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178 Results for “veterans”

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  • Collection : Our State of Generosity X
  • Subject : Fundraising X
  • Type : Text X
  • Subject : Michigan X
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Michigan Community Service Commission 2003-09-11 commission meeting Mentor Michigan

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  • Text: ...s Labor union leaders College presidents Celebrities Faith-based contacts already exist in Detroit & Flint- Greg Roberts Veteran organizations Young speakers who have benefited from mentoring ~~ Celebrities in general who already national champions One-to-one (national organization) :t:...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2014-04-30 commission meeting Volunteer Michigan update

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  • Text: ...rojects, with mini-grant funds totaling more than $11,000. Projects focused on education, economic opportunities, supporting veterans and military families, health, clean energy/environmental stewardship, disaster preparedness, and public safety. Projects selected for funding include K...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2012-08-29 commission meeting disaster preparedness update

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  • Text: ... designee) from the Michigan Departments of State Police, Agriculture, Community Health, Environmental Quality, Military and Veterans Affairs, and Transportation; the State Fire Marshal; the Executive Director of the Michigan Community Service Commission; plus 11 other representatives appoi...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2013-08-28 commission meeting agenda

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  • Text: ...break) 10:15 am Team Huddle FOURTH QUARTER 10:30 am Keys to the Game • Environmental Scan of CNCS six priority areas (Veterans, Disaster, Education, Economic Development, Environmental, Health) 11:30 am Special Teams- How do we move forward? 12:00 pm VICTORY!!! Retreat concludes ...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2013-08-28 commission meeting retreat Internal agenda

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  • Text: ...g FOURTH QUARTER 10:30 am Keys to the Game- Six Priority Areas (AmeriCorps Team) • • Environmental Scan of six areas- Veterans, Disaster, Education, Economic Development, . Environmental, Health Small group discussion Directions for Small Group Discussions • • • • 11:30am ...
Michigan Nonprofit Association 2000-03-21 board book technology report

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  • Text: ..., Gilda' s Club, Hunger Action Coalition, Highland Park Development Company Neighborhood Partnership Academy, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Southfield Community Foundation, Travelers Aid Society,Upshaw Institute for the Blind 3/15 Jackson: Jackson Nonprofit Support Center, Others...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2004-05-24 commission meeting Jennifer Elkins letter

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  • Text: ...tive Jennifer Elkins Michigan House ofRepresentatives 97th District Commi ttees Transportation Family and Children Services Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security April 5, 2004 Mr. Steven Goldsmith Chairman Corporation for National and Community Service 1201 New York Avenue, NW Washingto...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2003-2004 commissioner key information binder
Michigan Community Service Commission 2003-2004 commissioner key information binder. Records are compiled in the Our State of Generosity collection by the Johnson Center, along with the files of the Michigan Nonprofit Association (MNA), the Michigan Community Service Commission (MCSC) and the Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy. Originals are at the Michigan Community Service Commission.
Michigan Community Service Commission 2002-04-29 commission meeting governor's appointments to the Michigan Community Service Commission

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  • Text: of the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS) and chief of the delegated examining unit for the Veterans Benefits Administration . He replaces Julie Cummings, of Detroit, whose term has expired . Makki is appointed to represent the general public for a term expi...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2012-01-19 commission meeting Serve America Act A-Z

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  • Text: Corps to identify and meet unmet health needs; • Clean Energy Corps to identify and meet unmet environmental needs; • Veterans Corps to identify and meet unmet needs of veterans and members ofthe Armed Forces who are on active duty; and 3 • Opportunity Corps to identif...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2001-09-10 commission meeting National Service News

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  • Text: ...The budget includes $20 million for 10,000 Silver Scholarships. Providing Service Opportunities for America's Veterans: The budget provides $15 million to establish the Veterans Mission for Youth program. The program will provide matching grants to community organizations that...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2013-08-28 commission meeting Volunteer Michigan update

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  • Text: ...rants this September in honor of the September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance . These funds will engage or serve veterans and military families and are supported by CNCS and the Connect Michigan Alliance Endowment. Funds granted out total $8,800 and are anticipated to mobilize 2...
Michigan Nonprofit Association 2009-12-08 board book member services committee

