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124 Results for “veterans”

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  • Type : Text X
  • Subject : Indians of North America -- Michigan -- Periodicals X
  • Subject : Michigan X
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Turtle Talk, September 1994

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  • Text: Ford Fieldhouse in Grand Rapids). We expect over 3,000 people in attendance to honor Veterans of all conflicts and wars. The Committee is represented by Grand Valley State University, GVSUNativeAmerican Oub, the Vets Centerof Grand Rapids and other community members.
Turtle Talk, December 1983

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  • Text: ...Death Song: John Bos in 3. Traveling Song: John Bos in 4. Remembrance Song: John Bos in 5. Veteran's Song - to remember all veteran's of conflicts and those who returned Washtenaw Singers The Ceremony was planned and organized by the Indian Cultural Planning Co...
Turtle Talk, June 1995

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  • Text: ...For more info: Debbie at 616-243-1046 or Hunter at 616-458-4078. June 10 &11 4th Annual "Honoring Our Veterans" Pow Wow Brimley, Ml For more into: Sara at 906-248-3354 or Art at 906-248-3208. June 17 &18 Holton's Third Annual Traditional Pow Wow Holton, Ml For m...
Turtle Talk, October 1997

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  • Text: the author of Custer Died for Your Sins, Behind the Trail (~f Broken Tears, and God f<; Red. To order: 1-800-992-2908 VETERANS POW WOW NOVEMBER 15, 1997 OTTAWA HILLS HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM (2055 Rosewood Ave SE, Grand Rapids, near Burton & Plymouth) Grand Entry @ 1 p.m. & 7p.m...
Indian Talk in Southern Michigan, May 1974

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  • Text: ...Those are pretty good numbers, considering the treatment of the American Indi~ns. The Veterans Administre.tion says there are 76,359 American Indian veterans of U.S. wars. That's 76,359 Indian patriots. 7,636 of them have More women than men become mental patients because th...
Turtle Talk, December 1992

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  • Text: FROM THE BOARD During the past few months I've been involved in the committee planning the Veterans' Pow Wow at Grand Rapids Community College. As a result of being named donations contact for the committee, I have been talking with many leaders in the business community.
Turtle Talk, October 1999

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  • Text: ...adership •council will package together items do- Please contact Cheryl Gandhi at_1-800-346- : • nated and deliver to veterans and elders •in the community. . • • • • • • j . •Monica Otten, secretary, A YLC j 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ...
Turtle Talk, Volume 3, September 1993

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  • Text: ... • Indian Moccasins • • Custom Jewelry • Silver Repairs • I I I L----------.J 4•Grand .Rapids Inter-Iribal VETERANS' POW WOW PLANNING COMMITTEE The committee needs your help and involvement to plan and carry out this year's Veterans' Pow Wow. The da...
Turtle Talk, Volume 3, October 1993

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  • Text: member can avoid being part of the problem. ~rand • Opening Mail .Rapids POW WOW VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO ASSIST AT VETERAN'S POW WOW NOVEMBER 13, 1993 FORD FIELDHOUSE CALL LORETTA YOUNT AT 774-8331. Jnter-Iribal .Council•LJ 1st Annual Michigan Indian Urban Organizations...
Annual Little Elk Retreat Pow-Wow, August 1990

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  • Text: ...Grand Entry Flag Song Invocation - Eli Welcome - Arnold Tribal Tim J. Welcome Dance Veteran Dance Thomas J. Sowrnick, Sr. Cha i rman Davis, Sub-Chief Inter-Tribal Dances Dance Competition: 0-5 Boys & Girls 6-11 Boys: Traditional Fancy Grass 6-11 Girls: Traditional Fancy Jingle 5:00 ...
Turtle Talk, April 1999

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  • Text: ...ber for twenty-two years and seen the pain inflicted on the Indian race. Gene Salgat and Barney Halfaday both Vietnam combat veterans know the suffering of war and substance abuse. It's not unusual to see four or five veterans around our circle. We welcome all people to join o...
Turtle Talk, July 1991

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  • Text: ...lowing is the law and is pertinent to reservists and National Guard members returning to their civilian jobs. Employment The Veterans' E.eemployment Rights Law ensures that reservists and National Guard members called to active duty are allowed to return to their civilian jobs once the...
Turtle Talk, November 1982

