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44 results

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  • Text: to live, Toward women, © Grand Valley State University The Lost Cause of Christmas Richard A. Rhem Page 7   Toward slaves, Toward all and every single thing, Because this is a Jesus society and you repent, not by feeling bad, but by thinking
The Lost Cause of Christmas

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  • Text: that other kind of stuff, and you kill a fatted calf for him? I have slaved for you all these years and you never gave me a party.” Jesus is brandishing a vivid point to those to whom he told the story in the first place, to the murmurers. © Grand Valley
Prodigal Love

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  • Text: we’d better go to church. There was poor old Dick slaving all Saturday and he’s going to sit on his stool and nobody there, we’d better go." There’s so many good people who support religion for all the wrong reasons. I’ve known a lot of good church
Religion: Binding or Setting Free?

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  • Text: they did was the reflection of the authenticity of their heart and their passion, and if I would try to replicate that, my heart wouldn’t be in it. I would be a slave to a particular mode that wasn’t really mine, even though it had been that to which I
Scheduled to Death With Good Things,

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  • Text: that it was now or never, Esther asked that she and her people be saved from destruction, arguing that she would not have bothered the king if they were only to be made slaves. When the king demanded that she identify her enemy, she pointed to Haman as the one who
Finding Our Destiny in God's Gracious Purpose

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  • Text: . In the philosophical movement, which gradually filtered down to popular thinking, this removal of God from historical existence and the natural world was spoken of as emancipation. Just as Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation freed the slave, so clearing the world
Living Before the Face of God

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  • Text: over the question of slavery, what was being tested was this form of government, a federal government where they could instruct the states to give rights to people or could instruct all states to release their slaves. The governors of some southern
Culture Wars: Battling For the Soul of the Nation

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  • Text: throw off the Roman power. Jesus said to them, "Look, the © Grand Valley State University Costly Obedience Richard A. Rhem Page 5   problem is not Rome. The problem is not some external authority. The problem is that you are a slave to your own
Costly Obedience