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  • Text: ...e Battle Creek Enquirer 8,2009 November 17, 2009 VCM Media Coverage WNDU Niles Dally Star 23,2009 Honors Two Academic Veterans Honored for Service Olivet College students help build home for low-Income AmeriCorps Alum Feature: Meet Brianna Madonna nursing students awarded 'Best ...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2014-01-16 commission meeting Volunteer Michigan update

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  • Text: ...K Day of Service, w ith mi nigrant funds totaling $9,775. Projects will focus on education, economic opportunity, supporting veterans and military families, health, clean energy/environmental stewardship, disaster preparedness, and public safety. Projects selected for funding include k...
Michigan Nonprofit Forum 1991-10-08 executive committee revised personnel manual

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  • Text: ...amp; 27-- Memorial Day Weekend July 4 --Independence Day September 2 -- Labor Day October 14 -- Columbus Day November 11 -- Veteran's Day November 28 & 29 -- Thanksgiving December 25 -- Christmas In case of a weather emergency or other forced closing of the office, that day will ...
Council of Michigan Foundations 1998-06-12 board book Michigan term limits

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  • Text: ...Diminution of institutional memory will combine with impatience to create an errorprone process. Fewer long-inthe-tooth veterans will be around to guide newcomers away from mistakes. Having gone through umpteen budget battles, veterans have the institutional memory that cautions th...
Michigan Community Service Commission 1994-09-23 commission meeting ACSET Council

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  • Text: ...yments due to lack of employment, helping them fmd a job or to obtain additional education or training to become employable. Veterans Project works with three groups of veterans (recently separated, Vietnam Era and disabled) to place them into training and/or into employment, ...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2007-04-27 commission meeting Governor's Service Awards update

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  • Text: ... at the V AAAHS groundbreak:ing ceremony to providing guidance for outpatients. Fred has volunteered at the Graf-O'Hara Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 423 where serving other veterans is his greatest pleasure. He was the administrator of a special fund to provide emergency serv...
Michigan Nonprofit Forum 1991-08-06 executive committee preliminary personnel guide

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  • Text: ... & 27-- Memorial Day Weekend July 4 --Independence Day September 2 -- Labor Day October 14 --Columbus Day November 11 --Veteran's Day November 28 & 29 -- Thanksgiving December 25 -- Christmas In case of a weather emergency or other forced closing of the office, that day will ...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2013-08-28 commission meeting retreat draft agenda email

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  • Text: ...0 Six Priority Areas (from national strategic plan- AmeriCorps programs are based on these) Environmental Scan of six areas- Veterans, Disaster, Education, Economic Development, Environmental, Health Small group discussion* 11:30 Revisit- Passions Ask Commissioners to vote with their feet- ...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2001-09-10 commission meeting minutes

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  • Text: ...of the national service funding including two new initiatives dealing with the senior corps - The Silver Scholarship and the Veteran's for Youth. The Silver Scholarship regulations were to be published in October and forwarded to commissioners then. Mr. Caldwell stated that he was unfa...
Michigan Community Service Commission executive committee 2001-08-17 previous meeting minutes

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  • Text: ...There are new initiatives coming out dealing with the senior core. One being a Silver Scholarship and then one being Veteran's of Michigan for Youth. The Silver Scholarship regulations will be published in October and will be forwarded to you when they are published. Mr. Caldwell state...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2013-12-04 commission meeting minutes 2013-12-04

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  • Text: ...Wendy shared that key priorities would be around the environment, education/youth, disaster or veterans. Commissioners asked if there were any overlap with funders around these issues. Commissioner Collier has been looking into the funding aspect and shared that the Department ofNatura...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2014-01-16 commission meeting minutes 2013-12-04

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  • Text: ...Wendy shared that key priorities would be around the environment, education/youth, disaster or veterans. Commissioners asked if there were any overlap with funders around these issues. Commissioner Collier has been looking into the funding aspect and shared that the Department ofNatura...