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Collection Subject- Oral history (1346)
- Veterans (1346)
- Michigan--History, Military (1072)
- World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, American (649)
- United States. Army (645)
- Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Personal narratives, American (395)
- United States. Navy (238)
- Other veterans & civilians--Personal narratives, American (188)
- United States. Air Force (124)
- Korean War, 1950-1953--Personal narratives, American (120)
- United States. Marine Corps (113)
- Iraq War, 2003-2011--Personal narratives, American (50)
- United States. Army Air Corps (50)
- Women (38)
- United States. Army. Air Corps (30)
- United States. National Guard (29)
- Persian Gulf War, 1991--Personal narratives, American (27)
- Afghan War, 2001--Personal narratives, American (20)
- Merchant marine--United States (13)
- United States. Army Air Forces (13)
- Other veterans & civilians--Personal narratives (10)
- Merchant mariner (8)
- Moving Image (1302)
1357 results
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: Veteran: V-Mail! (Nods head yes) Interviewer: Right and then they take a picture of it or whatever. Veteran: Exactly. Interviewer: Yeah Veteran: And I was pretty, pretty faithful in keeping contact with my family.

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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Veteran: I'm glad you asked, I was hoping you would ask that question, you know of course that the Special Forces is engaged in guerrilla warfare, Interviewer: Mm-hmm Veteran: We took care of the gorillas, Interviewer: Mm-hmm Veteran: We took care of the gorillas, Int...

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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Veteran: Well there was no expectation, it was with the hope I would get Army Interviewer: Yeah Veteran: Because there was no expectation there, Interviewer: Okay Veteran: There was no guarantee either way, it was just the only service where I could, Interviewer: Okay ...

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- Description: Catherine was part of a PTSD committee that formed and fought for the VA (Veterans Affairs) to provide services to veterans that they had not previously received.
- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: Several veterans groups started at this time, but the Vietnam Veterans of America was the only real survivor of these groups and they took the lead. One veteran, Mike Flowers, was instrumental in the making of VVA.

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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: Veteran: Fort Benning, Georgia. Interviewer: Okay. And then how did they get you to Fort Benning? Veteran: On the train. Interviewer: Okay. Alright. Veteran: From home, I caught the bus to Jackson, Tennessee.

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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: Veteran: Yeah, oh yeah Interviewer: Okay Veteran: Climbing didn’t bother me a bit, I, and I've never climbed, Interviewer: Mm-hmm Veteran: It, it, yeah Interviewer: Just came naturally.

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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: Veteran: Oh yeah. Interviewer: Okay and so what did you ask for? Veteran: I want to be a paratrooper. Interviewer: Okay. And they were happy to oblige you? Veteran: Oh yeah.

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- Description: ...Rick was discharged in 1969 and they eventually moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1977. She has been involved with numerous veterans' organizations in the Grand Rapids area including the Cost of Freedom Tribute (Vietnam War memorial movement), the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans
- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...on and culture in Fair Lawn, New Jersey (where she grew up) -Only 2% of the population was Jewish in Grand Rapids (00:30:53) Veterans' Organizations -Rick became involved with veterans' organizations -Slowly became involved with the American Legion -In 2012 Kentwood, Mich...

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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Oral History Interview Veteran: Dave Thrasher Interviewed by James Smither Transcribed by Grace Balog Interviewer: We are talking today with Dave Thrasher of Grand Rapids, Michigan, and the interviewer is James Smither of the G...

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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: Veteran: About 23, 24. Interviewer: Okay. Alright. Veteran: A little under staffed but most of them were… Interviewer: Okay. And did anything happen on these early patrols?

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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Oral History Interview Veteran: John Chenard Interviewed by Steve Hammond Transcribed by Chad Hitchcock Steve: Hello my name is Steve Hammond and I represent the Grand Valley State University veterans history project t...

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- Description: Sarah Brooks is a long-time volunteer at the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans. In her interview, she discusses her volunteer work there, and some of her experiences with the veterans.
- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Sarah Brooks (14:25) (00:20) Introduction • Born in August 1926. • Her father was a baker. • Attended school in Covert, Michigan. • Had to leave school in the 10th grade to care for her ailing mother. • Moved to Grand Rapids, ...