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42 Results for “slave”

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  • Subject : Christ Community Church (Spring Lake, Mich.) X
  • Subject : Sermons X
  • Type : Sound X
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Moses: Somebody Has To Believe!

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  • Text: Slaves are slaves, but slaves are human. Slaves are people. Slaves have feelings. Slaves must not be used as a commodity, as so much chattel. As he brooded in the isolation of the desolate wilderness, I wonder if he churned inwardly.
Following in His Steps

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  • Text: ...Once again, the institution of slavery was undercut by the Gospel because masters and slaves were alike called to respond to every human being as a human being. A slave in the early centuries was a thing, not a person, and masters were given counsel as well as the slaves, ...
When Hope is Almost Gone

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  • Text:, doing what top dogs ought to do. Another film by Spielberg is coming out: "Amistad." Amistad was the name of a slave ship that was bringing slaves from Africa around 1839, and they mutinied, these slaves. They killed the captain and several of the crew, and t...
Israel: God Wrestler - A Tale of Providence and Grace

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  • Text: ...Rhem Page 2   who in the meantime took things into their own hands so that Sarah's slave girl, Hagar, bore Abraham a son, whom he loved. And Sarah, being so human, forced the slave girl and her son out of the tent. The tragic story of Ishmael, the firstborn, Abraham'...
Surprised by Grace

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  • Text: ...ving recovered, he was befriended by the family of a clergyman, Morly Urwin, and when Urwin died, John Newton, the converted slave trader become Anglican pastor and author of "Amazing Grace," invited Cowper to come to Olney, England, Newton's parish. For the last two decades ...
The Gift of Sabbath

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  • Text: ...of years, and they are to work the land for six years and then let it lie fallow for a year and not work, and not work their slaves and not work their beasts of burden, and take what the land offers, but let it lie fallow. Let the land rest. And then if you continue in Leviticus 25, you wil...

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  • Text: Because he says, "...The Law is spiritual; but I am not. I am unspiritual, the purchased slave of sin." In utter amazement, Paul says, "I do not even acknowledge my own virtues as mine, for what I do is not what I want to do, but what I detest." What is the solution?
I Thirst

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  • Text: ...Jesus was doing for the whole world what Moses did for Israel. Jesus was doing for the whole world what happened when the slaves were set free from the house of bondage in Pharaoh's Egypt. John understood the death of Jesus as a liberating act, as the culmination of a life that had cal...
The Communion of Saints - Love, Forgiveness, and Freedom

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  • Text: ...Hagar, full of Abraham's child, looks at Sarah with contempt. But can't you understand? The slave girl had the chance to look down her nose, just a little bit, at Sarah the barren one. And Sarah, of course, responding in kind, treated Hagar harshly. Hagar flees out into the wilder...
Observing Sabbath, Celebrating Grace and Freedom

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  • Text: ...mmunity Church Spring Lake, Michigan Pentecost VI, July 19, 1992 Transcription of the spoken sermon Remember that you were a slave ... and the Lord your God brought you out ... Deuteronomy 5:15 If with Christ you died ... why do you live as if you still belonged to the world? Colossians 2:2...
Night Light

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  • Text: ...That is who we are, and that is what this Seder is about. [And that is what this table is about.] For the slaves do become free, and the tyrants are destroyed. Once, it was by miracles; today, it is by defiance and devotion. [For us, to the way of Jesus.] From the book, A Different Night: T...
Leadership With a Difference - An Installation

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  • Text: ...Joel 2:28 …whoever wants to be great must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be the willing slave of all. Mark 10:43-44 I haven't had any of the Consistory newly organized last week come up to me and ask to sit on my right hand or on my left. No, there's not to...
You Can't Fight It, Paul

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  • Text: ...We have an intellectual systematic account of reality on the basis of the foundational experience. Moses leads a slave band out of Egypt to freedom - the Exodus becomes the foundational event of Israel. The Jewish teacher and prophet, Jesus of Nazareth, is crucified by Imperial Rome and his...
Suffering: Nevertheless...

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  • Text: ...versity   Suffering: Nevertheless… Richard A. Rhem Page 2   would have denied himself. He would have become a slave in bondage to fear, to prejudice, to all of that which was set against him and the truth that he proclaimed. He would have denied his deepest sense of who God w...

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  • Text: ...Paul was amazed and transformed. Now there would be no longer, as he wrote to the Galatians, Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female, but all one in Christ Jesus. And, he adds, if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to the promise. No more barriers ...
A Larger Hope

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  • Text: ...yles of both the rich and famous and the far larger, yet mostly hidden, world of the Roman havenots, peasants, plebians, and slaves. Richard Horsley, The Message and the Kingdom, p. 2F. As this citation begins, one might think one is reading a description of life at the end of the 20th Cent...
A Little Less Certainty and a Lot More Love

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  • Text: ... the time of the Civil War when there was an argument that the states should be allowed to determine whether or not they had slaves, and he wants to suggest that that kind of determination by the states would have been just too much inclusion, that rather Lincoln said there are some things ...
Paul: The Mellowing of a Fanatic

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  • Text: ...Paul was free of every human structure, ritual, law, custom and institution – he was a slave to Jesus Christ and that enslaving was perfect freedom. The freedom of grace relativized every other duty or claim upon him. Paul never wavered from the Gospel as it had been revealed to him and i...
The Test of Trust

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  • Text: ...who gathered little had no shortage; they gathered as much as each of them needed." Last week we saw Israel set free, a slave people delivered by the mighty hand of God, by the mighty hand of Moses and we noted that that founding story was the story that Israel looked back to when it u...
Jerusalem and Jesus: Deja Vu Forever?

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  • Text: ...But, he hated them because he saw the way they were treating Russian prisoners who were slave laborers. Then one day as a seventeen-year-old he saw the German wounded coming down the road in retreat. He saw a man stumbling, led by two others, his head all bandaged, his jaw blown off, and in...
The Gift of Sabbath

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  • Text: ... you go to the Deuteronomy account, the Sabbath commandment is based on the need to contemplate salvation or grace. You were slaves and God set you free. And so, it is a cessation of work but not as an end in itself, but as an opportunity to delight in the wonder of life and the miracle of ...
John the Baptist: Wrath - Sometimes Necessary: Never the Solution

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  • Text: ...ore the Civil Rights Movement of the 60s I could weep. It is treating people in a dehumanizing way. It is creating in them a slave mentality where they cower and where they don’t rock the boat, where they take abuse. They were treating them with paternalism and condescension. Malcolm X ex...
Do I Need Religion?

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  • Text: ...The people need authority. They live by miracle, mystery, and authority. Let them submit. Let them be slaves, simply obedient, unthinking. Give them bread. That’s what the © Grand Valley State University Do I Need Religion? Richard A. Rhem Page 4   masses need, not the freedom o...
The Best Is Yet To Be

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  • Text: ...wer will be turned on in order to regenerate this monster that we have created which is not our servant, but of which we are slaves. One could wonder if it can ever be. And yet, the dream won't die, and there have always been a minority of people who have believed that the best is yet ...