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Briefe an eine junge Frau
Cover of Briefe an eine junge Frau, by Rainer Maria Rilke, published by Insel-Verlag. Insel-Bücherei Nr. 409
Briefe an eine junge Frau
Cover of Briefe an eine junge Frau, by Rainer Maria Rilke, published by Insel-Verlag. Insel-Bücherei Nr. 409
Brigalia, Dianne (Interview transcript and video), 2009
Diane Brigalia enlisted in the Army after high school because she had always been interested in becoming a doctor, but was not yet ready for college. She went through 9 weeks of basic training and then was sent to Fort San Houston in Texas for EMT…
Brigham siblings at Eddy cottage on Lakeshore Drive
Photograph of Ann and Dave Brigham in front of abundant rose bushes at the Eddy cottage on Lakeshore Drive. s
Bright Angel down to Supai
Black and white photograph looking down on a valley filled with shrubs and small trees from a rocky ledge.
Brighton Beach in Brighton, England
Black and white photograph of various people enjoying outdoor recreation at Brighton Beach in Brighton, England. In the photograph, people can be seen wearing bathing suits and swimming in the waves, while others are wearing their work attire and…
Brighton Beach in Brighton, England
Black and white photograph of three older women seated on beach chairs at Brighton Beach in southern England. Two boys can be seen playing near the shoreline of the pebble-covered beach in the background. Scanned from the negative.
Brighton Beach in Brighton, England
Black and white photograph of a trash can located at a Brighton Beach parking lot in southern England. In the photograph, the trash can is shaped like a clown-faced boy with the words, "I Eat Litter," on the front. Scanned from the negative.
Brink, Jarvis (Interview outline), 2013
Jarvis Brink is a Cold War veteran from Zeeland, Michigan where he attended Holland High School and graduated from there in 1953. In 1954 he joined the Army and served for two years. He received basic training at Fort Knox, Kentucky and was stationed…
Brinkman, William (Interview outline and video), 2009
After graduating from a military academy, William Brinkman attended Officer's Candidate School where he was given a commission as 2nd Lieutenant. He served during the Korean War, but his division, and a couple of others, were sent to Germany,…
Brinn, Joseph (Interview transcript and video), 2010
Joe Brinn was born in 1950 in Virginia and eventually moved with his family to Michigan, where he grew up. He got married at age 16 and dropped out of high school, and a year later decided to join the military. He received basic training at Ft. Knox,…