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  • Subject > Jews--United States (remove)

91 results

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  • Text: ...urth Muskegon, Michigan 49440 Phone (616) 722-2702 Rabbi Alan P. Alpert President Robert N. Scolnik RABBI: Alan P. Alpert MUSIC DIRECTOR: Skip Frizzell SECRETARY: Margaret Hanger CUSTODIAN: Philip Beverly, Jr. ************************************************************* Congregati...
Community Driectory Temple B'nai Israel, 1988-1989

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  • Text: ...The dedication program in t he evel"ing was of a more solemn nature. The temple was packed with J ews and gentiles. The music was well selected for the occasion, the choir was superb, the sermon of the Rabbi translated the mood of the audience, and the significance of the occas10n. The...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, December 1948

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  • Text: ...: As Elie Wiesel wrote : When I was a child, I~elieved that when the Messiah came we would all dance with Sefer Torahs, with music and v i.. t 11 e;;o \!J}~ ~,obl e"f"$ I1l led with wine. Now I am co,n vinc ~d that it will b e different . The Messiah will c ome at night and wil...
Youth Group Creative Service

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  • Text: .... · HDanie.l" - The pious J ew among the . nations~ u1amentations 11 -.:l. haunting elegy · set to music . ~-~o . ..c.: ........ . - _.;....,........_.- - -:;:---,.; 1:3 1 N:·,1 1.:>rl.t~t;L 0ENDS DELEGATES TO • BIENNL'\I. The 46th General Assembly of National Refonn...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, November 2, 1961

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  • Text: Duplicates of these documents will be available for inspection in our library. Music by \Varner Galombeck. Accompanist, Mrs. Tony Aron. Decorations and refreshments by Mrs. Harry S. Berman, Mrs. Harry Fisher, Mrs. Leo S. Rosen. Program Chairman - Dr.
Cornerstone Laying Ceremony notes

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  • Text: ...Theodore Sirotko on May 5. at 2: 30 Pl1 on Sunday , May 6, at Mr . Bourziel is our organist and Musical Director . Mona View Cemetery. . at REMEMBER THE Sl.BB..'i. TH t F&"i.Y WITH THE CONGREG.J.TIOm ! SUPPORT THE CON GREG,. TION ! Be sure to attend the annual Congregationa...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, May 1, 1962

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  • Text: ...~rnold Bourziel and Miss Ma~eth Saure who, togethe r with Mrs . Galombeck, created most beautiful music . Our thanks also to Mr . Marvin Gudelsky and Mr . , . shendorf for their presentati ons and words of praise. May all of you enjoy a r efreshing and pleasant sumrrer, with God:s bles...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, June 1, 1962-September 10, 1962

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  • Text: ...Arthur Greenberg, President Har ch 24, 1961 Ni san 7, 5721 Mrs. Evelyn Galombeck, Choir Director Hr. Arnold Bourziel, Music Director and Organist C O H H U N ITY W ORSHIP s/\ [3 8 .AT 1-1 T 1--\ I () Sermon: March 24th "PASSOVER, THE NOST BEAUTIFUL OF ALL FESTIVALS" O...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, March 24, 1961

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  • Text: ... comment s on a service s ~irituo.l preparation for the or sermon. Do not hesitate to service . give these. --Fhen the organ music begins, the --Hember s of the congrege.tion should s ervice has stnrte~ . All convernot give nor attend :,:mrtie 3 on the sation should the refore stop. eve of ...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, May 5, 1961

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  • Text: ...Due to a malfunction, loud , screeching noises interferred with. the playing and. singing of_ the music. ' We've been holding ; c::oilective ·bl"~aths over· the pas't _two '. years because of con- . stant. troubles :"and subsequent · f,epair bills on- tbe or...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, April 7, 1967

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  • Text: ...ation ery .................................................. $ 224.31 Hill el Found ati on of Lansing ..... . Dinners and music........................................................ 361.40 H ebrew University.Jerusa lem ..... . A. Parker - 250.00 Hi stadrut l vrit ....................
Sixth Annual Report: United Jewish Charities of Greater Muskegon

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  • Text: ...., rch _;i.2, 1961 H usic Month ...• H.: rr our most .:i ervin g Times : ·· thrillin ~ M d in s,)irin 6 music-2:30-2: 30 ; 3:00-5:00; 5:30-7:30 ~dults 62.50 ; Child r en tinder 10 $1:5 c;-:i1tori :- l, r.1 0dern, Isr'1eli, For ticke ts Cf1.. ll Mrs. k .wson; PL5-293 li tur c ic;, l...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, February 8, 1961