Search Results

1451 Results for “veterans”

Heffron, Timothy (Interview outline and video), 2007

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Timothy Heffron (00:28:09) (00:06) Background Information • Timothy was born in Kirkwood, Missouri on November 13, 1957 • He was raised in Pennsylvania • Went to live with his father in Grand Rapids, MI • Timothy went to ...
Talmadge, Roger (Interview transcript and video, part 1), 2017

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...I had to come back quickly for that. But anyway— Interviewer: I think that would have been ’61? Veteran: Was it ’61? Interviewer: Berlin Wall, yeah. Veteran: ’61… Interviewer: Yeah, Cuban Missile Crisis is 1962. Veteran: 1961— Interviewer: Yeah. Veteran
Burch, Roosevelt (Interview outline and video), 2007

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Name of War: Other veterans and civilians Interviewee name: Roosevelt Burch Length of Interview: (00:55:35) (00:20) Background Information       Roosevelt was born in Mound Bayou, Mississippi He gre...
Talmadge, Roger (Interview transcript and video, part 3), 2017

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: And the dates when you are there? Veteran: Say again? Interviewer: The dates when you were there? Veteran: I arrived there…I think it would have been June of 1969. Interviewer: Okay. And how long did you stay?
Garcia, Fred (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Fred Garcia Vietnam War Total Time: 27:58 Childhood and Pre-Enlistment (00:18)     Born in Lansing, MI in 1948 Obtained a Masters Degree from Michigan State University in Administration Father was a World War II
Garner, Curly (Interview outline and video), 2003

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Curly Garner Length: 33:19 (00:11) Background Information and Training • • • • • Curly tried to enlist when he was 17 years old, but was rejected due to medical problems He went to work for a construction company Wh...
Flory, Jack Henry (Interview outline and video),  2007

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  • Description: ... relation to his feelings about those who serve currently in the military, and we get some description of his involvement in veteran organizations. The interview ends with him showing some pictures of his howitzer, of a Chinook helicopter, and the shelters they constructed....
  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Notes Length: 24:00 Jack Henry Flory Vietnam War Veteran United States Army: 1968 to 1970 4th Infantry Div. (00:49) Pre-enlistment: • He went to Michigan State University where he graduated and soon after was drafte...
Stebbins Jr, Phillip (Interview outline and video), 2013

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  • Description: Phillip Stebbins Jr. is a United States Marine Corps veteran living in Michigan who served during peacetime as a demolitions expert and recruiter as well as during an evacuation of American diplomats from Albania in 1998 after a terror threat, and during unrest in Albania.
  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...ous activity -Knowing your terrain -There is a recurrence of vigilance and nightmares (08:25)Post Service-Working with other Veterans -Good experience meeting with other veterans -Best friend died at thirty years old -Served in several combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan as a c...
Talmadge, Roger (Interview transcript and video, part 5), 2017

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  • Description: He has been the president of the program since it first began. Roger is committed to helping veterans and their families.
  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Oral History Interview Veteran: Roger Talmadge Interviewed by James Smither Transcribed by Grace Balog Interview length: 1:37:52 Interviewer: Alright, we are continuing Roger Talmadge’s interview and we had worked our way thr...
Sheathelm, Glenn (3 of 3, Interview transcript and video), 2018

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Oral History Interview Veteran: Glenn Sheathelm Interviewed by James Smither Transcribed by Grace Balog Interviewer: Okay, we are on session number 3, hour number 5 with Glenn Sheathelm who is still 5 or 6 hours away from a rec...
Morley, Daniel J. (Interview outline and video, 2 of 2), 2007

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Interviewee’s Name: Daniel J. Morley Name of War: Other veterans & civilians Length of Interview: (00:16:00) Pre-West Point Born in 1968 in Youngstown, OH (0:06) Went to an all Catholic private school (0:20) We...
Naughton, Gerald (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Description: He was in the Navy for 17 years during the Korean War and Vietnam. Gerald now resides in the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans.
  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Gerald Naughton (00:33:47) (00:20) Background Information • • • • Gerald was born in Chicago, IL on December 29, 1931 His mother left his father when he was five years old They moved to Battle Creek, MI and lived with his grand...
Van Dyck, Rodney (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Rodney Van Dyck (00:23:08) (00:08) Background Information • • • • Rodney was born in Muskegon, MI on March 23, 1956 His father worked at GM They had 4 kids in the family and 8 horses His family moved a lot because his father’...
Kramer, Donald M. (Interview outline and video, 2 of 2), 2006

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  • Description: He retired from his job in 2005 and now spends most of his time at the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans.
  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Name of Interviewee: Donald M. Kramer Name of War: Vietnam War 2 of 2 Interview Length Disc #3: (00:40:35) Interview Length Disc #4: (01:28:40) Disk 3 (00:40:25) (00:05:04) Vietnam The First Day in Vietnam  The plane landed at an air...
Brady, Robert Howes (Interviewer outline and video), 2009

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Name of War: Other veterans & civilians Interviewee name: Robert Brady Length of Interview: (00:16:28) Grand Valley State University Veteran’s History Project Robert Brady Length of Interview (00:16:28)...
Mrozik, Joyce (Interview outline and video), 2011

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: GrandValleyStateUniversity Veterans History Project Joyce Mrozik (30:09) (Note* time code begins at ) Background Information ()     Born in AdaMichigan, in 1935. (10:38) Her father worked for WPA (Works Progress Administration).
Davis, Phil (Interview outline and video), 2005

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Phil Davis Vietnam War Total Time: 08:38 Active Duty (00:40) • • • • Was in I Corps sector, in Northern Vietnam. Was a pilot in the Air Force.
Talmadge, Roger (Interview transcript and video, part 4), 2017

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...I didn’t see that coming. 9 Interviewer: Alright. Was this a 1-year program that you did or 2-year? Veteran: It was 18-months. Interviewer: Okay. Veteran: 18-months. Interviewer: So, it was 3 semesters? Or…? Veteran: Huh? Interviewer: Did they have 3 semesters, essen...
Hyslop, George (Interview outline and video), 2004

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Post-War (14:53) • • Got a job and went back to work when he got back working at a factory in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Joined the Disabled American Veterans and the American Legion when he got back.
King, Donald, Jr.  (Interview outline and video), 2009

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Interviewee’s Name: Don King Name of War: Other veterans and civilians/Persian Gulf War Length of Interview: (00:12:09) Childhood and Pre-Enlistment (00:05)  Born in Albion, NY in 1963 Graduated High School ...
Collison, Steven (Interview outline and video, 2 of 2), 2008

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Steven Collison (2nd interview) Total Time: 41:50 Childhood and Pre-enlistment (00:25) • • • • • Born in Pontiac, Michigan, in 1961. Quit high school for a half of a semester, but went back to school.
Cargill, Hayes (Interview outline and video), 2004

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Hayes Cargill World War II Total Time: 0:30:45 Childhood, Pre-Enlistment, and Post-War (00:18)        Born September 12, 1926 Attended South High and Davis Tech High School in Grand Rapids.
McVicker, William J. (Interview outline and video), 2006

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project William McViker (00:33:19) Background (00:15) • (:15)Born August 12 1959 in Lewistown Pennsylvania • Graduated from Lewistown Area High School • Currently working for Perrigo in Allegan Michigan-Pharmaceutical Company (2:00) Air F...
Valkenier, Jack and Anne (Interview outline and video), 2005

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Jack Valkenier (28:10) Born 1928 December 18th, in the Netherlands Anne Moene Falconeer Born 1925 August 13th Zeeland, near Belgium (00:00) Childhood - Father was a minister.