Search Results

6 Results for “scotland”

Sidewalk in St. Andrews, Scotland

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  • Title: Sidewalk in St. Andrews, Scotland
  • Description: Black and white photograph of a man walking along a sidewalk in St. Andrews, Scotland. In the photograph, he is holding a newspaper while walking past a butcher shop window. Scanned from the negative.
  • Subject:
  • Subject: Sidewalks--Scotland
Sidewalk in St. Andrews, Scotland

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  • Title: Sidewalk in St. Andrews, Scotland
  • Description: Black and white photograph of an older man wearing a tweed hat and coat while looking out of the window of a parked car in St. Andrews, Scotland. In the photograph, the car is parked alongside a busy sidewalk with storefronts lining the street. Scanned from the negative.
  • Subject:
  • Subject: Sidewalks--Scotland
Storefront in Edinburgh, Scotland

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  • Title: Storefront in Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Description: Black and white photograph of a business storefront in Edinburgh, Scotland. In the photograph, the storefront features home goods and appliances such as televisions seen through the windows and small refridgerators on display on the sidewalk out front.
  • Subject: Edinburgh (Scotland)
Sidewalk in Edinburgh, Scotland

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  • Title: Sidewalk in Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Description: Black and white photograph of an older man carrying his luggage propped on his back while walking down a sidewalk in Edinburgh, Scotland. Scanned from the negative.
  • Subject: Edinburgh (Scotland)
Storefront Sidewalk in Jedburgh, Scotland

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  • Title: Storefront Sidewalk in Jedburgh, Scotland
  • Description: Black and white photograph of two older men standing together on a sidewalk next to a storefront in Jedburgh, Scotland. In the photograph, one of the men is smoking a cigarette while the other is holding a cane. Scanned from the negative.
  • Subject: Jedburgh (Scotland)
Sidewalk in Oban, Scotland

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  • Title: Sidewalk in Oban, Scotland
  • Description: ...Black and white photograph of two older women having a conversation while standing on a sidewalk in Oban, Scotland. In the photograph, the women are standing next to a ladder and a wooden fence with entertainment advertisements for the "New Corran Hall," while brick buildings can ...
  • Subject: Oban (Scotland)