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  • Subject > Fruit growers (remove)

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  • Text: ...'ve closed it and there's still some minimal upkeep, but it's not like cherries and peaches where you're slaving and working hard all summer. This still gave... I expected my kids to work hard and I paid them well. And being the Dutchmen that I am, by paying them well, t...
Byl, Larry (audio interview and transcript)

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  • Text: Counting House Almanac 1863 Distances and Time by railroad from New York Population of the United States (including totla slave pop 1850 + 1860) San Francisco Tides Eclipses in 1863 Rates of Postage Almanac of 1863 [Page 1] [note written above the date] Battle of Stones River. Wind South...
Theodore Peticolas Diaries