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123 Results for “veterans”

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  • Subject : Indians of North America X
  • Type : Text X
  • Subject : Michigan -- Grand Rapids X
Collection (1) Subject (4) Type (1)
Turtle Talk, October/November 1998

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  • Text: . - 8:00 p.m. "Remembrance and respect to all our dead and in special honor to our Veterans who left and have returned." Main meat and refreshments provided. Please bring a dish to share. Any questions please contact Joe John at 458-3569. lil!l!Z!!"'.ll!!!'
Turtle Talk, March 1999

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  • Text: Smiles to be a part of this as well. The sticks that they are spread across each veteran singer and drummer as they currently using are from the Owashtinong Chung-a-ming try to get the beginners on the beat. Ah yes, pasingers, after saymaa was properly given. , tience ....... .
Turtle Talk, December 1991

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  • Text: ...eeting new people, sharing feelings and issues, or expressing your views, please contact Hunter Genia or me at 774-8331. The Veteran's Pow Wow was such a success that if you were not there, you really missed an outstanding event. The committee is planning to have it again next year, ho...