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Bumper Cars, Salisbury Beach
Black and white photograph of a group of people riding bumber cars at Salisbury Beach’s Amusement Center in Salisbury, Massachusetts. Scanned from the negative.
Bunty Prescott at Englishman's Camp
Binding of Bunty Prescott at Englishman's Camp, by M.J. Phillips, illustrated by Emile Nelson, published by Reilly & Britton, 1912.
Burch, Roosevelt (Interview outline and video), 2007
Roosevelt Burch was born on July 24, 1937 in Mound Bayou, Mississippi. He went to school in Mississippi until he was 9 years old and then moved to Chicago to live with his father for a while. Roosevelt later moved to his mothers' new house in…
Burdette Group Buffalo
Black and white photograph of the Burdette group in Buffalo, New York. Two women and one man can be seen standing next to a baby stroller.
Burdette's Party
Black and white photograph of five men standing on bank of canal next to a row boat. Some men are holding tools, and a bridge is visible in the background.
Burgess, Frederick J. (Interview transcript and video), 2005
Fred Burgess is a World War II veteran who served in the U.S. Navy from June 23, 1944 to May 16, 1946. During the course of the interview he discusses in great detail his pre-enlistment, enlistment/basic training experience, and active duty in the…
Burke, James Sr. (Interview outline and video), 2008
James Burke, Sr. was born in Pennsylvania on April 29, 1918. James was the second oldest of a very large family of 11 children. He went to school through 5th grade and then began working to help his parents support the family. James enlisted in…
Burkholder, Carolyn (Interview outline and video), 2006
Carolyn Burkholder was born in Miami, Oklahoma in 1932. Her husband served in World War II, specifically in the Battle of the Bulge, and landing on Omaha Beach. Her father was a grocer, and she moved to Michigan after the war to get a job at Dow…
Burkholder, David A (Interview outline and video), 2015
David Burkholder was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan on September 21, 1926. He grew up there and on August 24, 1944 he enlisted in the Navy Hospital Corps. He received basic training at Great Lakes Naval Station, Illinois. He received further medical…
Burkovich, Shirley (Interview transcript and video), 2009
Shirley Burkovich was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She played softball with the neighborhood boys and her brother throughout her childhood. She first heard about the All American Girls Professional Baseball League one day when she was reading…
Burnside Township Master Land Use Plan
The Burnside Township Master Land Use Plan was prepared by the Burnside Township Planning Commission circa 1988.
Burton, Michael (Interview outline, video, and papers), 2007
Michael Burton was born in Detroit and enlisted in 1966 after finishing one year at Grand Valley State College. He spent 8 months in Hawaii as part of the 127th Marine Infantry Regiment, and for a short while was part of their bases tennis team. He…