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Tientsin-Pukow RR Yellow River bridge from below traveller
Black and white lantern slide of a railroad bridge taken from below.
Tientsin-Pukow RR Yellow River bridge from below
Black and white lantern slide of a railroad bridge crossing the Yellow River in China.
Tientsin-Pukow RR Yellow River bridge
Black and white lantern slide of a railroad bridge entrance. A sign on top of the bridge reads "Erbaut 1909-1912, Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nurnberg A.C. Werk Gustavsberg."
Tientsin water filtration plant
Black and white lantern slide of a water filtration plant in Tientsin (Tianjin), China. A small building sits behind a pool of water, and a larger building with five smokestacks is visible in the distance.
Tientsin tennis court French concession
Black and white lantern slide (very dark) of a tennis court in Tientsin (Tianjin), China. Behind the court, a tall building is visible, and one player in white can be seen at the bottom right.
Tientsin tennis court ball boys
Black and white lantern slide of a group of Chinese boys in a line at a tennis court in Tientsin (Tianjin), China.
Tientsin race track finish
Black and white lantern slide of a horse racetrack in Tientsin (Tianjin), China. The photograph from the stands behind spectators facing the track, where several horses ridden by jockeys pass.
Tientsin race track
Black and white lantern slide of a horse racetrack in Tientsin (Tianjin), China. The photograph from the track itself, down the fenceline toward the stands.
Tientsin house No. 1 Ching Ho Li
Black and white lantern slide of a two story house in Tientsin (Tianjin), China.
Tientsin dredge in the plant
Black and white lantern slide of a dredge at a water filtration plant in Tientsin (Tianjin), China.
Tientsin dredge filling
Black and white lantern slide of a pool of water being dredged in Tientsin (Tianjin), China.
Tientsin British concession offices
Black and white lantern slide of the British concession offices in Tientsin (Tianjin), China.
Tientsin bell opposite Astor House
Black and white lantern slide of a large bronze bell on top of a round stone structure in a park near several large buildings in Tientsin (Tianjin), China. One building, to the left, has a sign that reads "Astor House." The building to the right has…
Tientsin bell and Sikh guard
Black and white lantern slide of a large bronze bell on top of a round stone structure in a park in Tientsin (Tianjin), China. A Sikh guard in uniform is standing in front of the bell.
Tientsin base ball ground
Black and white lantern slide of a baseball field in Tientsin (Tianjin), China.
Tide gauge house looking southeast
Black and white photograph of a small wooden tide gauge house under the end of the pier. Photograph was taken by Robert Merrill in the Chinese coastal resort area of Beidaihe Qu.
Tide gauge house looking southeast
Black and white photograph of a small wooden tide gauge house under the end of the pier. Photograph was taken by Robert Merrill in the Chinese coastal resort area of Beidaihe Qu.
Tide gauge house
Black and white photograph of a Chinese man standing next to a tide gauge house and pier. Another person is visible standing on top of the pier. Photograph was taken by Robert Merrill in the Chinese coastal resort area of Beidaihe Qu.
Tide gauge
Black and white photograph of two Chinese men in front of an open door. Photograph was taken by Robert Merrill in the Chinese coastal resort area of Beidaihe Qu. The image appears to be double exposed with a view of a pier and tide gauge house across…
Tidal bore at Moncton wave near dock
Black and white photograph of a beach with houses, buildings, and powerlines visible in the background. A bridge can be seen in the center of the photograph from a distance.
Tidal bore at Moncton looking east
Black and white photograph of a beach with houses and trees visible in the distance.
Tidal bore at Moncton down stream
Black and white photograph of a lake with houses and cabins visible on the opposite shore.
Tidal bore at Moncton down stream
Black and white photograph of a lake with houses and cabins visible on the opposite shore.
Tidal bore at Moncton down stream
Black and white photograph of a lake taken from a boardwalk. Barrels are visible along the edge of the boardwalk on the right side of the image with a building behind them. Houses and trees are visible on a hillside across the lake are visible in the…