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1150 Results for “veterans”

Hunter, Clarence (Interview outline), 2012

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Korean War Clarence Hunter Total Time – (10:01) Background                He was born in London, Arkansas on September 1, 1935 (00:17) He served in the Army and the Navy (00...
Eames, Michael (Interview outline), 2012

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Cold War Era Michael Eames Total Time – (07:15) Background    He was born in Buffalo, New York – May 14, 1959 (01:31) His grandfather was born in Ireland o He traveled to New York City where he became a policema...
Clark, Donald L. (Interview outline and video), 2007

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: (34:14) Post Service Life • Was discharged from Camp Lejeune. • Came home to Lansing. • Worked at a garage. • Did not tell anyone that he was a Vietnam veteran. • Met his first wife in 1967. • Had two daughters. • Worked at Oldsmobile for 7 years, then drove truck.
Conover, Daniel (Interview outline and video), 2007

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Daniel Conover (01:13:30) Introduction (00:28) • Father was in the army, grew up all over the place. Enlistment (00:55) • Conover enlisted in the Marine Corps out of high school knowing that he wasn’t ready for college.
Pope, Charles (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Charles Pope Length: 33:06 (00:30) Background Information     Charles was born on October 15, 1956 in the upper peninsula of Michigan He had a good childhood and often went hunting and built things with his father...
Galloway, Leonard (Interview outline and video), 2009

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Title: Galloway, Leonard (Interview outline and video), 2009 Subject: World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, American; United States. Army Air Corps Description: Leonard Galloway was born on August 3, 1925 in Huron, South Dakota.
Wyma, David (Interview outline and video), 2009

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
Sautter, Arthur N. (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Name of Interviewee: Arthur Sautter Name of War: World War II Length of Interview: (00:26:23) Childhood and Pre-Enlistment (00:17) • • • • Born in 1923 near Manistee, MI.
Kieda, Paul (Interview outline), 2013

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veteran's History Project Vietnam War Paul Kieda Total Time (00:11:19) Introduction (00:00:17)  Paul Kieda was born February 8th, 1949 (00:00:30) ◦ He served for the United States Maine Corps during the Vietnam War; his highest rank achieved was E4 or...
Perrin, Robert B. (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Name of Interviewee: Robert Perrin Name of War: World War II Length of Interview: (00:38:26) (00:20) Background Information • Robert was born on September 11, 1923 in Grand Rapids, Michigan • He grew up in Grand Rapids ...
Richardson, Raymonde (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Raymonde Richardson (00:46:44) (22:20) Background Information • Raymonde was born in Paris, France • Her father worked as an engineer and her mother stayed at home • She grew up during the depression and food was quite scarce • ...
Bush, Jimmie Carrol (Interview outline and video), 2005

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Jimmie Carrol Bush Vietnam War Total Time: 17:45 Pre-Enlistment (00:24) • • Went to Thornapple-Kellogg High School in Middleville, Michigan.
Mulbrecht, Fred (Interview outline and video), 2012

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Title Mulbrecht, Fred (Interview outline and video), 2012 Subject World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, American; United States. Army Air Corps; United States.
O'Conner, Charles (Interview outline), 2010

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Chuck O’Conner (4:22) Background Information (00:02)    Chuck served in the Marines during the Vietnam War (00:03) He received the 3 purple hearts and was awarded the Silver Star for his service. (00:12) He enlisted in the M...
Jones, Frank (Interview outline and video), 2015

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  • Description: Frank Jones is a Vietnam War veteran that was born on February 15, 1950 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. After graduating from high school in June 1970 he was drafted into the Army in August 1970. He trained at Fort Knox, Kentucky; Fort Polk, Louisiana; and Fort Benning, Georgia.
  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Readjusting to Civilian Life & Life after the War -He was harassed by protestors -While at Ferris State University the Veterans’ Club was looked down upon -Feels that veterans from the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan are treated better now -Directly because of how vetera...
Graham, John (Interview outline and video), 2004

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  • Description: John Graham is a World War II veteran who served in the U.S. Anti-Aircraft Corps from September 1944 to an undisclosed date. In this account, Graham discusses his pre-enlistment, enlistment, training, and active duty.
  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Name of War: World War II Interviewee name: John Graham Length of Time: 12 minutes Pre-Enlistment (00:15) • Background (00:17) o John Graham mentions that he served with the Anti-Aircraft Corps as a private. (00:19) o Took ...
Baar, Brian (Interview outline and video), 2008

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Brian Baar (00:48:00) (00:15) Introduction • Born in Grand Rapids, Michigan. • Can remember watching the television when President Kennedy was shot. • Attended school with two of his cousins. • His father was an executive at Ste...
Ash, Charles Nedwin (Interview outline), 2006

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  • Description: Charles Nedwin Ash is a Korean War Veteran who served in the United States Army from July 1952 to July 20, 1954 in Japan and Korea. In this interview, Ash discusses his time in the service and also what it was like to be an African American during that time.
  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Charles Nedwin Ash (00:31:33) (00:38) Before service • Lived South Haven, MI • 10 brothers and sisters • Drafted into war o Didn’t want to go (02:36) First day in service • Bus with 50 other service guys • Went down to a fo...
Such, Tad (Interview outline and video), 2007

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Tad Such (00:26:00) (00:05) Introduction • Born April 5th, 1961. • Remembers having a good childhood. • He grew up in Grand Haven, Michigan, very close to the lake. • His father was an elementary principle. • He played sports ...
Barber, Scott (Interview outline and video), 2007

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  • Description: ...Scott Barber is a Veteran who served in the United States Navy for five years from the late 1970s until the early 1980s in California, Iran, Thailand, and Panama. Because of skill and good military record, Barber's unit was assigned to the first rescue attempt of the Iran Hostage Crisi...
  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Scott Barber (15:43) (0:00) Before the service • Living in Grand Rapids, MI • Enlisted last 3 months of high school • Birthday made him miss the draft by 4 months • Chose to join the Navy because the college benefits, adventure,...
Grevers, Theodore (Interview outline and video), 2009

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Theodore Grevers Cold War Total Time: 19:23 Pre-Enlistment and Service (00:09)            Born in Chicago, IL in 1929. He was raised in The Netherlands before World War II, and his family was ...
Holl, William H. (Interview outline and video), 2009

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Name of War: World War II Interviewee name: William Holl Length of Interview: (00:14:25) Childhood and Pre-enlistment (00:00)      Born in Orange, NJ in 1927.
Brooks, Ed (Interview outline and video), 2004

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Ed Brooks Length: 32:06 (00:15) Background Information • Ed was born in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan in 1940 • He had 2 brothers, his father was a farmer and his mother a housewife • Ed went to Hoover elementary school an...
Cherington, Milford (Interview outline and video), 2004

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  • Subject:
  • Subject: Veterans
  • Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Milford Cherington World War II Total Time: 26:06 Pre-War (00:00) • • • Was drafted, but was put on 4F because he had a hernia. He was living at home when he was drafted.