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  • Subject > Epidemics (remove)
  • Collection > COVID-19 Journals (remove)
  • Subject > Grand Rapids (Mich.) (remove)

32 results

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  • Text: ... open the golf courses so you can play golf. Today’s flashback; This is Copenhagen in July 2018. We were about to sail to Scotland and Iceland the next day with CB lecturing on a New York Times cruise. Scandanavia was experiencing an unusual heatwave and when we landed at the airport we ...
Pandemic Diary: Day 24

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  • Text: ...Plus, the Scots have had enough and want to hold another referendum about detaching Scotland from the United Kingdom and returning to the European Union. New York Times More than one million new coronavirus cases in three days. The world recorded the highest total ever in such short span, ...
Day 214

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  • Text: ...In England I think builders are able to return to work - and perhaps manufacturing? Scotland and Wales are retaining the current ‘stay at home’ message. In Michigan we are asked to stay at home until May 28 and all government, county and city committees, boards etc are mandated to mee...
Day 61

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  • Text: ... nervous pony who was most reluctant to go into the water. We also met a forest ranger who was breeding highland cattle from Scotland, and she had permission to keep them in a field near the park. They are very hardy animals with heavy coats, and look at those horns! This is the original...
Day 88

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  • Text: ...Kitts are one country, known as the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis. His father was from Scotland; his mother from Nevis. Hamilton left the region as a teenager to live in North America. Hamilton’s skills as a writer let him leave the Caribbean In August 1772, Hamilton’s letter to h...
Day 412

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  • Text: ...ater Scottish loch which crosses the Highland Boundary Fault, often considered the boundary between the lowlands of Central Scotland and the Highlands. The Loch forms part of the Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park which was established in 2002. This was the start of our journey in...
Day 118

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  • Text: The castle, situated on a headland overlooking Loch Ness, is one of the largest in Scotland in area.It was approached from the west and defended by a ditch and drawbridge. The buildings of the castle were laid out around two main enclosures on the shore.
Day 122

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  • Text: ...(He’s under the end of the coffee table). Flashback: remember we visited John o’ Groats at the top of mainland Scotland? Well, we also visited Land’s End at the bottommost tip of England. If you went straight south from here you would end up in Spain. And finally, we visited St...
Day 141

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  • Text: Then we drove to Cambridge to meet Asher who was arriving from London by train. We’ll visit Cambridge in tomorrow’s blog and then we’ll set off north to Scotland. Remember: returning to “normal” cannot be our goal.
Day 106

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  • Text: ...So young and yet so bossy - not now Alfie! Still in Edinburgh. Today we visited the National Museum of Scotland. It is full of artifacts and has an excellent cafe where we met a friend of Asher’s with her family for lunch. From the top: on our way to the museum we came across the cafe...
Day 117

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  • Text: ...ə/; from Old Norse Skalpaflói, meaning 'bay of the long isthmus' is a body of water in the Orkney Islands, Scotland, sheltered by the islands of Mainland, Graemsay, Burray, South Ronaldsay and Hoy. Its sheltered waters have played an important role in travel, trade and con...
Day 126

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  • Text: ...The Standing Stones of Stenness is a Neolithic monument five miles northeast of Stromness on the mainland of Orkney, Scotland. This may be the oldest henge site in the British Isles. The monuments at the heart of Neolithic Orkney and Skara Brae proclaim the triumphs of the human spirit in e...
Day 13,965 - oh sorry, that's the new case count yesterday for Florida. Day 128