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Go to Brooks, Mary Jean (Interview transcript and video), 2007 item page

Mary Jean Brooks was in the WAVES during World War II. She trained at Smith College in communications. She worked in the Naval Department building in Washington, D.C., encoding and decoding messages sent to and from naval bases and ships. She…
Go to Brooks, Richard (Interview outline and video) ca. 2005 item page

Richard Brooks was born in Canton Township, Michigan. His father died when he was two years old, and his mother later remarried and the family moved to Grand Rapids. He graduated from Central High School in 1933 and joined the Navy in 1940 to…
Go to Brooks, Sarah (Interview outline and video), 2006 item page

Sarah Brooks is a long-time volunteer at the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans. In her interview, she discusses her volunteer work there, and some of her experiences with the veterans.
Go to Brooks, William item page

William Brooks, Board of Trustees 1997-1998, University Foundation
Go to Broomfield Township Master Plan item page

The Broomfield Township Master Plan was prepared by the East Central Michigan Planning and Development Region and the Broomfield Township Planning Commission and was adopted in January 1987.
Go to Brother Billy item page

Binding of Brother Billy, by Frances Margaret Fox, published by L. C. Page & Company (Cosy Corner Series), 1905.
Go to Brotherhood Service item page

Program for the Brotherhood Service of Temple B'nai Israel Youth Group, undated.
Go to Broughten, Cindy item page

Cindy Broughten
Go to Brown, Carleton (Interview transcript and video), 2018 item page

Carleton Brown was born on October 28, 1944 in New Haven, Connecticut. He graduated high school in 1963. He then began classes the University of Florida for a degree in journalism and communications before enlisting in the Navy in 1966, narrowly…
Go to Brown, Dale (Interview transcript and video), 2014 item page

Dale Brown was born in Lansing, Michigan on February 26, 1948. After graduating high school in 1966 he worked for General Motors before deciding to enlist since he thought he might be drafted to Vietnam anyway. Brown enlisted in the Air Force in May…
Go to Brown, Jeff item page

Jeff Brown, Campus Activities
Go to Brown, Jeff item page

Jeff Brown, Campus Activities
Go to Brown, Richard "Dick" (Interview outline and video), 2013 item page

Dick was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan in December 1946. He grew up in Rockford, Michigan and graduated from high school there in 1965. After facing a certainty of being drafted, he instead chose to enlist in the United States Marine Corps in…
Go to Brown, Ruth item page

Ruth Brown, Costume Designer, Performing Arts Center
Go to Brown, Stan item page

Stan Brown
Go to Brown, Stan item page

Stan Brown
Go to Browne, Robert Warner (Interview outline and video), 2015 item page

Dr. Robert Browne was born in Coldwater, Michigan on November 12, 1924. He grew up in Coldwater and Lansing, Michigan and attended the University of Michigan prior to enlisting in the Aviation Cadet Program of the Army Air Force in November (or…
Go to Brownsville Station, April 29, 1973 item page

Brownsville station in the Grand Valley State College Field House, April 29, 1973
Go to Bruce Klein interview (video and transcript) item page

Interview with Bruce Klein by Barbara Roos, documenting the history of Grand Valley State's William James College. William James College was the third baccalaureate degree granting college for Grand Valley. It was originally designed to be an…
Go to Bruce Mines item page

Black and white photograph of shoreline and pier at Bruce Mines, Ontario.
Go to Bruinekool, Jerry (Interview outline and video), 2008 item page

Jerry Bruinekool was born in Michigan on December 15, 1938. Jerry enlisted in the Navy in January of 1956 because he felt that his life needed some direction. While in the Navy, Jerry traveled to Cuba, Puerto Rico, Saint Thomas, France, Italy,…
Go to Brummel, Donald (Interview outline and video), 2007 item page

Donald Brummel served in the US Navy between 1944 and 1946. He trained as a truck and ambulance driver and served as an ambulance driver on Okinawa, transporting Marines and Seabees wounded in action.
Go to Brummel, Ted (Interview outline, video, and papers), 2008 item page

Ted Brummel was born in Byron Center, Michigan on May 14, 1952. He enlisted in the Navy to avoid being drafted into the Army. Ted was a 2-year reservist and the Navy told him that they would not spend time training him or with classes if he was…
Go to Bryce another Natural Bridge item page

Black and white photograph of a rock ledge from above.

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