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1433 Results for “veterans”

Sturim, Frederick P (Interview outline and video), 2015

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ... for their advice -Had cherry-pickers with heaters to de-ice the aircraft during the winter -Worked with WWII and Korean War veterans -Shared his office with one non-commissioned officer -During the Christmas of 1968 the base got hit with heavy snow -Had to move the aircraft to one side of ...
Marshall, Frank (Interview outline and video), 2013

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans’ History Project Frank Marshall Vietnam War 1 hour 0 minutes 50 seconds (00:00:11) Early Life -Born in Philadelphia on February 2, 1949 -Grew up on the north side of Philadelphia -Mother was a seamstress for Alfred Angelo -Father was a truck driver -...
Bailey, Glen (Interview outline and video)

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ... came around Glen felt for the guys that had to go overseas but had a bad attitude about it; he is bitter because the Korean veterans don't get much mention (00:59:36)  Glen did not stay in the reserve unit but kept in contact with one of his officers for a number of years (01:02:17...
Johnson, Fay (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Fay Johnson (52:52) (00:35) Background Information • • • • Fay grew up in Grand Rapids, MI He went to East Grand Rapids Schools Fay graduated from Lowell High School in 1943 He enlisted in the Navy in November 1943 (03:55) Tra...
Gill, Andrew (Interview outline and video), 2012

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Andrew Gill (22:03) Background Information (00:10)       Born May 9th 1966 in England. (00:10) Served in the Royal Navy. (00:11) His father served as a detective.
Hickel, Steve (Interview outline and video), 2005

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Steve Hickel (00:30:26) (00:10) Background Information • • • • • Steve was born in Cleveland, OH in 1956 He attended Duquesne University, Notre Dame University, and another university overseas Steve was able to receive a stud...
Hillock, Armond L. (Interview outline and video), 2005

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  • Description: Armond Hillock is a World War II veteran who served with the Sigma Corps within the U.S. Army from January 1943 to an undisclosed date. Hillock discusses his pre-enlistment, enlistment and training in the U.S.
  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veteran’s History Project Name of War: World War II Interviewee Name: Armond Hillock Length of Interview (00:23:06) (00:00:23)Pre-Enlistment  Background o Took part in World War II.  Education o After graduating high school, in 1940, he started work at ...
Neumann, Woodrow J., (Interview outline and video), 2007

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Name of Interview: Woodrow Neumann Name of War: World War II Length of Interview: (00:34:12) (00:15) Background Information • • • • • Woodrow was born in Flint, Michigan on July 8, 1918 He came from a German Catholi...
Murphy, Thomas (Interview outline and video), 2009

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  • Description: ...Thomas Murphy is a Vietnam War veteran who volunteered for the draft after he graduated from Rockford High School in 1967. He served in Vietnam with the 1st Infantry Division, 2nd Battalion, Company D and was awarded three Purple Heart Awards, a Combat Infantry Badge, a Cross of Gallantry w...
  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Name of War: Vietnam War Interviewee’s Name: Thomas Murphy Length of interview (00:59:00) (00:11) Pre-Enlistment Went to school at Rockford High School. (00:22) Volunteered for the draft after graduation in 1967. (00:35) Two...
Pickens, Lavont A. (Interview outline and video), 2003

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Name of Interviewee: Lavont Pickens Name of War: World War II Length of Interview: (00:52:58) (00:35) Background Information • Lavont was born in Mosley, Michigan • His father owned a creamery and his mother was a telep...
Kotchka, Nickoli (Interview outline and video), 2007

