Search Results

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  • Collection > Temple B'nai Israel Collection (remove)
  • Subject > Jews--United States (remove)
  • Type > Text (remove)

90 results

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  • Text: ...Morris- Teles, Hebrew · · · Mr . Lawrence Berman - 8th Grade Mrs . Warner Golombeck, Music Mr . Sam Shumacher - 9th Grade Mrs. Perry Bacon - Kinde r garten :lssistan ts - Jwis Teles , Francis Price Miss Judith Lawson - 1st Grade MRS. JEROME CHERIN, Principal R OS H H~ S A ~ N A H ME ...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, September 28, 1962

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  • Text: Marvin Gudelsky, Mrs. Jerome Cherin, Mrs. Louis Aron CHOIR Mr. Arnold Bourziel, Music Director and Organist Members: Mrs. Alan Oppenheimer, Miss Lorraine Friend, Mrs. Harrison Friend, Miss Janet Friend, Miss Ilene Gudelsky, Mrs. Warner Galombeck, Mr.
Confirmation Service Program

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  • Text: ...and in S"'"MUEL KRUfSKY, father of Mrs. appreciation is purchasing addition, Harry H. Berman, i, ugus t 17 al music for their use . ·a . }.NNIVERSiJUES ~ June 15- ~- ~ept. 15 · CONCOLENCE Mr. & Mrs . · Neil nen jamihe, june 18 Our Condolences and de epest Mr. & ...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, June 15, 1963

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  • Text: ~havat 18 Laura Sal v sister of M•:r•r Jacobs, , 23rt! c Condol enc• s Beginning JEV!15H MUSIC IDNTH Tu. Bish (Jewish .~rbo1· Day) B:'30 A oV.o J ro:a:i L6rlnca Bar tavah (~:~ ~ ...t!. ) VI• offor our sincere condolences and sympathy to the !
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, January 15, 1959

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  • Text: ...SPECLJ.. MUSICJ:iL PROGR.i.M BY JOHN WHEELER & JEJiN Mi.NNING Il'-J HONOR OF JEWISH MUSIC MONTH GUESTS WELCOME There will be candy available to buy NFTY Na·.TroN:.L ;::i:_,;Ri..10N~1"rE CONTEST . DO YOU NEED HELP WITH YOU,~ F.-.11 CHORES?. . TiiGme : 11 Re form Judaism in ...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, November 1, 1963

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  • Text: ...usband, by Mrs, Samuel Ashendorf, Cantor Morton Friedman of New Y6i who will chart the traditional High Holy Day liturgical music, will • present a program of Jewish folk and Palestinian songs on Wednesday eveni ng, Oct ober the s econd, at t he Hackley Art Galler r auditorium. The ent :...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, September 1946

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  • Text: ...Income $ 73,461.05 Less Disbursements Allocations to Charity Dinners, Flowers & Music Printing, Stationery, & Office Expense Secretary Salary Traveling Expense Adding Machine Legal Fees Cash on Hand & In Bank November 30, 1950 $69,422.61 369.78 254.52 250.00 38.00 109.80 132....
Tenth Annual Report: United Jewish Charities of Greater Muskegon, 1949-1950

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  • Text: ... 30 · ( Temple ) Elections & Confirmation 7- : J0- 8:30··General Meet ing;· Teachers I Meeting : Grades K- 4th & Music 5:30...:10:30 Tues 27- Sisterhood Board Meeting 8 :15 MSTY Conclave - South. Be.nd · _Thur 29- · 'confi rmat i on Cl ass Religious Schoo.l 10- 12 : 15 7 ...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, March 1, 1962

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  • Text: ...Through the Sun . 16 JEWISH BOOK MONTH ends co-operation of the classroom Religious School 13th and music teachers, together Session 10-12: 15 li.M with the principal of our Reli11:00 Rabbi- Parent mee ting, Kindergarten gious School, regul ar Family 12:00 Service by 1st grade Services at t...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, December 1, 1962

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  • Text: ... me some draperies to make the kings ' robe and Mordecai ' s robe . Thanks - to Evelyn Galombeck , who helped with music . Thanks to all of you parents , who saw to it that the kids studied their i:,arts a little every nifht . Our children , and all of us -working to gether , c a ...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, May 1964

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  • Text: ...Monday , April 21, 1~69, at 9:00 PM 11 :SBT::G JE~. ISH AT HOI-'IEn ~ --··--, ' > / ~'-,~--.L Music Provided b y the Temple Choir Under the direction of Mr. Arnold Bourziel \ I We welc oMe you to t~is speci~l Si~tsrho~d Se rviceo It is our ~lch that the Al~ig...
Being Jewish at Home Service Program

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  • Text: ...urth Muskegon, Michigan 49440 Phone (616) 722-2702 Rabbi Alan P. Alpert President Robert N. Scolnik RABBI: Alan P. Alpert MUSIC DIRECTOR: Skip Frizzell SECRETARY: Margaret Hanger CUSTODIAN: Philip Beverly, Jr. ************************************************************* Congregati...
Community Driectory Temple B'nai Israel, 1988-1989