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  • Type > Text (remove)
  • Subject > Memoirs (remove)
  • Subject > Oral histories (document genre) (remove)
  • Subject > Women (remove)

2 results

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  • Text: and to London and to Edinburough, and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Interviewer: You, you had some relatives that came from Scotland? Mrs. Clements: I had, we still had one cousin left up in Scotland and we went to see her in Edinborough. Interviewer: I see. Mrs. Clements: And as ...
Clements, Nellie

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  • Text: ...There were a few men here, one being Mr. Edward Lowe, who was an Englishman, He had known golf in England--Scotland I suppose. There a few men who had heard about golf, mostly in England, I think. So, they started this club. The clubhouse was really the present M.R. Bissell house, and then ...
Bender, Josephine