Browse Items (26011 total)

Go to Autograph of Robert Todd Lincoln item page

Autograph of Robert Todd Lincoln
Go to Autograph of Simon Cameron, Secretary of War item page

Autograph of Simon Cameron, Secretary of War.
Go to Automobile Ride in Wales item page

Black and white photograph of a couple enjoying an automobile ride in the Welsh countryside of Wales. In the photograph, the couple is driving past an old stone building with large tree-lined mountains in the background. Scanned from the negative.
Go to Automobiles in the Tulip Time parade item page

Black and white photograph of a group of three classic automobiles driving down 8th street during the Tulip Time Volksparade in downtown Holland, Michigan in May 1960. Photograph by Douglas R. Gilbert. Scanned from the negative.
Go to Autumn pond item page

Color slide of a pond surrounded by autumn-colored trees. Circa 1960
Go to Autumn Prayer for Artists and Creators 1982 item page

Prayer created, delivered, or published by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on October 10, 1982 entitled "Autumn Prayer for Artists and Creators 1982", at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Tags: Prayer, Creators.
Go to AV  U.S. Seaplane tender item page

AV US Seaplane tender, October 1, 1947.
Go to Avebury Henge and Stone Circles, England item page

Black and white photograph of the Avebury Henge and Stone Circles ceremonial site and sacred landscape in the village of Avebury, England. In the photograph, a flock of sheep are grazing on the hillside among the vertical sarsen standing stones in…
Go to Avebury Henge and Stone Circles, England item page

Black and white photograph of the Avebury Henge and Stone Circles ceremonial site and sacred landscape in the village of Avebury, England. In the photograph, a flock of sheep are grazing on the hillside among the vertical sarsen standing stones in…
Go to Avebury Henge and Stone Circles, England item page

Black and white photograph of the Avebury Henge and Stone Circles ceremonial site and sacred landscape in the village of Avebury, England. In the photograph, a flock of sheep are grazing on the hillside among the vertical sarsen standing stones in…
Go to Avebury Henge and Stone Circles, England item page

Black and white photograph of the Avebury Henge and Stone Circles ceremonial site and sacred landscape in the village of Avebury, England. In the photograph, a flock of sheep are grazing on a hillside in the English countryside nearby. Scanned from…
Go to Avebury Henge and Stone Circles, England item page

Black and white photograph of the Avebury Henge and Stone Circles ceremonial site and sacred landscape in the village of Avebury, England. In the photograph, the vertical sarsen standing stones are situated among a pasture in the English countryside.…
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