Search Results

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  • Subject > Jews--United States (remove)
  • Type > Text (remove)
  • Subject > Muskegon (Mich.) (remove)
  • Collection > Temple B'nai Israel Collection (remove)

90 results

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  • Text: ... death of the famous composers, Fanny and Felix Mendelssohn, Mrs. Tony Aron will give an outstanding program on the life and music ot the Mendelssohn family. The Ch6ral Society came into being through the expressed desire of a ntUfiber of people who enjoy coming together to sing. The m...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, January 1947

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  • Text: ...bbi March 24, 1972 TEMPLE CHOIR NIGHT ISADOHE FREED was one of the undisputed leaders in the current renaissance of Jewish music. Imbued with the spirit of his ancient heritage and utilizing modern techniques and the abundant flow of his creative genius., · he'· contributed mightly...
Ha-Kol: The Voice

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  • Text: ...Later in our history, as the divine service in the Temple developed, instrumental music played an increasingly larger part. From the books of Amos and Isaiah it is evident that the sacrifices were attended with music. A description of a Temple service is found in the Book of Chroni...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, September 1945

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  • Text: ...H JEWISl·LNYSIC .FE~TIVAL rhe ent re Jewish CoMmunity is cordia i nvited to attend a CAVALCADE Q.~. JE~fI SH MUSIC on Monday 9 February hat 9 : 00 P.M. sharp at Temple B'nai Israelo In conjunttmnn with the observ~nn of National Jewish JJI'.1sic Mohthr Hadassah is proud to ...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, February 11, 1953

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  • Text: ...l.erican Judaism• PArollT-TEACHER 001-lFER.mCE 10:00-12&15 Mon 23-Habrmr School Ttt. 24...JEWISH MUSIC MONTH (Last Day) Hebrew School Sisterhood Board Meeting la 00 P.M. Wed. 25-Iiabrew School Hadassah Genera1 Meeting 8:15 P.M. Jewish Music Month Program by E llsa Teles ,_...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, February 13, 1959

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  • Text: In America, immigrant Jewish musicians adapted this music to the new rhythms and instruments they found, creating new Klezmer forms. Until the 1940's, Klezmer music flourished, but with new styles of music coming on the scene, Klezmer tradition faded.
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, January 1989

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  • Text: year and elections will then take place. The evening I s program will be pr·esented by Mr. Theodore Cook, Minis· ter of Music of the First Congregational Church. Mr. Cook has for years been interested in Synagogue songs and will trace the development Major Aron was the first Jen to be ...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, May 1, 1947

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  • Title: Jewish Music Sabbath Service
  • Description: Program for Jewish Music Sabbath Service.
  • Text: ...TEMPLE B'NAI ISRAEL MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN Daniel Rapoport, President Alan Po Alpert, Rabbi Arnold Bourziel, Director of Music JEWISH MUSIC SABBATH SERVICE Guest Artists: YOSEF YANKELEV, Violinist BERNICE MROZINSKI, Accompanist "Busic is a universal language, and needs...
Jewish Music Sabbath Service

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  • Text: ...Lawrence Berman Eighth Grc:de Mr . Sam Shumacher Ninth Grade Mrs . Warner Galombeck Music Mrs. Harry Berman to the Rabbfor Dramatics and Spe. for Confirmation and Bar Mi tzvah. ~.. ssistant Bo~·.RD OF EDUC/J.TION Mr . Joel Wiener ••••••.••• •• •••••...
Confirmation Service Program

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  • Text: ...d that the Jewish way of · well~rounded and varied repertoire life has disappeared completeiy of entertaining and beautiful music. in America. This is. the . 9econd of..the .culturaj.. This Friday night, we will preseries made possible by our congresent both sides of the issue and ga:t,ion...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, January 1946

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  • Text: ...Game ..:Salvation .n.rmy_ ., · · Music Music Festival Service I Gym f'.rom 12:00 :- -4 -:00: will be · held on Friday, March 10, : Sat 11 Hadassah Study ,Group 1:30' · commencin_g at 8 : 00 PM . ·· --· -'• ---.· -• v••·~ Home :' Eeth ashendorf �...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, March 3, 1967

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  • Text: ...Harry Berman Kiddus;ti: ********************************************** Friday Evening JEWISH MUSIC AND BOY SCOUT NIGHT ( See Page Thr-ee} Featuring Organists of Muskee;on Council Churches Oneg Shabbat February 11 ***********~***************** February 25 TRADITIONAL SERVICES ~,('...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, February 4, 1966