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Go to Associate professor W. Wayne Meinke explains an electronic counter item page

Associate professor W. Wayne Meinke explains an electronic counter used in determining the presence of radioactivity.
Go to Astrauckas, Richard (Interview outline and video), 2008 item page

Richard Astrauckas served with the Merchant Marines from 1943 to 1948 during World War II and with the U.S. Army from 1950 to 1952 during the Korean War. He discusses his pre-enlistment years, enlistment and training in the U.S. and sea voyages…
Go to Astronomy club with telescopes item page

Astronomy club with telescopes.
Go to Astronomy students item page

Astronomy students.
Go to At Home with the Jardines item page

Binding of At Home with the Jardines, by Lilian Bell, published by L.C. Page and Company, 1904.
Go to At Our Death - No Fear of Judgment item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on March 11, 1987 entitled "At Our Death - No Fear of Judgment", as part of the series "Christian Hope in Life and Death", on the occasion of Midweek Lenten Service, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake,…
Go to At the Dark End of the Street item page

Poster with a synopsis on the topic, and information of the event, including the place, time and date.
Go to At the Sign of the Three Birches item page

Binding of At the Sign of the Three Birches, by Amy Brooks, published by Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1916.
Go to At the Time Appointed item page

Binding of At the Time Appointed, by A. Maybard Barbour, published by J. B. Lippincott Company, 1903.
Go to At War with Pontiac, or, The Totem of the Bear item page

Binding of At War with Pontiac, by Kirk Munroe, illustrated by J. Finnemore, published by C. Scribner's Sons, 1909.
Go to Athena College Leadership Initiative item page

Flyer detailing information for an Athena leadership seminar for students to meet and share experiences with women leaders.
Go to Athena Connections 2012 item page

Flyer detailing information for an Athena leadership seminar for students to meet and share experiences with women leaders.
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