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Anticline rocks looking north
Black and white photograph of anticline rocks near Ontario, Canada. Taken by Robert Merrill, looking north across water. Water damage is visible on the image, which was scanned from the negative.
Antigone: eine Tragödie des Sophokles
Cover of Antigone: eine Tragödie des Sophokles, by Sophocles, published by Insel-Verlag, 1912. Insel-Bücherei Nr. 27
Anton and Abba Field preparing for trip to Mexico City
Photo of Anton (right) and Abba (left) Field preparing to leave for a trip to Mexico City. (Anton's father was S. O. Field.) A sweet cherry tree is pictured in the background. A copy of their travel journal from that trip was also donated and scanned…
Anton, Gust J (Interview outline and video), 2017
Gust Anton was born in Chicago on December 17, 1928. He was drafted in December 1951 and reported for duty in January 1952. He went to Fort Knox, Kentucky, for his basic training and mechanic training, then went to Fort Lewis, Washington, to wait for…
Antonia Garcia (theater production), 2012
Color photograph of Grand Valley's 2012 production of "Antonia Garcia". There are multiple people in masks and period costumes. There is a man in purple in the middle of the stage clutching his groin area. The people around him are recoiling in…
Tags: 2012s
Antonia Garcia (theater production), 2012
Color photograph of Grand Valley's 2012 production of "Antonia Garcia". There is a platform in the middle of the stage with a man and woman looking at each other smiling with flower crowns. There is a woman singing and sitting on the platform. All…
Tags: 2012s
Antonia Garcia (theater production), 2012
Color photograph of Grand Valley's 2012 production of "Antonia Garcia". There is a man in the middle looking to the right and gesturing. To the right there are two woman sitting and a couple behind them with flower crowns. To the left there are…
Tags: 2012s
Antonia Garcia (theater production), 2012
Color photograph of Grand Valley's 2012 production of "Antonia Garcia". There is a young man standing against a black background. He is wearing a brown hat and boots with a layered coat.
Tags: 2012s
Antonia Garcia (theater production), 2012
Color photograph of Grand Valley's 2012 production of "Antonia Garcia". There is two people kneeling on the floor. To the right the man in giving a thumbs up and winking with his mouth open. The person to the left is looking at him and has a basket…
Tags: 2012s
Antonia Garcia (theater production), 2012
Color photograph of Grand Valley's 2012 production of "Antonia Garcia." There are two knights with swords engaged in a sword fight with another man. This man is fighting with two swords and dressed in purple patterned dress clothes.
Tags: 2012s
Antonia Garcia (theater production), 2012
Color photograph of Grand Valley's 2012 production of "Antonia Garcia." There is a woman against a black background. She is in a red layered dress and a crown on her long curly red hair.
Tags: 2012s
Antonia Garcia (theater production), 2012
Color photograph of Grand Valleys 2012 production of "Antonia Garcia." There are two men is long white night clothes and caps. They are wearing masks. One man has a long beard to the floor. There is a woman hunched in the background with a guitar…
Tags: 2012s
Antonia Garcia (theater production), 2012
Color photograph of Grand Valley's 2012 production of "Antonia Garcia." There are three knights fighting with swords. There is a man and a woman on a wooden platform with wooden clubs. To the right there is a man whose back is to the camera with a…
Tags: 2012s
Antonia Garcia (theater production), 2012
Color photograph of Grand Valleys 2012 production of "Antonia Garcia." There are two women on the floor. One woman with her mouth open in surprise. The other woman is kneeling behind her and has her in a choke hold and grabbing her hair.
Tags: 2012s
Antonio “Maloco” Jiménez Rodríguez video interview and biography
Antonio “Maloco” Jiménez Rodríguez has no qualms about admitting that he was the Vice-President of the notorious Hacha Viejas, or Old Hatchets, of the 1950s and 1960s in Chicago. He was a World War II veteran with a lot of heart.
Antonio López video interview and biography
Antonio López grew up in the Logan Square Neighborhood of Chicago and heard about the Young Lords early in life, as his parents are activists. Mr. López is also active in various projects and community organizations. He is of Mexican descent and…
Apache Lake
Black and white photograph of the side of a mountain in the distance with a hillside in the foreground of the image.