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314 Results for “veterans”
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- Subject : Michigan X
- Our State of Generosity (178)
- Native American Publication Collection (124)
- Summers in Saugatuck-Douglas Collection (5)
- Michigan Philanthropy Oral History Project Interviews (3)
- Civil War and Slavery Collection (2)
- Connected Exhibit Interviews (1)
- William James College Interviews (1)
- Michigan (314)
- Charities (181)
- Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy (178)
- Fundraising (178)
- Philanthropy and Society (178)
- Records (178)
- Michigan Community Service Commission (134)
- Indians of North America (124)
- Indians of North America -- Michigan -- Periodicals (124)
- Michigan -- Grand Rapids (123)
- Council of Michigan Foundations (29)
- Michigan Nonprofit Association (15)
- Douglas (Mich.) (4)
- Associations, institutions, etc. (3)
- ConnectMichigan Alliance (3)
- Personal narratives (3)
- Philanthropy and society (3)
- Saugatuck (Mich.) (3)
- Allegan County (Mich) (2)
- Allegan County (Mich.) (2)
- Audio recordings (2)
- Beaches (2)
- Bennitt, John (2)
- Community newspapers (2)
- Diaries (2)
- Text (311)
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- Text: ...n issue areas that are part of the CNCS · new strategic plan (education, opportunity, clean energy and the environment, and veterans). In additional to the new competitive applications that we will put forward, we have several current programs who received competitive funding last year tha...
Michigan Community Service Commission 2006-2007 commissioner key information binder. Records are compiled in the Our State of Generosity collection by the Johnson Center, along with the files of the Michigan Nonprofit Association (MNA), the Michigan Community Service Commission (MCSC) and the Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy. Originals are at the Michigan Community Service Commission.
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- Text: FROM THE BOARD During the past few months I've been involved in the committee planning the Veterans' Pow Wow at Grand Rapids Community College. As a result of being named donations contact for the committee, I have been talking with many leaders in the business community.
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- Text: ...le without regard for race, color, religion, gender, age, disability, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation or veteran status, in all aspects of its own organizational operations. The Donors Forum promotes inclusiveness in order to ensure that a range of perspectives, opinions...
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- Text: ...We are pleased to share with you that we have retained James Krenek of L'Anse, who begins on June 10. Jim is a 23 year veteran of the Michigan State University Extension Service in Baraga County and also chairs the new Baraga County Community Foundation. Jim is entrepreneurial and comm...
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- Text: ...implement for next year talking points organized into three plans depending on whether our meeting is with a Congressperson, veteran staffer or new staff In addition to our approved Legislative Goals we included talking points on the value to Michigan of AmeriCorps and other service project...
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- Text: ...ts may not vote or participate in any final decisions. u 1 PROPOSAL REVIEW PROCESS PREPARATION Although some of you are veteran reviewers. others may be first-timers. Therefore. we will offer a few suggestions as new information to some and a refresher to others. To get a clear underst...
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- Text: ...(more) Students will participate in a variety of service projects on April 25 including cleaning a park, visiting with veterans, assisting the local Habitat for Humanity, painting trim through Habitat for Humanity, and packing lunches for Kids Food Basket, among others. Students will part...
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- Text: member can avoid being part of the problem. ~rand • Opening Mail .Rapids POW WOW VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO ASSIST AT VETERAN'S POW WOW NOVEMBER 13, 1993 FORD FIELDHOUSE CALL LORETTA YOUNT AT 774-8331. Jnter-Iribal .Council•LJ 1st Annual Michigan Indian Urban Organizations...
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- Text: ...essed special gratitude to the Forum for bringing them up to speed quickly about the Michigan nonprofit scene. And long time veterans in the nonprofit sector are pleased that, at long last, we are building an infrastructure 6 for much needed communication, cooperation and coordination. A...
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- Text: ...essed special gratitude to the Forum for bringing them up to speed quickly about the Michigan nonprofit scene. And long time veterans in the nonprofit sector are pleased that, at long last, we are building an infrastructure for much needed communication, cooperation and coordination. As o...
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- Text: ...essed special gratitude to the Forum for bringing them up to speed quickly about the Michigan nonprofit scene. And long time veterans in the nonprofit sector are pleased that, at long last, we are building an infrastructure 6 for much needed communication, cooperation and coordination. A...
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- Text: ...tober 18 - 22 More than 200 YAC members participated in these annual one-day refresher and orientation trainings for new and veteran YAC members, held throughout the state. 2 59 Regional Youth Summits on Violence Prevention - October 21, 22 As part ofthe C. S. Mott Foundation funded vio...
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- Text: STD's Brochure- Language Arts- for Middle School students High School North Valentines Letters - Language Arts - for Veterans Hospital Pankow Vocational Technological Center Transportation Day - Child Care Classes - for 4th grade classes Additional Service-Learning Projects/Act...
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- Text: ...w corps member slots (250,000 total) in areas of national need, Education, Healthcare, dean Energy, Economic Opportunity and Veterans support and services. The Serve America Act is an authorization bill; implementation is dependent on the availability of funds. The legislation will not fulf...
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- Text: is encouraging each institution to send a team of at least five people, comprised of faculty (new to service learning and veterans), staff, and administrators. The Faculty/Staff Service Learning Award recipients will also be recognized in conjunction with the conference. The keynote...
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- Text: ...rough service, from preventing high school dropouts and increasing energy efficiency to improving health care and supporting veterans. ,,J. 1 , • • • The national service budget was part ofthe FY 2010 Consolidated Appropriations Act, which now goes to the President for his signa...
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- Text: ...ations to apply for AmeriCorps*VISTA members. Three areas of programming will be K-12 education, economic opportunities, and veteran related programming. Another exciting effort the CNCS is involved with, along with Paula VanDam, is a collaborative effort related to Tum Around Schools/...
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- Text: ...ations to apply for AmeriCorps*VISTA members. Three areas of programming will be K-12 education, economic opportunities, and veteran related programming. Another exciting effort the CNCS is involved with, along with Paula VanDam, is a collaborative effort related to Tum Around Schools/...
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- Text: ... Certified Te.cller Dearborn, MI J:ientY Ford Coumumity Co~e 4UsoMD of Ubera1 Arts Fordson HiP School \'ietzwn Er4 Veteran USA Ar:my Tour of duty in South Korea 1< V~ ~vcd honorlble di.scluuge upon completion of dtrty. Omlpleted leadenhip program in Non~ Officers ...
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- Text: ...Grand Entry Flag Song Invocation - Eli Welcome - Arnold Tribal Tim J. Welcome Dance Veteran Dance Thomas J. Sowrnick, Sr. Cha i rman Davis, Sub-Chief Inter-Tribal Dances Dance Competition: 0-5 Boys & Girls 6-11 Boys: Traditional Fancy Grass 6-11 Girls: Traditional Fancy Jingle 5:00 ...