Search Results

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  • Type > Image (remove)
  • Collection > Douglas R. Gilbert Photographs (remove)

120 results

Your search matched in:

  • Description: Black and white photograph of Iggy Pop held on the shoulders of audience members as he crowd surfs at the WCFL Big 10 Summer Music Festival in Chicago, Illinois on July 18, 1970, by Douglas R. Gilbert. Scanned from the negative.
  • Subject: Stooges (Musical group)
Iggy Pop of The Stooges

Your search matched in:

  • Description: Black and white photograph of Iggy Pop held on the shoulders of audience members as he crowd surfs at the WCFL Big 10 Summer Music Festival in Chicago, Illinois on July 18, 1970, by Douglas R. Gilbert. Scanned from the negative.
  • Subject: Stooges (Musical group)
Iggy Pop Crowd Surfing

Your search matched in:

  • Description: Black and white photograph of Iggy Pop held on the shoulders of audience members as he crowd surfs at the WCFL Big 10 Summer Music Festival in Chicago, Illinois on July 18, 1970, by Douglas R. Gilbert. Scanned from the negative.
  • Subject: Stooges (Musical group)
Iggy Pop Crowd Surfing

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Steel drum music
Steel Drum Band at Central Park, New York

Your search matched in:

  • Description: Black and white photograph of bassist Michael Davis, guitarist Wayne Kramer and drummer Dennis Thompson of the band MC5 performing at the WCFL Big 10 Summer Music Festival in Chicago, Illinois on July 18, 1970, by Douglas R. Gilbert. Scanned from the negative.
  • Subject: MC5 (Musical group)
Michael Davis, Wayne Kramer, and Dennis Thompson of MC5

Your search matched in:

  • Description: ...Black and white photograph of the band Funkadelic performing at the WCFL Big 10 Summer Music Festival in Chicago, Illinois on July 18, 1970, by Douglas R. Gilbert. In the foreground, a black man in briefs holds his hands up in peace signs while others dance on the floor behind him while the...
  • Subject: Funkadelic (Musical group)
Funkadelic On Stage

Your search matched in:

  • Description: ... photograph, a young couple and passengers in a parked car are seen gathered next to a building at the site, with a group of musical instruments and a speaker system set up in front of the building nearby for a music performance by "Stone Savage" during the protest. In Ju...
Native Americans at Nike site, Chicago, Illinois

Your search matched in:

  • Subject:
  • Subject: Folk music
Folksinging Gathering at MSU

Your search matched in:

  • Subject: Folk music
Folk Singer Bob Rosenthal

Your search matched in:

  • Description: Black and white photograph of a jazz musician playing music in a Greenwich Village club in New York City, New York. Scanned from the negative.
Greenwich Village Jazz Scene

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Musical instruments
Coney Island Beach

Your search matched in:

  • Subject: Folk music
Folk Singer Bob Rosenthal