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  • Text: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to everyone who has a birthday in November, to mention a few; Frosty VETERANS DANCE AND FEAST -- NOV.11, 1982 Chandler, Robin King, Mary Sandoval, Larry King, Larry Hansen, John Tadgerson, Pete Recollect, Bea Bailey, John Zakem,Calvin FROM 6 to 11 o'clock.
Turtle Talk, May 1999

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  • Text: For more information please call 616-271-6026. ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ May 29-30: Gissawas Creek Veterans Memorial Pow Wow. Marion, Ml. For more information call ~ ~ 616-257-0346 before 6 p.m., or 616-878-9443 after I\ 6 p.m. ' ~~ June 4-6: 9th Annual First Peoples Pow Wow.
Turtle Talk, Volume 2, October 1992

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  • Text: ...1) 509 - 44th, SE (531-2611) 'S1L5Jf@) ISJl.5Jf@'SJ l5Jf®EJ /4 •The Grand Rapids Inter-Tribal Co uncil VETERANS' POW WOW Set aside November 14 for the second Veterans' Pow Wow at the Ford Fieldhouse of Grand Rapids Community College. Details will be ...
Turtle Talk, Volume 3, March 1993

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  • Text: ...Born in Good Hart, he was raised in Harbor Springs where he was a member of the Holy Childhood Catholic Church. He was a veteran of World War II, serving with the US Marine Corps in the Pacific, where he was an aircraft mechanic. His sister, Jeanette St. Clair, also serves on our Board of D...
Turtle Talk, December 1984

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  • Text: ...John wenL on to explain the "Burning of Food Ceremony, Lh c " De .1 Lh Son g " , t he Mr. Lhe Veterans Uosln honored rcL11rncd .ind to (15) SevcnLeen T r a v e l i n g 11 , a n d t he 11 Rem em b r a n c e So n g 11 with a song, • to those who lhosc who d...
Turtle Talk, June/July 1980

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  • Text: ... Wolper, of anyone to write as- soon as possible . with in- . ~oducor of the mlni.;.serieg,,. _ t o use money formation. The Veterans here in Hart, Mich, would derived from the Hanta Yo mini-series fo:r Uke · to see markers put on_ the graves. Which . · ~ctlng scholarM.p5." ..... · ...
Council Drum News, September 1988

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  • Text: ...nd if you had some kids with you, and on a slim budget, you would have found objects to fit your taste and purse. FRANK BUSH VETERAN DANCER 1111111111111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 PAGE 95 SEPTEMBER 1988 VOL . 19, NO . 12 1111111111111...
Turtle Talk, March 1985

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  • Text: ...le factories and for contruction or Eagle Weather, is a decorated World firms there and in Grand Rapids. War II Marine Corps veteran who lived He raised four children, taught them what much of his life in two cultures-he knew of the white man's world, tried the White man's world a...
Turtle Talk, November 1986

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  • Text: .... 6 & 7 ':Fri m 8 - 5:00 PM INHALENT WORK: HOP (HOFFMAN Hi nusE) II , I~ '" 13 __;-_i !> 1-~ r VETERANS DANCE Westside (6-10 PM I '"' 111· :ii I? IX 19 021 al.'2. Sen; 09' 5 e29J /hA"K~\\liV\~ I j) \ "'...
Council Drum News, October 1990

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  • Text: ...hey are as follows: Host Drum - Star Singers, lead singer, Steve Pego, (5) visiting Drums: "M.C." John Baily; Head Veteran Dancer, Frank Bush; Head Man Dancer, Tom Peters; Head Woman Dancer, Cathy (Shananaquet) Gibson; Arena Director, Frank Shipman, Special Invocations, Sam Bush, ...
Council Drum News, February 1991

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  • Text: ...through Grand Rapids lnter-TnbaJ C.Ouncil and other outside sources, AND a dlildren's table offering crafts! Host Drum: Veteran Dancer: Head Dancers: Youth Head Dancers: Two Hawk Singers Frank Bush Andre and Julie D'Artagnan Robert Memberto Carly Shananaquet ,, " Direct a...
Turtle Talk, July/August 1990

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  • Text: ...ear we won our final 3 games of the year and expect a good record this year. The team is on the up and up with a good mix of veteran and young ballplayers. The team plays on Thursday nights in Moline which is about 20 minutes from Grand Rapids, about the same time it takes you to get to wor...