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7 Results for “slave”

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  • Subject : Jews--United States X
  • Subject : Muskegon (Mich.) X
  • Subject : Jewish newspapers X
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Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, April 2, 1953

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  • Text: ...Duds which was to have been scn " \~hey can only turn. round and round :i.n riieanin5less drudeery•M ••they are slaves , When e11vy !) bitterness and jt;?alousy .sou:r;th1~1.r joys and darken the b:riehtness of their contentment--they are slaves to theriselves nncJ. sh...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, November 1965

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  • Text: ...d Bus:iness Meeting & Program Speaker: Mrs . Ralph Hawk:ins on "Social Security" 7 - Sunday Temple Youth Group Slave Day-Call Temple 10;00 - 12:00 (See Flyer on Slave Day) 10 - hednesday Hadassah Card Party at Gas Company 10 - v-Jednesday B 1 nai Lrith Houston House S...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, March 25, 1953

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  • Text: ...Because of its color : it i s taken as a reminder of the bricks with which the Israelites had to do the work as slaves in Egypt., 1he E.,gg: represents the Passover festive offerlng o Afikomen : is a piece from the middle matz'ofi'tnat' has been set aside at the beginning of ...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, February 3, 1964

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  • Text: ...Cronick Jewir h Poetry of the Golden Open to Public lAge c f Spa in, 1·These includ e 23rd Sun . TYG Work Day &, Slave jt he rrost f alilO US 2,nd wel l-beSale l-4PM 11oved poetr" of this neriod Adult Educ at ion at l.rror:1 "tvhi ch come the m~st J . Cherin ho~e ~tea~t lful ...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, April 1949

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  • Text: ...At t he Seder, the Hagadah is recited. The H agadah is a book which tells the story of the J ews as slaves in E gypt, their deliveranc e from Egyµ t , and it also has a number of prayers o.f hymns expressing thanks unto the Lord for his goodness. Passov er is observed for a period of eight...
Temple B'nai Israel Bulletin, October 1965

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  • Text: ... practiced more . ) Following this , eve ryone was r eturne d honX:J, whore it is p resumed they all went bdck to Le d . TYG Slave Day will be held s ometi me in October , it was announced . Harold Shumacher B 1N.::.r BRITH 11 P AID-UP MEMBb.H.SHIP DINNER" .)clay,., Oc: tobe ...
The Bulletin of Congregation B'nai Israel
Bulletin that highlights important dates, festivals, celebrations, messages from various members of the congregation, and various different messages.