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  • Description: Nickoli Kotchka is a World War II Veteran who served in the United States Army from 1942 to 1945 in Africa, Italy, France, and Austria as a member of the 15th Infantry 3rd Division. Soon after Pearl Harbor, Kotchka was drafted into the Army and sent to Europe.
  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Nickoli Kotchka (00: 29:25) (0:45) The early years (West Virginia) • Born July 26, 1915 • Lived in East Gulf, West Virginia which was a coal mining town o Father was a coal miner • Attended school in a two-story building that had...
Lee, Lyn (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Lyn Lee (00:48:22) (00:15) Background Information • • • • • • • Lyn was born in Detroit, Michigan on September 7, 1953 His mother worked as a server and also did some embroidery work His father Harry was a mason and worke...
Mahoney, Donald (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Donald Mahoney (40:00) (00:01) Background Information • Donald was born in Revere, Massachusetts in January of 1931 • His dad was a truck driver and his mom wrote for the Boston Globe • He joined the Reserves first in early 1948 t...
Maller, Bernard (Interview outline and video), 2005

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  • Description: ...Bernard B. Maller is a WW II veteran who served in the United States Army from 1941 to 1946 in England, Belgium, France, and Germany. Maller grew up in Detroit. In 1941 Maller enlisted in the Army, underwent officer training and was promptly sent overseas to manage supply distribution, a ta...
  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans History Project (U.S.)
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Notes Length: 38:49 Bernard B. Maller WWII veteran United States Army; 1941 – 1946 (0:00) Before grade school • Born in Detroit, MI in 1920 • Has many family pictures of him growing up in an album • Father was...
Clisso, Kenneth (Interview outline and video), 2014

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veteran's History Project Marine Corps Ken Clisso Total Time (00:38:25) Introduction (00:00:10)  Ken Clisso was born May 27th, 1959; he served in the United States Marine Corps from 1982 til 1989 and achieved the rank of Sergeant of the Guard (00:00:21)...
Waclawski, Barry (Interview outline and video), 2012

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Vietnam War Era Barry Waclawski 18:27 Introduction (00:31)    Barry was twenty years old when he joined the service. Before he enlisted, he was attending Aquinas College.
Diekevers, Donald (Interview outline and video), 2015

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans’ History Project Donald Diekevers Cold War Era 30 minutes 15 seconds (00:10) -Born March 27th, 1937. -Served in the army with highest rank of Private First Class.
Kuzawa, Marion (Interview outline and video), 2015

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans’ History Project Marv Kuzawa World War II 49 minutes 04 seconds (00:00:18) Family and Reactions to Pearl Harbor -Born in 1921. [No born on date is stated, but 21 at enlistment in 1942 would be 1921] -Shocked and concerned about the news from Pearl Ha...
Hawkins, Raymond Sr. (Interview outline and video), 2010

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Raymond Hawkins, Sr. Length: 24:09 (00:30) Training     Raymond was serving in the Navy towards the end of the Korean War, working as a communications technician He had enlisted in the Navy in hopes of traveling a...
Jeltema, Richard (Interview outline and video), 2009

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Richard Jeltema (32:32) (00:22) Background Information • • • • • Richard was born in Grand Rapids, MI in 1927 His father worked in local trucking He went to Davis Tech high school Richard heard about the attack on Pearl Harbo...
Gore, Jerry (Interview outline and video), 2009

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veteran’s History Project Jerry Gore Length of Interview (00:09:13) Background Born July 9, 1949 Served in the Vietnam War, Army Drafted into the Army Living in North Baltimore, Ohio During the time he was drafted, a Marine Sergeant picked which men would go ...
Ball, Kenneth (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Kenneth Ball Length: 36:22 (00:25) Background Information • • • Kenneth was born in Byron Township, Michigan and lived on a dairy farm He graduated from high school in 1952 and went to community college for a year befor...
Brummel, Donald (Interview outline and video), 2007

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Donald Brummel Length of interview (0:24:28) Pre-Enlistment • Childhood o Born and raised in Burnips, Michigan. (0:51) His family were farmers. (0:54) • His Job o He was 22 years old during Pearl Harbor and worked at Ext...
Berkenpas, Len (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Len Berkenpas World War II Total Time: 0:43:15 Childhood and Pre-Enlistment (0:00:20) • • • • • Born in 1925 in Byron Center, MI Family was involved in farming Attended Byron Center Christian School until 8th Grade ...