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Collection Subject- Oral history (16)
- United States--History, Military (16)
- Veterans (16)
- Video recordings (15)
- Michigan--History, Military (11)
- World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, American (11)
- Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Personal narratives, American (3)
- Iran Hostage Crisis, 1979-1981--Personal narratives, American (1)
- Merchant marine--United States (1)
- Naval gunners (1)
- Other veterans & civilians--Personal narratives, American (1)
- United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve (1)
- Women (1)
16 results
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- Text: ...:59:08) Disc one (1:00) Growing up in Michigan • • • • There was a lady that lived at the end of the road that gave music lessons He was interested in music and attended music lessons His father bought a general store in Morengo, MI He attended school in Morengo a...

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- Text: ...They were non-combatants; their job was more mechanical • The USO came over to play music, but they did not like it, so they never came again (34:25) The First Night in Guam • They immediately started digging trenches for air raids and got their sleeping quarters ready • They slept in...

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- Text: ... short time before being sent to the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans where he’s been for 2 months. He briefly discussed his musical history in the service and remembers playing at the Hoedown in Detroit, MI. Finally, he wraps up his discussion by stressing that being in a wheelchair should...

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- Text: ...her and 3 sisters. (6:03) The home he lived in at the time of this interview (August 2011) Ray built himself. (7:22) He took music lessons on the banjo as a child. He and his brother would play in square dances for entertainment. (8:00) All through high school and college he and his brother...

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- Text: -Given time every weekend to go into town to New York City. (00:25:00) -Regrets never stopping to see musical Oklahoma while it was playing in the City. -Finished the training around the 2nd week of July 1945. -Roosevelt claimed intentions to give Merchant Marines war veteran status.

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- Text: ...s; had a lot of sensitivities in Europe. One time had a woman that commented on the radio not having good Rock N’ Roll music in Austria, which nearly caused an International uproar; made her apologize on air. In Iceland, couldn’t talk about alcohol or dogs on air. (00:38:45)...

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- Text: ...irection and discipline he needed (00:33:26) Life after the War Pt. 2 -Taught at Southeastern High School in Detroit -Taught music there for twenty years -Worked as a counselor for thirteen years -Encouraged a lot of boys and girls to enlist in the military -They had no future in Detroit an...

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- Text: Toulon, France (59:54) o It was against the law (01:00:09) o The museum was abandoned (01:00:17) Picked up a piano from a music store in Toulon, France and brought it on deck (01:00:44) Traveled to Athens one time and got to see the Acropolis (01:01:22) Traveled primarily between Italy a...

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- Text: ...gainst the gunner shoulder straps as if a strait jacket but he could do anything about it; couldn’t stop self o Then heard music of a hymn “Be Still My Soul” and the most comfortable feeling imaginable fell over him o Crowell was put at ease in the midst of fire and noise o Was relaxe...

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- Text: ...chool on Oahu -Will never forget driving through the pineapple fields on his way to the base -Enjoyed the school -Woke up to music every morning -Informal -Received a lot of gunnery training -Worked with 20mm antiaircraft guns -Trained with .50 caliber machine guns -Worked on a 40mm gun on ...

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- Text: ...I don’t know where he got located though further on in the Pacific I guess. We had all kinds of good music. Those wonderful songs of WWII were played on the ship radio and I lay in the sun on the deck. Didn’t do much of anything for five (5) days. I got into the presidio and I think I...

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- Text: killed off long range radio contact with the outside world -Very isolated in the Gulf -Stayed entertained with movies and music (00:17:17) First Vietnam Deployment-Incidents and Daily Life -Had a helicopter crash into their superstructure -Rotor fractured and exploded and wounded a numbe...