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134 Results for “veterans”

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  • Subject : Michigan X
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  • Subject : Michigan Community Service Commission X
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Michigan Community Service Commission 2014-01-16 commission meeting staff recommendations Michigan's AmeriCorps

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  • Text: ..., CNCS seeks to prioritize investment of national service resources in the following areas: economic opportunity, education, veterans and military families, and disaster services. CNCS will notify MCSC of its funding decisions regarding the competitive application package by May 2, 2014. On...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2011-09-28 commission meeting executive committee meeting summaries

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  • Text: ... Ella Kate Wagner Student- Michigan State University Larry Williamson Comcast Cable Due to a critical need in the area of veteran's services which was presented by DHS and the Governor' s Office, small reductions were made to four existing programs in order to provide five targ...
Michigan Community Service Commission executive committee 2001-11-16 additional meeting materials

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  • Text: Authorizes the transferability of GI Bill educational benefits from servicemember/veteran to their children. Eliminates the 10-year requirement or expiration date from the date of separation from military service for use ofthe GI Bill educational benefits.
Michigan Community Service Commission 1996-03-15 commission meeting new commissioners

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  • Text: ...Also, he is involved with Boysville of Michigan, Camp Oakland for Boys, United Cerebral Palsy, and Michigan Paralyzed Veterans of America. He was referred to us by Tom Story from Metro Detroit Plumbing and Mech. Contractors. Tom has given us good labor names in the past. In talking to Ray, ...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2008-02-29 commission meeting 2007-2008 communications calendar

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  • Text: ... Day MCSC Board of Co mmissioners Meeting MCSC Newsletter MCSC Brochure Inserts Promote MLK Day of Service Electi on Day, Veteran's Day, National Family Volunteer Day (18th), Thanksgiving Christmas, Hanukkah Too lkit Grantee Meeti ng Service-Learning Awards Nomi nation Form Issued...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2013 06 26 commission meeting staff recommendations AmeriCorps

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  • Text: ...on Foundation Acheson Ventures David Price MARO Employment & Training Association Michigan Association ofU nited Ways (Veterans Coaliti 000.00 Larry Romanelli Uttle River Band of Ottawa Indians Marsha Smith Rotary Charities of Traverse City Jerry Swartz Total Lansing Schools Edu...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2013-01-17 commission meeting minutes 2013-01-17

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  • Text: ...The CNCS focus areas for funding which include education, health, economic opportunity, environment, veterans and their families, and disaster preparedness. There are two types of AmeriCorps funding- competitive and formula. Fourteen applications are being recommended for competitive fundin...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2013-04-24 commission meeting minutes 2013-01-17

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  • Text: ...The CNCS focus areas for funding which include education, health, economic opportunity, environment, veterans and their families , and disaster preparedness. There are two types of AmeriCorps funding- competitive and formula. Fourteen applications are being recommended for competitive fundi...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2002-09-12 commission meeting Learn and Serve staff recommendations

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  • Text: ...venty-five youth participants involved in this program serve their community through direct communication with U.S. military veterans and participate in planning and implementing a community event that honors Veterans of War. Contact: Brian Manderfield Boys and Girls Club of Greate...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2010-04-22 commission meeting Voices for a National Service Capitol Hill Day

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  • Text: ...Whether you are meeting with a Member of Congress and congressional staff for the first time or a veteran of public policy outreach, it is important to review the following elements of a successful meeting in order to lend a powerful voice for national service. BE EARLY: Capitol Hill is a ...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2004-10-12 commission meeting state legislative update

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  • Text: ... Workers' Compensation Board of Magistrates vacancy. House concurred, Senate included, Conference included. d) Disabled Veteran's Outreach Program Specialist. House concurred, Senate included, Conference included. 5. Fire Protection Grants. The Governor changed the language making...
Michigan Community Service Commission 1996-05-10 commission meeting AmeriCorps VISTA information

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  • Text: ...It is equal to the economic level of the low-income community where you serve. It does not reduce Social Security, veterans' or public assistance benefits but is subject to taxes. Medical Insurance You are provided comprehensive medical insurance and have the option of purchasing lif...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2002-12-16 commission meeting Michigan's AmeriCorps

