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  • Subject > Clergy--Michigan (remove)
  • Collection > Richard A. Rhem Collection (remove)
  • Subject > Sermons (remove)

80 results

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  • Text: significance, “Man must at last wake out of his milleniary dreams and discover his total solitude, his fundamental isolation. He must realize that, like a gypsy, he lives in the boundary of an alien world, a world that is deaf to his music and as indifferent
911: To An Unknown God - This is an Emergency!

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  • Text: home. Those who are responsible and faithful and dependable who never kick over the traces or kick up their heels. Those who are righteous to a fault. In the parable, the elder brother who was such a person, coming in from the fields, hears the music
The Gift of Life, The Life of Grace

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  • Text: the beauty and wonder, the grand music, the lovely flowers, the festive occasion, which we experience just now, let me ask you this question. If the cross were the last chapter, would you follow Jesus still? If there were no Easter glory? If there were
The Faith of Jesus Vindicated

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  • Text: or the rites attached to it. Without ritual, myths made no sense and would remain as opaque as a musical score, which is impenetrable to most of us until interpreted instrumentally. © Grand Valley State University Religious Quest: Groping for God Richard
Groping for the God in Whom We Live and Move and Have Our Being

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  • Text: Page 4   boundary of an alien world; a world that is deaf to his music, and as indifferent to his hopes as it is to his suffering and his crimes. Similarly, Erich Fromm, one of the world’s leading psychoanalysts, wrote in Man for Himself
The Old Story Ever New: Formation and Freedom

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  • Text: messages, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”, "Father, into thy hand I commend my spirit," and now here we are on Easter Sunday morning once again, amid the flowers in all of their beauty, and the flickering candles, the magnificent music
Just Imagine - The Real Miracle of Easter

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  • Text: were emanating the sounds of music and laughter and joy, and he looked at his wife and said, "You know, if Jesus came to this village tonight, I think he'd join the crowd at the tavern rather than the crowd at the church." And I know that existentially
Honestly Human

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  • Text: and discover his total solitude, his fundamental isolation. He must realize that, like a gypsy, he lives on the boundary of an alien world; a world that is deaf to his music, and as indifferent to his hopes as it is to his sufferings or his crimes. (p. 160
Is Religion Really Escape from Life?

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  • Text: of human transformation that is affected by the touch of grace. © Grand Valley State University Forgiveness, Possible, Moral? Richard A. Rhem Page 5   My favorite novel, drama, musical, "Les Miserables," has Jean Valjean fleeing the police inspector
Forgiveness: Possible? Moral?

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  • Text: that is so much a part of our Easter world today. We begin to feel it; we begin to sense it. Then barely twenty-four hours later the lights go on, the flowers come in, the bells are rung, the music sounds forth and we shout "Hallelujah!" That’s my problem
If That's How It Is, I Can Live With That

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  • Text: right. He comes upon the party and he is angry, protesting to the father that in all his years of faithful service there had never been a party for him. And now this wild one returns and there is joy, music, dancing and a great feast. The elder brother
All Are Welcome Here

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  • Text: ? That doesn't work here for very many anymore. We come here - for what? To hear some interesting word, some scintillating lecture, some good music? Not all bad. But, is that all? Who are you this morning who has entered the sanctuary and come into the presence
Mary Magdalene: Bedeviled