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115 Results for “veterans”
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- Veterans History Project (115)
- Oral history (115)
- United States--History, Military (115)
- United States. Air Force (115)
- Veterans History Project (U.S.) (115)
- Video recordings (115)
- Veterans (114)
- Michigan--History, Military (95)
- Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Personal narratives, American (44)
- Other veterans & civilians--Personal narratives, American (27)
- World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, American (25)
- Korean War, 1950-1953--Personal narratives, American (19)
- United States. National Guard (6)
- Iraq War, 2003-2011--Personal narratives, American (5)
- Persian Gulf War, 1991--Personal narratives, American (5)
- United States. Army (3)
- Afghan War, 2001--Personal narratives, American (2)
- United States. Army Air Corps (2)
- Women (2)
- Afghan War, 2001---Personal narratives, American (1)
- African-American soldiers (1)
- Indians of North America (1)
- Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988--Personal narratives, American (1)
- Prisoners of war (1)
- United States. Navy (1)
- Moving Image (115)
- Text (115)
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- Description: Chester Novak is a WW II and Korean War veteran who served in the United States Air Force from February 1944 to 1952 in the Aleutian Islands and Korea respectively. In this interview, Novak talks about growing up on a farm and joining the Army at 15 years old.
- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans History Project (U.S.)
- Text: ...Interview Notes Length: 30:35 Chester Joe Novak WWII and Korean War veteran United States Air Force; February 1944 – 1952 Pacific – Aleutian Islands; Korea (0:00) Before grade school • Born in Bay County, MI in 1927 • Dad was a farmer • Mom worked on the farm too • 1 brother, no...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...:33) For a short time he worked in an operations officer. He was irritated about how men were treating the returning Vietnam veterans. (1:38:47) He ordered the men who worked under him to greet the returning veterans when they returned to the states. (1:39:58) Cappy served as a sup...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Notes Length: 54:00 William Ewing World War II Veteran Air Force; 1941:Oct. to 1984 3rd Attack [i.e. Bombardment] Group [ Ed. note: Mr. Ewing suffers from Alzheimer’s and his answers are often repetitive and sometim...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans’ History Project Ronald Allen Vietnam War 24 minutes 45 seconds (00:00:01) Overview of Service and Training -In the Air Force from 1970 to 1974 -Worked with the Airborne Air Rescue Recovery Service -Better known as Air Force Pararescue -Worked as a c...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Kendrick Coryell Vietnam War/Cold War Total Time: 1:07:29 Childhood and Pre-Service (0:00:00) • • • • • • • Born in Victoria, Kansas, but grew up on a farm in Blain County, Oklahoma.
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Richard Hawley (33:22) Background information (00:10) Born in Michigan in 1932 (00:12) He lived with his grandparents who farmed (00:20) He went to live with his mother in Traverse City, Michigan, in 193...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Kenneth Hicks (1:11:21) (00:05) Background Information • • • • • • Kenneth had always wanted to fly when he was a little boy He built model airplanes with his father After high school he went to Michigan State Uni...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veteran’s History Project Paul Meiers World War II (refugee) Length of Interview (00:53:53) Background (00:1:00) Born in Latvia, 1938 Father was in charge of a government farm; large, self-sustaining Experimental farm; livestock and vegetable fields Whe...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Vietnam Elaine Kines Total Time – (40:42:18) Background · She was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1954 (00:48) · Went to Byron Center High School (00:58) · Her mother was a homemaker and her father drove a truck o There...
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- Description: Donald Gary is a Korean War era veteran who served with the U.S. Air Force from December 1950 to December 1954. In this account, Gary discusses his pre-enlistment, enlistment and basic training. He worked in the accounting department and kept Air Force inventories.
- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Name of War: Korean War Interviewee name: Donald Gary Length of Interview: 1hour 1minute Pre-Enlistment (00:45) • Childhood (00:50) o Gary was born in Rochester, New York in 1930. (01:10) • Family (01:11) o Grew up with...
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- Description: Willie Saddler is an African American veteran who grew up in Chicago, Illinois. He enlisted in the Army Air Corps at the end of World War II where he helped clean up and retrieve casualties from towns in Germany and Italy that were attacked during the war.
- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Willie Saddler (59:20) Background information (00:10) He was born January 11th 1928 in Columbus, Georgia. (00:17) He relocated to Chicago, Illinois when he was 3 years old in 1931 (00...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview World War II Rich Natte Total Time (33:37) Background He was born on August 10, 1924 in Grand Rapids, Michigan (00:19) His father died when he was ten years old (01:08) At the age of sixteen...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Interview Name of Interviewee: William Patrick Name of War: Korean War Length of Interview: (00:38:35) (00:05) Background Information • • • • • • • • • William was born in Maywood, California on April 9, 1931 He grew ...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans’ History Project Kathryn Bulkley World War II (Civilian), Post-WWII (Air Force) 37 minutes 14 seconds (00:00:11) Early Life -Born in Muskegon, Michigan, in 1919 -Moved to North Muskegon -Graduated from North Muskegon High School -Attended community c...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ... 1969 -Coworker made negative remarks to him about Vietnam and his service in Vietnam -Gravitated toward coworkers that were veterans -Had trouble adjusting to the flexibility of civilian life -Still wants things to be in order -Had been offered $7,000 to reenlist in the Air Force, but decl...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...rsonnel during his time in race relations -Saw it as a war he had to fight with the people (00:58:15) Patriotism & Black Veterans Pt. 1 -In 2010 he started to work with black Americans on patriotism -Started the Glad to be American National Association -Trying to teach black Americans t...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veteran’s History Project Vietnam War Richard Millard Jr. Length of Interview (01:32:20) Background Born in Cleveland, Ohio; Feb. 28, 1950 Moved from Maple Heights to Highland Heights, there for elementary school, then settled in Parmo, Ohio Father was a WWII...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans History Project Fred Fleischmann (1:04:30) Background Information (1:00) • • • • • • • Born November 17th 1950 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. (1:05) Served in U. S. Air Force from October 1972-August 1976. (1:17) Because Fred had a low draft...
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- Subject:
- Subject: Veterans
- Text: ...Grand Valley State University Veterans’ History Project Sherman Reed Cold War; Post-Cold War 28 minutes 11 seconds *Note: Times in outline correspond with timecode on interview (00:30:57) Early Life -Born on a farm near Jasonville, Indiana, on June 24, 1941 (00:31:14) Overview of Military...