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1149 Results for “veterans”

Curtis, Norman (Interview outline and video), 2004

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Norman Curtis Vietnam War Total Time: 33:25 Pre-War (00:10) • • • Born in Albion, MI in 1946. Joined the Air Force in March 1966. Joined the Air Force because his older brothers were in the Air Force and he wanted to ge...
Meyering, Leslie (Interview outline and video), 2009

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Name of Interviewee: Leslie Meyering Name of War: Korean War Length of Interview: (00:19:30) Background Information Shows a map of Korea while the war was going on (0:30) Gives a brief history of the war (2:00) General MacArthur wanted...
Powers, Thomas (Interview outline), 2010

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview World War II Katherine Powers Total Time – (08:00)              She was married to Thomas Powers He served in the Navy (00:11) He was in the Navy for three years during World War II ...
Arntz, Bob (Interview outline and video), 2004

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Bob Arntz Length: 16:34 (00:15) Background Information • Bob was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan on June 8, 1944 • He went to Greenville high school and worked on his father’s dairy farm • After graduating from hig...
Williams, Tommy (Interview outline and video), 2011

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Tommy Williams World War II (11:53) Background Information (00:11)    Born August 26th 1920 (00:12) At the age of 18 before he joined the Army, Tommy worked in the field. (1:02) He was raised in Mississippi. (1:25) Military S...
Tichvon, Frank (Interview outline and video), 2004

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Frank Tichvon World War II Total Time: 22:52 Pre-War (00:33) • • Was born in Barry County, Michigan. Was drafted into the Army in October, 1941.
Tichvon, Frank (Interview outline and video), 200

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Frank Tichvon World War II Total Time: 22:52 Pre-War (00:33) • • Was born in Barry County, Michigan. Was drafted into the Army in October, 1941.
Girke, Troy (Interview outline and video), 2006

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Troy Girke (1:01:22) (01:25) Background Information • Troy was born in Allegan, MI • He has one brother and a very close family • He had a fun childhood in the country where he was able to spend a lot of time hunting and...
Dorgan, Joseph (Interview outline and video), 2009

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veteran’s History Project World War II Joseph Dorgan Length of Interview (00:16:58) Introduction (00:00:00) Born November 10, 1925 Served in World War II in the Navy Highest Rank was Postman’s Mate 2nd Class Birthplace: Washington, D.C. 1925 Enlisted in the...
Potter, Christopher (Interview outline and video), 2011

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...GVSU Veteran’s History Project Iraq & Afghanistan Wars Chris Potter Interview Total Time: 20:48                  (00:10) Mr. Potter served in Iraq as a Marine o His rank was sergeant (00:40) Before joining the Marines, he played a...
Krueger, Dale (Interview outline), 2010

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Vietnam War Dale Krueger (34:36) Background Information (00:20)   He was drafted into the Air Force. He served for 4.5 years. (00:22) He thought that he might be able to fly while in the Air Force.
Womer, William (Interview outline and video), 2011

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project William Womer (17:37) Background Information (00:13)          Born June 29th of 1941 (00:15) Served in the Vietnam war and during the Cold War (00:22) Highest rank was Sergeant Major. (00:30) Born in Niles Mi...
Greene, Guy (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Description: Guy Green is a World War II veteran who served in the U.S. Army's 8th Air Force from January 1943 to September 1945. In this account, Greene discusses his pre-enlistment, enlistment and basic training, and also gives one a brief picture into the bomber campaigns over Germany entailed.
  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Name of War: World War II Interviewee name: Guy Green Length of Interview: 32 minutes Pre-Enlistment (00:11) • Background (00:18) o Green served with the 336th Bomb Squadron of the 95th Bomb Group and the 13th Combat Wing o...
Short, Robert (Interview outline and video), 2013

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  • Description: ... all over America finally settling down in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He is now a prominent member of the Buddy to Buddy Volunteer Veteran Program based out of the University of Michigan helping veterans in the post-9/11 era....
  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...-From there help them access available public and private resources -He has found that veteran unemployment is improving, but the unemployment rate is still high -Tends to lead to family issues, or substance abuse -The Army now supplies veterans with the information to access resou...
Dellinger, Valeria (Interview outline and video), 2006

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  • Description: Valeria Dellinger was a veteran of WWII in the United States Army in 1945 and 1946. She served in Los Alamos, New Mexico as a switchboard operator for the military at the time of the development of the atomic bomb.
  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State Veterans History Project Valeria Dellinger WWII Veteran United States Army (42:03) (00:23)Detroit Michigan  Valeria was born April 4 1925 at her grandmothers home in Detroit  Valeria’s father worked for Ford Motor Company and her mother was a stay at home...
Ensing, Eugene "Spud" (Interview outline and video), 2012

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview World War II Spud Ensing Length of interview (50:23) (0:08) Background Born in Grand Rapids, Michigan on December 31, 1926(0:35) Lived in Grand Rapids until 8th grade then moved to Cedar Springs (0:41) Father worked as a furna...
Bledsoe, Henry (Interview outline and video), 2005

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Vietnam War Henry Bledsoe Length of interview (0:32:46) Background: (0:00:15)  Born 1951, in Illinois, in a farming community  Father was a sharecropper (0:11:00)  Achieved a high school diploma, along with some colle...
Teater, Chet (Interview outline and video), 2007

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Chet Teater (00:28:21) (00:15) Background Information • Chet was born on February 25, 1946 • He fought in Vietnam and was a Army Specialist 4 with the tank service • Chet was born in Benton Harbor, Michigan and grew up in Caledoni...
Kridler, Debra (Interview outline and video), 2009

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...GVSU Veteran’s History Project Cold War Era Debra Kridler Total Time: (40:49)                   (00:48) Has a brother who served in the Gulf War; said they didn’t talk about it a lot (1:34) She said her family seemed more concern...
Sabin, Ronald Jr. (Interview outline and video), 2009

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Ronald Sabin, Jr. Length: 23:25 (00:30) Background Information      Ronald was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan and has lived there his entire life He went to Kentwood high school and graduated in 1980 Ronald’s...
Schuster, George (Interview outline and video), 2007

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Notes Length: 23:38 George Schuster WWII Veteran United State Navy; 1941 to 1945/46 Introduction (0:17) • Was born in St. Claire Shores.
Keberle, Richard (Interview outline and video), 2007

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Richard Keberle (28:44) (00:04) Background Information • When Richard was younger he broke a lot of his toys • His family did not have much money during the Depression • He was born in Cleveland, Ohio in November of 1931...
Berry, Homer C. (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Name of War: World War II Interviewee name: Homer Berry Length of Interview: (00:13:59) (00:40) Pre-Enlistment  Background o Homer was born in Flint, Michigan on February 13, 1925. o He joined the service [Navy] because his...
Cutler, Darwin (Interview outline and video), 2010

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veteran’s History Project Air Force, Korean War Darwin Cutler Length of Interview (00:10:30) Background Born in St. Louis, Missouri Father was a CPA and a farmer; mother was a school teacher His older brother was also a school teacher and farmer Had family th...