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178 Results for “veterans”

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Michigan Nonprofit Forum 1992-09-23 executive committee evaluation report

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  • Text: ...essed special gratitude to the Forum for bringing them up to speed quickly about the Michigan nonprofit scene. And long time veterans in the nonprofit sector are pleased that, at long last, we are building an infrastructure for much needed communication, cooperation and coordination. As o...
Michigan Nonprofit Forum 1992 July Evaluation Report

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  • Text: ...essed special gratitude to the Forum for bringing them up to speed quickly about the Michigan nonprofit scene. And long time veterans in the nonprofit sector are pleased that, at long last, we are building an infrastructure 6 for much needed communication, cooperation and coordination. A...
Council of Michigan Foundations 1999-11-02 board book presidents report

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  • Text: ...tober 18 - 22 More than 200 YAC members participated in these annual one-day refresher and orientation trainings for new and veteran YAC members, held throughout the state. 2 59 Regional Youth Summits on Violence Prevention - October 21, 22 As part ofthe C. S. Mott Foundation funded vio...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2005-05-20 commission meeting Learn and Serve Mini-grant Recipients

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  • Text: STD's Brochure- Language Arts- for Middle School students High School North Valentines Letters - Language Arts - for Veterans Hospital Pankow Vocational Technological Center Transportation Day - Child Care Classes - for 4th grade classes Additional Service-Learning Projects/Act...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2010-04-22 commission meeting talking points and background on key legislative issues

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  • Text: ...w corps member slots (250,000 total) in areas of national need, Education, Healthcare, dean Energy, Economic Opportunity and Veterans support and services. The Serve America Act is an authorization bill; implementation is dependent on the availability of funds. The legislation will not fulf...
Michigan Nonprofit Association 1997-09-16 board book MCC update

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  • Text: is encouraging each institution to send a team of at least five people, comprised of faculty (new to service learning and veterans), staff, and administrators. The Faculty/Staff Service Learning Award recipients will also be recognized in conjunction with the conference. The keynote...
Michigan Community Service Commission cross stream advisory committee 2009-12-09 conference call summary

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  • Text: ...rough service, from preventing high school dropouts and increasing energy efficiency to improving health care and supporting veterans. ,,J. 1 , • • • The national service budget was part ofthe FY 2010 Consolidated Appropriations Act, which now goes to the President for his signa...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2011-11-17 commission meeting minutes 2011-11-17

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  • Text: ...ations to apply for AmeriCorps*VISTA members. Three areas of programming will be K-12 education, economic opportunities, and veteran related programming. Another exciting effort the CNCS is involved with, along with Paula VanDam, is a collaborative effort related to Tum Around Schools/...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2012-01-19 commission meeting minutes 2011-11-17

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  • Text: ...ations to apply for AmeriCorps*VISTA members. Three areas of programming will be K-12 education, economic opportunities, and veteran related programming. Another exciting effort the CNCS is involved with, along with Paula VanDam, is a collaborative effort related to Tum Around Schools/...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2007-11-13 commission meeting 2007-08 communications calendar

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  • Text: ...c Eng National Conference on citizenship Kids Care Week (4°' week) Make a Difference Day (4th Saturday) Election Day, Veteran 's Day, National Family Volunteer Day (18°'), Thanksgiving 3 Christmas, Hanukkah i lJpditted: :-..oh~ mlxr •; 'ni'U 2007-08 COM...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2002-02-21 commission meeting staff recommendations Michigan's AmeriCorps

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  • Text: ... Certified Te.cller Dearborn, MI J:ientY Ford Coumumity Co~e 4UsoMD of Ubera1 Arts Fordson HiP School \'ietzwn Er4 Veteran USA Ar:my Tour of duty in South Korea 1< V~ ~vcd honorlble di.scluuge upon completion of dtrty. Omlpleted leadenhip program in Non~ Officers ...
Michigan Community Service Commission 1998-02-13 commission meeting Corporation for National Service letter

