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14 Results for “music”
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Collection (1) Subject (9)- Grand Rapids (Mich.) (14)
- Grand Valley State University (14)
- Heritage Hill (Grand Rapids, Mich.) (14)
- Local histories (14)
- Memoirs (14)
- Michigan--History (14)
- Oral histories (document genre) (14)
- Personal narratives (14)
- Women (14)
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- Text: ...Miss Maurits: Oh, yes. My, my father played the violin and my mother sang. So we were a musical family. Hardly a day went by that we didn’t have some music. And the of course, we had records and they came out and, we were very much interested in music. And we had a great...
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- Description: She was involved with the Urban League, Community Concerts Organization, and Baxter Community Center. She was Vice-President of the Civic Theatre, and established music scholarships to the Interlochen Arts Academy. Mary Baloyan died on January 21, 1984.
- Text: ...nto Civic Theatre work where I went on a board, worked in that area for twenty years, and became vice-president. Through our music lessons we became interested in concerts and help local concert campaigns. Also I became interested, after many years later, after mother’s death, in establis...
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- Text: ...Anything German, any name German… people they named-they changed names and they didn‟t play music-German music. And they were awfully prejudiced about the Germans and then, of course, when it came to the Second World War they were even more so. Because of the cruelty of… we�...
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- Text: And then there was Anna and she married Alex McPherson and their daughter is Anna, Margret McPherson the music teacher here. And the youngest was Louise. I can remember Louise better than the others. Though I did meet Mrs., they were grown up you see when I was still little.
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- Text: ...It didn’t used to be that way. Well, it started first with courses and lectures and courses in music, you know, the St. Cecilia Society came in there. Interviewer: Was that an important organization? Miss Perkins: That was very important when it was begun, and it was begun by some very im...
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- Text: ...She was, you know she was one of the most critical people in our lives. She had a great deal of musical experience; she lived and studied in Europe. The most serious critic in my young life. When Nana Angeline said to me, we called her Nana, in her strict way, “You were good.” that was,...
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- Text: ...Looks to me like cherry wood and it looks so pretty how could they left it out of…..You know they have oak in the Music Room and … Mrs. McLachlan: Oak was a big thing in those days. Interviewer: Yes. Mrs. McLachlan: Especially quarter-sawed oak. Interviewer: Quarter-sawed oak. Mrs. McLa...
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- Text: ...nell, Henry Lawrence (Brother) · 1, 4, 5, 11 H Hazeltine Family · 10, 11 P Perkins, Mrs. Voigt · 3, 10 S Saint Cecilia Music Society · 8 Sherman, Howard · 6 Squier, John W. (Grandfather) · 1 Squier’s Opera House · 1 12 Steketee Family · 6 W U Waters Family · 6, 9 Wellesle...
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- Text: ...All the operettas came. You talk to Siegel about operetta; he was crazy about operetta and music, of course. He used to go to all of them and sit in the top gallery, which they called then something I won’t mention. Maude Adams, Billie Burke, all the people right off the Broadway companie...
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- Text: ... on Monroe it was… Interviewer: You mean it was a retail piano business. Knappen: Yeah. He sold Steinways and all kinds of musical instruments. Interviewer: Would that be like Old Grinnell Brothers downtown or,… Knappen: Same thing, that‟s what I was trying to think of. Interviewer: I...
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- Text: ...My son was going to be inducted, and I thought I’d take him over to Chicago, we’d go see, Oklahoma was the big musical show you know, we’d go over and get cheered up a little, because I was blue as blue could be. So, over we went and I had read somewhere an advertisement for the Abrah...
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- Text: ...For instance, Marguerite Inslee who was a Tuthill, she‟s been very interested in the Art Gallery, very generous in music and so forth and all of them have taken jobs on boards of the hospital or Community Chest or you know. I think all of us were brought up to feel if we happen to have a ...