Search Results

3 Results for “veterans”

The Commercial Record - November 4, 1970

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  • Text: ...Phone UL 7-5601 Douglas, Mich, State Senator D,e mocrat Conversion Units New Installations Veteran - ... Gas and Oil -INQUIRE ABOUT OUR CHIMNEY LININGS- FREE ESTIMATES OTTO J. ROLLER Business Honest-Relin.ble--Experienced Positive Action , For: The SmalJ Fanner The Small Busin...
The Commercial Record - July 30, 1964

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  • Text: ...Boy Scouts under Scoutmaster L. the same rune. This is the third straight year :tlhe Veterans T-ed Kroll and Walter Sam Morehouse; the specta cular and EMERGENCIES 'AT HOSPITAL Michig(an PGA haJS been st:aged at B urkemo will be competing in the thriilling water skhln g of the Charles ...
Raymond Foster (Audio interview and transcript), 2018

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  • Text: ...That property went way back to a family named Purdy… KK: Okay… RF: Uh, Erastus Purdy he was a civil war veteran and he, he owned that property and they had a landing down below, on the river uh, and a man named uh, one of his sons [inaudible] Purdy they had a boat named after him, and u...