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Go to Voucher to 1st Lieut. George H. Granger, 28th Michigan Infantry item page

Voucher to 1st Lieut. George H. Granger, Company A, 28th Michigan Infantry, paid August 5, 1865
Go to Voucher to 1st Lieut. George Brewster, 18th Michigan Infantry item page

Voucher to 1st Lieut. George Brewster of Company F, 18th Michigan Infantry, paid July 14, 1865.
Go to Voucher to 1st Lieut. David F. Fox, 27th Michigan Infantry item page

Voucher to 1st Lieut. and Adjt. David F. Fox, 27th Michigan Infantry, paid April 10, 1863.
Go to Voucher to 1st Lieut. Charles T. Bissell, 5th Michigan Infantry item page

Voucher to 1st Lieut. Charles T. Bissell of the 5th Michigan Infantry, paid July 17, 1863.
Go to Voucher and final statement to Priv. Robert Stamm, 16th Michigan Infantry item page

Voucher and final statement to Priv. Robert Stamm, Cpmpany E, 16th Michigan Infantry, paid Nov. 14, 1864.
Go to Voss, Douglas (Interview outline and video), 2016 item page

Doug Voss was born on March 1, 1950, in Buffalo, New York, but he moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1963. He was in the High Reserve Officers' Training Corps, and he enlisted in the Army in June 1968. He went to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, for…
Go to Vosberg, [?] item page

[?] Vosberg
Go to Vonk, John item page

John Vonk, Sociology
Go to Vonk, James (Interview outline and video), 2010 item page

James Vonk of Grand Rapids, Michigan, left college in the late 1980s to enlist in the Marine Corps. He was sent to Okinawa, and was based there at the time of Desert Storm. His company was scheduled to go to Iraq, but the ground war ended so quickly…
Go to Vonderau, Kate (Interview transcript and video), 2010 item page

Kate Vonderau was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana in 1927. She grew up playing ball with her brothers. She learned about the AAGPBL when the Daisies came to Fort Wayne, and tried out for and made the team in 1946. She was a catcher, and eventually…
Go to Von Holt, Jerry (Interview outline and video), 2007 item page

Jerry Von Holt served in the US Navy from 1947 to 1956. He served on ships and at bases across the Pacific, including Korea and Japan. He served on destroyers that patrolled Korean waters, but did not see combat. He also received firefighting and…
Go to Von der Eitelkeit: Zwei Essays item page

Cover of Von der Eitelkeit: Zwei Essays, by Rudolf Kassner, published by Insel-Verlag, 1951. Insel-Bücherei Nr. 110
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