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4 Results for “music”

Jean Doyle interview (2 of 3, video and transcript)

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  • Text: ... we were just… felt real wounded and so the funeral happened on a summer day. We had a huge box just full of costumes, and musical instruments. We were at the farmhouse, and we got all dressed up and we drove over to Grand Valley. We went to the Lake Huron Hall, which is where Thomas Jeff...
Richard Paschke interview (2 of 3, video and transcript)

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  • Text: ... what we were doing, we weren't just dabbling. So, I did stay in touch with the literature, but I had a whole career in music. I didn't really know what I was going to, you know, do. Where I would end up. I guess I still don't. And that I made several readjustments in my care...
Scott Thorbjornsen interview (audio and transcript)

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  • Text: Something different to do in the college. Gayle: I’ve never stayed for the actual music, it’s too much for me. Scott: Yeah, we didn’t go to the dinner either so, we just went to the dance. It was fun, I guess. Gayle: I don’t know what other things there are.
Scott Troost interview (video and transcript)

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  • Text: ...[Unknown] Yeah just real involved. He was the only person I saw… [Troost] He taught music, didn't he? [Unknown] Yeah. He's the only person I ever saw talk to everybody personally, and to the whole class at the same time. Every time he talked, you thought he was talking to y...