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42 Results for “slave”
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- Text: ...t and they wait, and he gets discouraged. And then one day Sarah takes things into her own hands and she says, "Have my slave girl from Egypt, Hagar," and Abraham has a child, Ishmael, with Hagar. There are the natural, normal kind of tensions and conflict, but in any case, Ishmae...
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- Text: ...e know of as the Age of Feudalism when the castle was on the hill and the lord of the castle had serfs. The serf served as a slave to the castle and the castle gave protection to the serf. Anselm said, let’s understand this whole drama this way: The lord of the castle is God, who has infi...
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- Text: ...gnity and the justice of the Black in South Africa and the Latino in South America and Central America as ever I was for the slaves in America or the patriots of the Revolution of 1776. Now, America, that you have climbed to the place of power in the world, my challenge to you," says A...
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- Text: Rather than kill him, they sold him to traveling merchants who brought him to Egypt and sold him as a slave. The brothers ripped his beautiful cloak, stained it with blood and took it to their father, claiming a wild animal had killed Joseph. Jacob grieved and would not be comforted.
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- Text: ...the last day of the Jewish year the child was present at the solemn [ceremony] of Rosh Hashanah. He heard thousands of these slaves cry with one voice, 'Blessed be the name of the Eternal.' Not long before he too would have prostrated himself and with such adoration, such awe, suc...
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- Text: ...You don’t get out the catechism. You tell the story. You say, "Our fathers and mothers were slaves of Pharaoh in Egypt and God brought you out ..." You tell the story. And the story becomes that which is remembered every year, annually in festival, in ceremony and ritual, and th...
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- Text: ...God breaks through or manifests, and we respond. Moses responds and we get the whole liberation movement of the slaves out of Egypt, and we get the nation Israel and that founding experience in the Exodus. Jesus comes along and Jesus, the Jew’s conception of the intimacy of the relationsh...
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- Text: ...ithfulness, they celebrated every year and the Jewish community to this day still keeps Passover, remembering that they were slaves in Egypt and they were delivered by the mighty hand of God. In the beautiful statement of Moses in the Book of Exodus, in the words of God, "See how I hav...
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- Text: ...It is stated in those opening chapters: the cries of my people have come to me, and God calls Moses to lead those slaves out of Egyptian bondage. Walter Brueggemann speaks about the royal consciousness of Egypt that had a totalitarian grip on the people who were held in oppressive economic ...
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- Text: ...Rhem Page 5 story that they have latched onto is the Exodus -when God with a mighty hand delivered a band of slaves out of Pharaoh's power. Now, the Christmas story is a story of radical revolution. In order not to hear it, we have successfully spiritualized it. For most of my m...
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- Text: live, Toward women, © Grand Valley State University The Lost Cause of Christmas Richard A. Rhem Page 7 Toward slaves, Toward all and every single thing, Because this is a Jesus society and you repent, not by feeling bad, but by thinking different. Maybe the only way I can be ...
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- Text: ... said, “He was wasting your living on harlots and all that other kind of stuff, and you kill a fatted calf for him? I have slaved for you all these years and you never gave me a party.” Jesus is brandishing a vivid point to those to whom he told the story in the first place, to the murm...
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- Text: ...e you were saying, "Oh, what a beautiful summer day. But, I suppose we’d better go to church. There was poor old Dick slaving all Saturday and he’s going to sit on his stool and nobody there, we’d better go." There’s so many good people who support religion for all the wro...
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- Text: ...henticity of their heart and their passion, and if I would try to replicate that, my heart wouldn’t be in it. I would be a slave to a particular mode that wasn’t really mine, even though it had been that to which I was raised. I had to make my own way with my own children, stammering an...
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- Text: ...she and her people be saved from destruction, arguing that she would not have bothered the king if they were only to be made slaves. When the king demanded that she identify her enemy, she pointed to Haman as the one who had abused his position of power and the king's friendship. So su...
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- Text: existence and the natural world was spoken of as emancipation. Just as Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation freed the slave, so clearing the world of God was thought to give space to the human person to develop potential and carve out a destiny free from the oppressive restraints of ...
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- Text: ...deral government where they could instruct the states to give rights to people or could instruct all states to release their slaves. The governors of some southern states back in the 60s, in the Civil Rights days, argued for states rights over against the interpretation of the constitution ...
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- Text: ...Rhem Page 5 problem is not Rome. The problem is not some external authority. The problem is that you are a slave to your own soul. You are not free inside. Real freedom cannot come through some form of political liberation. Real freedom is a spiritual matter, a decision of the heart....