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181 Results for “veterans”

Michigan Community Service Commission 2009-02-27 commission meeting Corporation for National and Community Service press release

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  • Text: ...tor through grants, volunteers, training, research , and other support. Solomont, a resident of Weston, Mass., is a longtime veteran of the bipartisan board, first appointed first by President Clinton in 2000 and reappointed by President Bush in 2007. The 15-member board, whose members are ...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2012-04-18 commission meeting America's Service Commissions fiscal year 2013 update

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  • Text: ...M total T &TA budget - $4.2M for competitive grants Disability- $3M for competitive grants based on national priorities (veterans, reasonable accommodation, and national strategies for inclusion) . State commissions would be eligible for the competitive funding. House Budget House Budg...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2004-12-13 commission meeting House Bill No. 6032

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  • Text: ..., Rivet, Adamini, Brown, Gillard, Sheltrown, Lipsey, Bieda, Shackleton, Gaffuey and Condino and referred to the Committee on Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security. A bill to amend 1967 PA 150, entitled "Michigan military act," by amending section 251 (MCL 32.651), as amended by 1...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2011-01-19 commission meeting staff recommendations Michigan's AmeriCorps

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  • Text: ...rps members will suppm1 the Michigan National Guard family program, youth activities, and reintegration events for returning veterans and their families at various retreat locations and facilities throughout Michigan. Five full-time AmeriCorps will be strategically placed in economically ch...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2004-2005 commissioner key information binder
Michigan Community Service Commission 2004-2005 commissioner key information binder. Records are compiled in the Our State of Generosity collection by the Johnson Center, along with the files of the Michigan Nonprofit Association (MNA), the Michigan Community Service Commission (MCSC) and the Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy. Originals are at the Michigan Community Service Commission.
Michigan Community Service Commission 2005-2006 commissioner key information binder
Michigan Community Service Commission 2005-2006 commissioner key information binder. Records are compiled in the Our State of Generosity collection by the Johnson Center, along with the files of the Michigan Nonprofit Association (MNA), the Michigan Community Service Commission (MCSC) and the Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy. Originals are at the Michigan Community Service Commission.
Michigan Community Service Commission 2013-04-24 commission meeting executive committee meeting summary

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  • Text: ... implementation of those priority areas with partner organizations. Key focus areas include economic opportunity, education, veterans and military families, disaster preparedness, and serving underserved areas of the state. There will be four strategic priority areas. We will take into acco...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2004-12-13 commission meeting House Bill No. 5416

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  • Text: ...o, Rivet, Moolenaar, Hunter, DeRossett, Rocca, DeRoche, Farhat, Walker, Caul and Wenke and referred to the Coiillll.\ttee on Veterans Mfairs and Homeland Security. A bill to amend 1976 PA 390, entitled "Emergency management act," by amending the title and section 11 (MCL 30.411), ...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2014-01-16 commission meeting Corporation for National and Community Service: Michigan Field Office Report

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  • Text: ...iast Institute AmeriCorps*VISTA Program • January 20th from lD-1, volunteers will prep, serve and cleanup brunch event for veterans and all commu nity service related personnel at Piast Institute in Hamtramck. Bethany Christian Services AmeriCorps*VISTA Program • January 20th from lD-2,...
Michigan Nonprofit Association 1999-12-21 board book Michigan Legislature Directory

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  • Text: ...: Phone 373-1725 ;, Dingell 18 ~rs, Miller, Leland ~e 373-1801 ith, Koivisto 373-1707 lmith,Miller m, Murphy :ENS & VETERANS AFFAIRS (312): one 373-7670 :>gers, Peters, V. Smith, Dingell hone 373-1707 Ailler, Murphy AFFAIRS (312): Phone 373-Q797 g 6 '!man, McCotter, Sikk...
Michigan Community Service Commission board development committee 1998-08-12 appointments process
Michigan Community Service Commission board development committee 1998-08-12 appointments process. Records are compiled in the Our State of Generosity collection by the Johnson Center, along with the files of the Michigan Nonprofit Association (MNA), the Michigan Community Service Commission (MCSC) and the Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy. Originals are at the Michigan Community Service Commission.
Michigan Community Service Commission 2001-09-10 commission meeting Make a Difference Day

