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689 Results for “veterans”
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Collection (1)- Veterans History Project (689)
- Oral history (689)
- United States--History, Military (689)
- United States. Army (689)
- Veterans (689)
- Veterans History Project (U.S.) (689)
- Video recordings (640)
- Michigan--History, Military (557)
- World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, American (297)
- Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Personal narratives, American (264)
- Other veterans & civilians--Personal narratives, American (69)
- Korean War, 1950-1953--Personal narratives, American (61)
- Iraq War, 2003-2011--Personal narratives, American (23)
- United States. Navy (11)
- Women (10)
- Afghan War, 2001--Personal narratives, American (8)
- United States. National Guard (8)
- Persian Gulf War, 1991--Personal narratives, American (7)
- Other veterans & civilians--Personal narratives (5)
- United States. Air Force (4)
- United States. Marine Corps (3)
- World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives (3)
- United States--National Guard (2)
- Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Personal narratives, American (2)
- World War, 1939-1945--Personal Narratives, American (2)
- African-American soldiers (1)
- Text (689)
- Moving Image (663)
- Sound (1)
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veteran’s History Project Korean War Paul Dunning Length of Interview (00:23:37) Background Paul Dunning, born January 16, 1932 Served in the Korean War, 7th Division Signal Corps Corporal- Dunning’s highest rank Born in Holland, Michigan Had one sist...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Ray Janssen (00:47:03) (00:15) Background Information • Ray was born in Wisconsin in 1923 • They later moved to Michigan and his father bought a 40 acre farm, and also worked in a factory • They had almost lost the farm during the...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Dean Chapman World War II Total Time: 1:02:01 Childhood and Pre-Enlistment (0:00:21) • • • • • Born in Lansing, MI 1922. Father was a credit manager Graduated from Michigan State University in 1943.
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Name of War: World War II Interviewee’s Name: Andrew M. Olah Length of interview (00:10:10) (00:00) Background Born March 4, 1944 (00:01) Served in the army during World War II (00:06) Had basic training in Tacoma, WA and se...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veteran’s History Project Simon Maier (18:27) Background Information (00:26) Before being drafted in the fall of 1954, Simon was a farmer, part time carpenter and was married. (00:29) Service (1:00) Though Simon’s unit was...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans’ History Project Daniele Fernandez Yugoslav War/Peacetime/War in Afghanistan 50 minutes 21 seconds (00:00:10) Early Life -Born on May 28, 1977 in Brooklyn, New York -Both of his parents were from the Dominican Republic -His father owned a s...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: GrandValleyStateUniversity Veterans History Project Scott Baldwin (32:50) Background Information () Scott enlisted in the U.S. Army National Guard in 1983. He enlisted while a senior in high school. (00:20) There was an Army National guard unit in his town.
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- Description: Jonathan Richard Bates is a Veteran of the Iraq War and has been serving in the United States Army since 1983. In this interview, Bates discusses his recent tour of duty in Iraq. As an Army Advisor for the Iraqi Army, Bates has unique insight into the Iraqi culture and people.
- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Jonathan Richard Bates (00:30:04) (0:34) Background of Army career • Joined in 1983 when in college o Wanted to serve country o Other family members had served o Wanted to learn new stills o Money for college • Part of the Michigan ...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Paul Bush (37:31) Background Information (00:02) • • • • Born January 21st 1931. (00:02) Served in the early to mid 1950s. (00:02) He was drafted into the Army several months after he finished college (approx. 1953). (00:22) Pa...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...GrandValleyStateUniversity Veteran’s History Project Operation Enduring Freedom Eric Beard Interview Total Time: (00:30) Born on May 8th, 1979 in LansingMichigan (00:56) Was an athlete in high school (1:08) Graduated from Western Michigan University o Joined military afte...
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- Description: James Follis is a Korean War veteran who served with the U.S. Army's Security Agency for a period of 11 months. In this account, Day discusses his pre-enlistment years, his enlistment and training in the U.S.
- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Name of War: Korean War Interviewee’s Name: James Follis Length of Interview: 32 mins. Pre-Enlistment (00:30) Childhood (00:33) o Follis was born on April 2, 1933.
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Meldon Pitt (01:57:51) (00:22) Background Information • • • • • • • Mel was born in Chicago, Illinois on February 23, 1924 His mother died when he was 2 and his father left so he lived with his grandma He moved a lot duri...
Your search matched in:
- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Benjamin Taylor (00:53:26) (00:20) Background Information • Benjamin was born in Allegan County, Michigan in 1921 • His father was a farmer and also a minister with the Church of Nazarene • They moved around Michigan a lot when he...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Thinks that those who have served their country should be proud. (42:35) Recalls attending a veterans’ parade and realizing that everyone was there to thank them. Realized that even though he might not have contributed much, as a group the military accomplished great things. (42:58) ...
Your search matched in:
- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Name of Interviewee: Harold Marks Name of War: Korean War Length of Interview: (00:46:00) Pre-Enlistment Born in Phoenix, AZ in 1931 (2:00) Left AZ in 1936, moved to Detroit, MI (2:20) Graduated from Arthur...
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- Description: Robert Vander Laan is a Korean War era veteran who served in the 7th Army 966 Field Engineering Battalion. He was sent to Germany during his time in the service, and was never involved in any active combat. However, he witnessed the aftermath of WW II during his travels throughout Europe.
- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Robert N. Vander Laan (30:00) Introduction (00:03) Childhood and Family (00:40) • • • • • • • • • • Born in East Grand Rapids, MI on April 14, 1933.
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Korean War Lamar Bloss Length of Interview (0:53:43) (0:15) Background Born in Munster, Indiana (0:30) Mother had tuberculosis so he had to live with his uncle for 4 years (0:43) Went back to live at home when he was 5 years o...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: Grand Valley State University Veteran’s History Project Vietnam War Henry Shuster Jr. Length of Interview (00:30:03) Background (00:00:00) Born in Yukon, Florida on the Jacksonville Naval Air Station Father was in the Navy then worked for the Chrysler Corp.
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans’ History Project Walter Felver World War II-Post War 38 minutes 45 seconds (00:00:10) Early Life -Born in Littleton, Colorado on September 4, 1927 -Moved to Phillipsburg, New Jersey when he was five years old and grew up there -Father worked for Inge...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: rationing during the Second World War -Gas was rationed -Because they were farmers they were allowed extra gas (00:23:22) Veterans' Group -He was part of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) when he lived in Ohio -Helped organize bingo games -Ran a blackjack table at the VFW ...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: up communications -Got a job in public relations -Worked with them for twenty years (01:21:03) Reflections on Service and Veteran Involvement -Positives of service were being able to serve his country, doing his duty, and surviving -Started getting involved with other veterans i...
Your search matched in:
- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Harry Jelsema World War II Total Time: 0:52:30 Childhood and Pre-Enlistment (0:00:15) • • • • Born on a farm in Allegan, MI Father was a vegetable farmer Went to school through the 8th grade.
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project John Bantjes (00:38:47) (00:30) Background Information • • • • • John was born in Illinois and moved to Indiana when he was very young John was born in 1929 and grew up during the depression His father had been an accountant,...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veteran History Project Emerson Barrone (00:49:36) Introduction (00:00) Childhood and Pre-War (00:10) • • • • • • • • Born November 5, 1922 in Hubbardston, MI Remembers playing with the neighbor children Attended same school in Hubbardston for ...