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165 results

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  • Title: Bill of indictment for theft against a slave belonging to Ritchard Potts, 1839
  • Description: Bill of indictment against a slave, by the jurors of the State of Maryland, for receiving and secreting stolen goods from another slave.
  • Subject: Slave records
  • Text: October Term 1839 The Jurors of the state of maryland for the body of Frederick County in United states [Presaid?] Henry Grace a slave for life the Property of Ritchard Potts Esq for receiving and secreting stolen Goods some time in or about
Bill of indictment for theft against a slave belonging to Ritchard Potts, 1839

Your search matched in:

  • Title: Bill of indictment for theft against a slave belonging to Ritchard Potts, 1839
  • Description: Bill of indictment against a slave, by the jurors of the State of Maryland, for receiving and secreting stolen goods from another slave.
  • Subject: Slave records
  • Text: October Term 1839 The Jurors of the state of maryland for the body of Frederick County in United states [Presaid?] Henry Grace a slave for life the Property of Ritchard Potts Esq for receiving and secreting stolen Goods some time in or about
Bill of indictment for theft against a slave belonging to Ritchard Potts, 1839

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  • Description: Petition by the executors of the estate of Edmund Townsend directing the disposition of two female slaves who are the daughters of the deceased.
  • Subject: Slave records
  • Text: , the real estate and personal property belonging to the estate of said decedent, and whereas, amongst the slaves belonging to said estate, there are two female slaves, named Elizabeth M aged about fourteen years and Virginia aged about eleven years, whom
Petition by the executors of the estate of Edmund Townsend, 1854

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  • Title: Inventory of land and slaves belonging to James Fullen, 1815
  • Description: Inventory of land, property and slaves owned by James Fullen.
  • Subject: Slave records
  • Text: List of Land lots of ground with their improvements Dwelling houses and Slaves owned by James Fullen on the first day of April 1815 lying and being with in the 1st district of the State of Virginia Viz in the County of Russell one farm on the Rich
Inventory of land and slaves belonging to James Fullen, 1815

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  • Title: Special mortgage on twenty two slaves by Francis Duplessis, 1839
  • Description: Special mortgage taken by Francis (Francois) Duplessis (b. 1786 in New Orleans) on twenty two slaves. This mortgage, held by the Union Bank of Louisiana, replaces a previous mortgage on thirty one slaves.
  • Subject: Slave records
  • Text: and sign, in favor of the union Bank of Louisiana a special mortgage [inserted in left margin] on the twenty two slaves hereinafter named and described, to wit: 1. Pierre negroman aged about forty five or fifty years 2. Violet negrowoman aged about thirty
Special mortgage on twenty two slaves by Francis Duplessis, 1839

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  • Title: Bill of sale for slave of Thomas Stone, February 4, 1836
  • Subject: Slave records
  • Text: Natchez 4th Feb. 1836 Received of Mr James Cotton the sum of Eight hundred and fifty dollars for the purchase of a negroe girl named Mariah which I warrant sound and slave for life and likewise warrant the title against the claim of any person
Bill of sale for slave of Thomas Stone, February 4, 1836

Your search matched in:

  • Title: Bill of sale for slave of William B. Withers, January 18, 1858
  • Subject: Slave records
  • Text: whatever and warrant the said negro a slave for life. Jany 18th 1858 Test Elam A. Sherrill John G Withers [Handwritten docketing] Bill of Sale for Dick
Bill of sale for slave of William B. Withers, January 18, 1858

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  • Title: Bill of sale for slave of Abraham Brower, September 17, 1805
  • Subject: Slave records
Bill of sale for slave of Abraham Brower, September 17, 1805

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  • Title: The Slave Ship
  • Description: Binding of The Slave Ship, by Mary Johnston, published by Little, Brown, and Company, 1924.
The Slave Ship

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  • Title: Slaves of Success
  • Description: Binding of Slaves of Success, by Elliott Flower, published by L.C. Page and Company, 1905.
Slaves of Success

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  • Title: Ella: A Story of the White Slave Traffic
  • Description: Binding of Ella: A Story of the White Slave Traffic, by John C. Wright, published privately by John C. Wright, 1911.
Ella: A Story of the White Slave Traffic

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  • Title: Students view the "Mechanical Slave" at work
  • Description: Students view the "Mechanical Slave" at work.
Students view the "Mechanical Slave" at work