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  • Text: ...The Corporation's partners in this effort include the Lions, the Kiwanis, Rotary Clubs, Veterans ofForeign Wars, and the American Legion, to name only a few. Community foundations, local businesses and individual philanthropists also joined in support. For the coming year Congress has ...
Council of Michigan Foundations 2008-05-20 board book public policy

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  • Text: ...Michigan currently has income tax checkoffs for the Children's Trust Fund, the Children of Veterans Tuition Grant Program and the Military Family Relief Fund. The 60 plus local United Ways in Michigan annually raise and distribute more than $ 160 million to support local health and hum...
Learning to Give 1999-11-05 background meeting materials

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  • Text: ...s around regularly scheduled school events Thanks-giving Winter holidays of Christmas, Kwanza, Hanukkah Valentine's Day Veteran's Day Memorial Day Independence Day etc. ….all have philanthropy themes Original songs, drama, poetry, dance and other media Curriculum "kits"...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2003-02-10 commission meeting executive director's report

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  • Text: ...Citizen Preparedness "I will create the position of Advisor for Homeland Security within the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs to more directly link our security efforts here in Michigan with the country's defense preparations in Washington. We will be ready to answer th...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2007-11-13 commission meeting communications calendar

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  • Text: ...National Conference on citizenship Kids Care Week (4th week) Make a Difference Day (4'h Saturday) ~ .. Election Day, Veteran's Day, National Family Volunteer Day (18th), Thanksgiving 3 .. _,; ;,;,: ,.,. .• , .. ' ' Christmas, Hanukkal1 . .• i I l ·...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2010-09-29 commission meeting executive committee meeting summaries

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  • Text: The new strategic plan will focus on 6 specific areas - education, healthy futures , clean energy, veterans, opportunity, and disaster preparedness. They have been hosting community dialogues around the strategic plan with Patrick Corvington or board members in several states.
Michigan Community Service Commission 2011-04-13 commission meeting Global Youth Service Day Mini-Grants

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  • Text: ...rvice projects that tackle critical challenges in their communities ; including education , economic opportunity, supporting veterans and military families , health , clean energy and environmental stewardship, disaster preparedness, and public safety. Grants range in value from $160 to $48...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2012-01-19 commission meeting minutes 2012-01-19

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  • Text: ...hey had an open competition for VISTA projects and received 45 concept papers. The priority issue areas for Michigan include veterans, K-12 education and economic opportunity. C. Program Update 1. ArneriCorps Update- Ms. VanDam presented staff recommendations for ArneriCorps Competitive Con...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2012-04-18 commission meeting minutes 2012-01-19

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  • Text: ...hey had an open competition for VISTA projects and received 45 concept papers. The priority issue areas for Michigan include veterans, K-12 education and economic opportunity. C. Program Update 1. AmeriCorps Update- Ms. VanDam presented staff recommendations for AmeriCorps Competitive Conti...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2014-01-16 commission meeting staff recommendations Michigan's AmeriCorps

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  • Text: ..., CNCS seeks to prioritize investment of national service resources in the following areas: economic opportunity, education, veterans and military families, and disaster services. CNCS will notify MCSC of its funding decisions regarding the competitive application package by May 2, 2014. On...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2011-09-28 commission meeting executive committee meeting summaries

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  • Text: ... Ella Kate Wagner Student- Michigan State University Larry Williamson Comcast Cable Due to a critical need in the area of veteran's services which was presented by DHS and the Governor' s Office, small reductions were made to four existing programs in order to provide five targ...
Michigan Community Service Commission executive committee 2001-11-16 additional meeting materials

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  • Text: Authorizes the transferability of GI Bill educational benefits from servicemember/veteran to their children. Eliminates the 10-year requirement or expiration date from the date of separation from military service for use ofthe GI Bill educational benefits.
Michigan Community Service Commission 1996-03-15 commission meeting new commissioners

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  • Text: ...Also, he is involved with Boysville of Michigan, Camp Oakland for Boys, United Cerebral Palsy, and Michigan Paralyzed Veterans of America. He was referred to us by Tom Story from Metro Detroit Plumbing and Mech. Contractors. Tom has given us good labor names in the past. In talking to Ray, ...