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831 results

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  • Title: The Blue Tempo "The House of Music"
  • Description: Front cover advertisement for The Blue Tempo "The House of Music" in Saugatuck, Michigan. The background photograph is a sepia-colored image of a crowded beach, which is most likely Oval Beach on the shores of Lake Michigan.
  • Text: ' The House of Music" < . )~ :
The Blue Tempo "The House of Music"

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  • Title: July Fourth Music Program
  • Description: Small card with printed American flag listing the songs and musicians of the music played at the July Fourth celebration in 1910.
  • Text: ...MUSIC PROGRAM Grand Rapids Boat and Canoe Club July Fourth 1910 3:30 P. M. 1. March ''Great Divide'' 2. Selection 3. V alse 4. Scenes Populaire - '' Flirting Princess'' ''Affinity'' • Holzman • Howard - - - - S...
July Fourth Music Program

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  • Title: Toad-Ville U.S.A House of Music
  • Description: Proposal from the Chamber of Commerce to establish a music hall.
Toad-Ville U.S.A House of Music

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  • Title: U.S.S. Michigan March sheet music by J.R. Shannon
  • Description: Sheet Music of the U.S.S. Michigan March composed by J.R. Shannon
U.S.S. Michigan March sheet music by J.R. Shannon

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  • Title: The Sound of Music playbill
  • Description: Playbill for the Red Barn Theatre's production of The Sound of Music. On the back is an announcement for the following production of My Fair Lady.
The Sound of Music playbill

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  • Description: 'House of Music' Saugatuck." It is known as being one of West Michigan's first gay bars and had its peak popularity, circa the 1960s.
  • Text: .· ~ ~ i ~ BASS I I ffi lmm~~ ~ JOHN ALLEN OIDCAGO THE BLUE TEMPO ''House of Music'' SAUGATUCK ~ ~ ..
All-Star Jazz Combo

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  • Description: The flier is brown with age and the bottom highlights the different band members of the Blue Temp All Star Jazz Combo as well as dates for the music. Circa the 1960s.
  • Text: This Friday, Saturday & Sunday, Aug. 17, 18, .19 and the "BLUE TEMPO ALL STAR JAZZ COMBO" GIDTAR - Gar y Allen CLARINET BASS - Harry Orr Robert Snyder DRUMS - Guest Star J AZZ SESSION SAT & SUN . - LIVE 4:00 P.M. MUSIC WED. THRU SUN.
Ira Sullivan at The Blue Tempo

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  • Text: ...At the Music House Museum for additional musical treats with the artist in an informal and unique setting of antique automated music-making machines. LIMITED sEATIN~· ·d· . requtre · ·stratton pre-regt . tration ee conference reg~s S for detatls. form Philanthropy&...
Council of Michigan Foundations 2000 annual conference invitation

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  • Description: ...The program includes Eddie Calhoun's biography outlining his upbringing, career in music and the Chicago music scene, and semi-retirement in Baldwin/ Idlewild, Michigan. The program also includes daily itineraries for the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday musical even...
  • Subject:
  • Subject: Music festivals
  • Text: ...During lo Chick C K · isco\ercd the 1·· b H II ics . He we111 0 d I cs . d 11 10 stu .\ class,ca/ music al Thornton . orca. , c11h Jarre1t 10 name Ii c began 1cach1ng h, 11. b ' l1stc11111 cgrce III music fi N a ew He cont · d h · msc 1 · ·b JI a . d d · u· nn·c...
Eddie Calhoun's Birthday Celebration

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  • Description: In Puerto Rico in the 1940s, Mr. Rodríguez would entertain his siblings by improvising jibaro music after working a hard day in the fields. Like other Puerto Rican pioneers in Chicago, he brought his love of music with him to the city and continued this tradition there.
  • Text: In Puerto Rico in the 1940s, Mr. Rodríguez would entertain his siblings by improvising jibaro music after working a hard day in the fields. Like other Puerto Rican pioneers in Chicago, he brought his love of music with him to the city and continued this tradition there.
Román Rodríguez inerview and biography

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  • Text: ...Miss Maurits: Oh, yes. My, my father played the violin and my mother sang. So we were a musical family. Hardly a day went by that we didn’t have some music. And the of course, we had records and they came out and, we were very much interested in music. And we had a great...
Maurits, Evangeline

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  • Text: ...e Waterhouse The Detroit News PROGRAM Thursday, November 14, 1991 6:00p.m. COCKTAIL RECEPTION Atrium, International Center Music by Wayne State University Jazz Band Reception hosted by Clark, Klein & Beaumont, NBD Bank, NA, and Price Waterhouse 7:30p.m. DINNER International Center Di...
Council of Michigan Foundations 1991 annual conference welcome