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  • Text: ...National Home for Children MentorMore Project is a residential agency that provides long- and short-term care to families of Veterans ofForeign Wars (VFW). Currently 83 children and 25 single parents reside on campus. Six full-time and 14 part-time AmeriCorps members serve in four areas: 1....
Michigan Community Service Commission board development committee 1993-07 appointee handbook

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  • Text: ...Workers' Compensation Appelate Commission 2. Employment Security Board of Review 3. Michigan Veterans Trust Fund Board of Trustees 4. Teacher Tenure Commission 5. Arbitration panels selected by the Employment Relations Commission 4 5. Q: What notice must a public body give of its m...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2004-02-09 commission meeting House Education Subcommittee hearing summary

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  • Text: ...Provide ongoing in-service professional development on servicelearning for teachers at all levels, from novice to veteran. c. Create multi-media professional development resources, including more web-based resources for teachers. Lynn Kleiman-Malinoff, Research & Development Specialist-...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2005-09-22 commission meeting ConnectMichigan Alliance Corporation for National and Community Service funding support

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  • Text: ...P Director United Way of Bay County Michael McGuinness Oakland University Student Body President AmeriCorps National Service Veteran Susan L. McQuaid Director Volunteer Center ofNorthwest Michigan Becky Mehall Learn & Serve/Grants Coordinator Jackson Public Schools Vince Meldrum Pr...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2001-05-21 commission meeting executive director's report

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  • Text: ...ption of new programs for the Senior Corps programs (see press release attached). These new programs-Silver Scholarships and Veteran's Mission for Youth-are slated to start up next October or December. State commissions are eligible to apply for some of these funds either in partnershi...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2000-05-10 commission meeting programs guide

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  • Text: ...iety of Detroit and Michigan United Conservation Clubs. + Committees: Finance; Human Resources, Labor, Senior Citizens & Veterans' Affairs; Hunting, Fishing & Forestry; Judiciary; Technology & Energy Thaddeus G. McCotter (R) District 9 14601 Huff Livonia, MI 48154 (517) 3...
Michigan Community Service Commission executive committee 1994-03-23 National Service: Michigan's Call to Action

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  • Text: ...lence Intervention Weatherization Conflict Resolution C C Crisis Counseling Disaster Relief tl Waste Removal Initiatives ~ Veterans Assistance t;lLiteracy t;J Peer Counseling for Youth t;J t;J t;J t;J t;J Income Tax Assistance Art Enrichment Family Community Centers Rebuilding Neighbo...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2002-09-12 commission meeting Citizen Service Act of 2002

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  • Text: ...nsfer it/them to any person(s) they designate. ### Appropriations for Corporation for National and Community Service Veteran's Affairs and Housing and Urban Development (VA/HUD) Bill 11'1 Corporation for N a tiona I W and Community Service News : Fact Sheets : Presi...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2010-09-29 commission meeting minutes 2010-09-29

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  • Text: There are six focus areas they have identified: education, healthy futures, environmental stewardship, veterans, opportunity, and disaster preparedness. In those areas you see more specifically what they will be focusing on. Their strategic plan will be unveiled later this fall.
Michigan Community Service Commission 2010-11-18 commission meeting minutes 2010-09-29

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  • Text: There are six focus areas they have identified: education, healthy futures, environmental stewardship, veterans, opportunity, and disaster preparedness. In those areas you see more specifically what they will be focusing on. Their strategic plan will be unveiled later this fall.
Michigan Community Service Commission 2013-11-21 commission meeting Michigan's AmeriCorps Membership Celebration

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  • Text: ... serving their communities and country- tutoring children, improving health services, protecting the environment, supporting veterans and military families, and providing many other critical services to local communities. In return, members receive many benefits, including a modest living a...
Michigan Community Service Commission 1997-09-12 commission meeting Make a Difference Day materials

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  • Text: ... • Tape-record books for learning • Make goodies for a homeless disabled children or the blind. shelter. • Visit a veterans home and share stories. • Clean out your attic and give clothes to the needy. • Have a walk-a-thon to raise money for your favorite cause. • Clean up a...