Search Results

113 Results for “veterans”

Teesdale, Richard (Interview outline and video), 2009

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Vietnam War Richard Teesdale Length of interview (13:58) (00:17) Basic Training Served in the Vietnam War in the U.S. Marine Corps. (00:21) Upon discharge, he was an E4. (00:28) Served mostly in Vietnam. (00:34) Enlisted in Oc...
Wiers, Christopher (Interview outline and video), 2010

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...GVSU Veteran’s History Project Operation Iraqi Freedom Christopher Wiers Interview Total Time: 21:08               (00:25) Enlisted when he was a junior in high school (00:44) Boot camp was eye-opening for him o Physical and mental challenge ...
Birman, Nelson (Interview outline and video), 2012

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Nelson Birman (43:53) Background Information (00:30)            Born June 19th, 1936 in Battle Creek, Michigan. (00:39) Served in the U.S.
Westra, Clyde (Interview outline and video), 2009

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...d 20 years after he was discharged (1:05:30) Started at the DAV, but it wasn’t helping too much (1:06:20) Then went to the Veterans Center, got the help he needed (1:06:35) They sent him to Chicago to a PTSD clinic for 35 days straight (1:08:40) Lived with 26 other veterans with ...
Bernhardt, Fred (Interview outline and video, 2 of 2), 2007

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Name of Interviewee: Fred Bernhardt Name of War: World War II Length of Interview (00:36:31) Disc Two (00:30) Marine Photographer  There were picture sets available to all those in the division for a price [this was discussed because...
Castora, Timothy (Interview outline and video), 2014

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veteran's History Project Vietnam War Timothy Castora Total Time (00:15: Introduction (00:00:20)  Timothy was born on July 3rd, 1949 and served in the Marine Corps in the Vietnam War (00:00:35)  Timothy was born in Highland Park, Michigan (00:00:54)...
Sarros, George (Interview outline and video), 2007

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project George Sarros (00:21:31) (0:04) Enlistment • George enlisted three months after he had graduated from High school • He was in the service with four good friends, who were unlucky because they all ended up hurting themselves • He e...
Janssen, John (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project John Janssen (53:28) (00:25) Background Information • • • • • John was born on April 30, 1922 in Wisconsin His father bought a farm in Michigan in 1928 and they moved John graduated from high school in 1940; before that he ha...
Adams, Michael (Interview outline and video), 2010

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Name of War: Iraq Interviewee Name: Michael Adams Length of Interview: 00:30:35 Background  He wanted to be in the armed forces since he was six or seven.
Daleure, Harry (Interview outline and video), 2007

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Harry Daleure (1:05:07) (00:20) Background Information • • • • • • Harry was born in Salem, Indiana on July 16, 1926 The area had bad weather and lots of snow He lived in a small town of about 5,000 and it was a nice area f...
Orr, Al (Interview outline and video), 2004

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Name of Interviewee: Al Orr Name of War: Vietnam War Length of Interview: (00:40:16) (00:20) Background Information • Al was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan on November 5, 1935 • Al graduated from the US Naval Academy in...
Pacino, Anthony (Interview outline and video), 2012

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Tony Pacino (24:12) Background Information (00:14)        Served with the Marine Corps as a combat medic (Navy Corpsman) in Somalia (00:15) Tony joined the military due to its education opportunities. (00:21) He en...
Reiss, Joe (Interview outline and video), 2012

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...fter he was discharged (1:05:00) Made a lot of close friends while in the service, he the only one left (1:06:00) Joined the Veterans Foreign Wars (VFW) for a while but quit (1:08:09) Member of the 1st Marine Division association and Guadalcanal association (1:08:00) Worked at Bastian-Bless...
Wilt, Paul L (Interview outline and video), 2015

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans' History Project Paul Wilt Cold War-Early 1960s 26 minutes 26 seconds (00:00:07) Early Life -Born in Fairmont, West Virginia on June 30, 1942 -Had a brother who is now deceased -Father worked and mother stayed at home -Played football, baseball, ...
Gardner, Lawrence D. (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Lawrence Gardner (01:06:56) (00:15) Background Information • • • • • • Lawrence was born in Illinois near the Mississippi River His father worked for the railroad and often was transferred around the state Many of Lawrence�...
Rogers, Rex (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Rex Rogers (57:33) (00:25) Background Information • Rex was born in Lansing, Michigan in the early twenties • His father was a tool and dye maker • They moved to Battle Creek, Michigan where Rex went to school • During high scho...
Rowe, Gordon (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview World War II Gordon Rowe Length: 44:07 (00:15) Background Information      Gordon was born on May 23, 1925 in Detroit, Michigan He grew up in Highland Park and went to school in Ferndale Gordon’s father worke...
Sager, Brian (Interview outline and video), 2011

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Brian Sager (40:42) Background Information (00:22)      He was born in approx. 1978 and was raised in Brown City, Michigan, where he attended and graduated high school. (00:22) After graduating high school, Brian joined ...
Karpowicz, William (Interview outline and video), 2013

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veteran's History Project World War II Bill Karpowicz Total Time (01:12:18) Background (00:00:48)  Bill was born February 10th, 1924 in Muskegon, Michigan and had four sisters; Bill's father worked as a shoe repairman and in a foundry while his mot...
Mueller, Robert (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Bob Mueller (00:41:41) (00:15) Background Information • • • • • • • Bob was born in Chicago, Illinois on March 8, 1921 His father worked as a chemist and was also a very good pianist Bob went to high school in Chicago and...
Staples, Flate (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Flate Staples Length: 33:43 (00:15) Background Information      Flate was born on September 4, 1924 in Mississippi and moved to Michigan in 1931 His mother worked as a seamstress and had found a better job in M...
Butler, Oliver J (Interview outline, video, and papers), 2004

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Oliver L. Butler (29:49) (00:06) Grand Rapids Michigan • When Pearl Harbor was hit, Oliver was working at Imperial Metal Products • Oliver enlisted in the military after the attack (00:37) South Pacific • He was stationed througho...
Schipper, Harold J. (Interview outline and video), 2007

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Harold Schipper (00:39:00) (00:07) Introduction: • Born in Holland, Michigan • Worked in freight warehouses. • His father worked in a print shop. • One of his brothers was in the service before he was. • He finished school at ...
Howell, Ron (Interview outline and video), 2012

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Ron Howell (1:35:54) Background Information (00:15) • • • • • • Born in Flint, Michigan on May 15th 1948. (00:18) His father worked for AT&T. His job required them to move to Indianapolis where Ron registered for the dr...