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  • Text: ...bilities are endless when caring individuals join in service to make a difference. JAMES N. GOLDSMITH Comrnander-tn-Chtef Veterans of Foretgn wars Enclosed you will find the Make A Difference Day Planning P.acket which provides tools to assist you in the planning and implementation of y...
Michigan Community Service Commission executive committee 2001-08-17 senate action on CNS appropriations

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  • Text: ....): Provided further, That not more than $15,000,000 shall be available for grants to support the Veterans Mission for Youth Program: Provided further, That not more than $5,000,000 shall be available for audits and other evaluations authorized under section 179 of the Act (42 U.S.C. 12639)...
Michigan Nonprofit Association 2011-12-13 board book Volunteer Centers of Michigan

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  • Text: ... families and were led by 80 volunteer leaders. As a result, over 150 “Thank You” cards were sent to active military and veterans. Over 300 backpacks filled with school supplies have been given to local Detroit students. Seventy arts & craft supply kits will allow over 2,100 Detroit...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2003-02-10 commission meeting Michigan: Greatness through Challenge

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  • Text: ...Page 8 of9 I will create the position of Advisor for Homeland Security within the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs to more directly link our security efforts here in Michigan with the country's defense preparations in Washington . We will be ready to answer the nation '...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2011-01-19 commission meeting minutes 2011-01-19

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  • Text: ...d on issue areas that are part of the CNCS new strategic plan (education, opportunity, clean energy and the environment, and veterans). In additional to the new competitive applications that we will put forward, we have several current programs who received competitive funding last year tha...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2011-04-13 commission meeting minutes 2011-01-19

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  • Text: ...n issue areas that are part of the CNCS · new strategic plan (education, opportunity, clean energy and the environment, and veterans). In additional to the new competitive applications that we will put forward, we have several current programs who received competitive funding last year tha...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2006-2007 commissioner key information binder
Michigan Community Service Commission 2006-2007 commissioner key information binder. Records are compiled in the Our State of Generosity collection by the Johnson Center, along with the files of the Michigan Nonprofit Association (MNA), the Michigan Community Service Commission (MCSC) and the Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy. Originals are at the Michigan Community Service Commission.
Council of Michigan Foundations 2001-10-31 board book policy on inclusion and diversity

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  • Text: ...le without regard for race, color, religion, gender, age, disability, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation or veteran status, in all aspects of its own organizational operations. The Donors Forum promotes inclusiveness in order to ensure that a range of perspectives, opinions...
Council of Michigan Foundations 1996-06-06 board book presidents report

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  • Text: ...We are pleased to share with you that we have retained James Krenek of L'Anse, who begins on June 10. Jim is a 23 year veteran of the Michigan State University Extension Service in Baraga County and also chairs the new Baraga County Community Foundation. Jim is entrepreneurial and comm...
Council of Michigan Foundations 2011-03-29 board book government relations committee report

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  • Text: ...implement for next year talking points organized into three plans depending on whether our meeting is with a Congressperson, veteran staffer or new staff In addition to our approved Legislative Goals we included talking points on the value to Michigan of AmeriCorps and other service project...
Michigan Community Service Commission 1995-02-21 commission meeting grant review information

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  • Text: ...ts may not vote or participate in any final decisions. u 1 PROPOSAL REVIEW PROCESS PREPARATION Although some of you are veteran reviewers. others may be first-timers. Therefore. we will offer a few suggestions as new information to some and a refresher to others. To get a clear underst...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2013-04-24 commission meeting Global Youth Service Day

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  • Text: ...(more) Students will participate in a variety of service projects on April 25 including cleaning a park, visiting with veterans, assisting the local Habitat for Humanity, painting trim through Habitat for Humanity, and packing lunches for Kids Food Basket, among others. Students will part...
Michigan Nonprofit Forum 1992-10-12 board book outside evaluator report

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  • Text: ...essed special gratitude to the Forum for bringing them up to speed quickly about the Michigan nonprofit scene. And long time veterans in the nonprofit sector are pleased that, at long last, we are building an infrastructure 6 for much needed communication, cooperation and coordination. A...