty and 2 years in the inactive reserves. He has a lot of memories from his time in the navy
  • Subject: Veterans--Personal narratives
  • Text: Valley State University Special Collections Date: 10/26/2011 Biography and Description Robert Robson is a military veteran who was born and raised in Grand Rapids. He signed a contract with the navy in 1962 and spent 4 years in active duty and 2 years
Robert Robson audio interview and transcript

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  • Text: anyone about your writings or anything? LICHON: No. Well the thing is people, I mean sports and spokes and paraplegic news are sister publications from the paralyzed veterans of America and I’ve written for both of them. FAORO: Are you a Veteran? LICHON
Jeff Lichon audio interview and transcript

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  • Text: Bierschbach, who worked for Steelcase • His brother, John, is a veteran of the Vietnam War and now has a sawmill business, and his wife is also a teacher • Walter’s father died in 1985, and his mother died in 2006 5
Urick, Walter (audio interview and summary)

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  • Subject: Veterans--Personal narratives
Donald Cullen audio interview and transcript

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  • Text: on the corner [now 457 Paris] and he was a Civil War veteran and he‟d been made the postman officer, post master here in Grand Rapids as an award for you know-there was-the political assignments of that kind often were given to military men. And Colonel
Warner, Mary

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  • Text: to North Park. So Taylor must be in that direction. But we went past what we call the Soldiers Home, it‟s now called the Veteran‟s facility, and out to a pavilion that, that was there near the bridge that did cross over to the west side. Now
Blake, Dorothy

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  • Text: worked--Uh, she started out at Allegan General Hospital, and she worked at 1|Page various places. When she retired, she retired from Michigan Veterans Facility. [Lin] Oh. [June] And then my father was an engineer. He went to college in Angola
June Mamagona Fletcher interview (audio and transcript)

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  • Text: , were these two steamers. One was the” Major Watson” and the other was the “Hazel A. Major [Amasa B.] Watson” was a prominent Civil War veteran here and he lived in a big house down where Jacobsen’s downtown place is now. The “Hazel A.” was named
Bender, Josephine

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  • Text: to be right on that, on the right hand side of that property. That property went way back to a family named Purdy… KK: Okay… RF: Uh, Erastus Purdy he was a civil war veteran and he, he owned that property and they had a landing down below, on the river uh
Raymond Foster (Audio interview and transcript), 2018

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  • Text: to be right on that, on the right hand side of that property. That property went way back to a family named Purdy… KK: Okay… RF: Uh, Erastus Purdy he was a civil war veteran and he, he owned that property and they had a landing down below, on the river uh
Raymond Foster (Audio interview and transcript), 2018

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  • Text: was General McGurrin, a general in the Army during the War of 1812. Oh, the war, Spanish-American War. The Spanish-American War. And later he was made head of the Soldier‟s Home, out on the North end where the Veterans are now. It was the Soldiers‟ Home and he
Robinson, Doris

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  • Text: a lapse of one year, and finished my courses there, and graduated, so to speak. I stayed in Chicago and worked for the Red Cross, in the Veteran‟s Hospital for several years. Then Catherine Murray, who I mentioned several times, she said to me one day
Wolf, Estelle