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  • Collection: Wyckoff Planning and Zoning Collection
Go to Gaylord Sign Ordinance item page

The Gaylord Sign Ordinance went into effect on February 16, 1992 and was amended effective March 14, 1993.
Go to City of Gaylord 1990/1995 Recreation Plan item page

The City of Gaylord 1990/1995 Recreation Plan was prepared by the City of Gaylord Planning Commission and was adopted on June 14, 1990.
Go to Preliminary Report Comprehensive Plan item page

The Preliminary Report Comprehensive Plan for the City of Gaylord was prepared by Harland Bartholomew and Associates in September 1965.
Go to Municipal Standards for the City of Gaylord item page

The Municipal Standards for the City of Gaylord were prepared by Capital Consultants, Inc. in 1992.
Go to Meeting Minutes and Materials item page

The Meeting Minutes and Materials comprises of meeting minutes from the Gaylord Zoning Board of Appeals, the Gaylord City Planning Commission, and the Gaylord City Council, from 1993-1994. Included are forms related to items discussed in the…
Go to Comprehensive Plan item page

The Comprehensive Plan for the City of Gaylord was prepared by Hardland Bartholomew and Associates in May 1966.
Go to Comprehensive Plan  item page

The Comprehensive Plan for the City of Fremont was prepared by Prein & Newhof in February 1981.
Go to Charter Township of Fort Gratiot Master Plan item page

The Charter Township of Fort Gratiot Master Plan was prepared by the Charter Township of Fort Gratiot Planning Commission in June 1990.
Go to Master Plan item page

The Master Plan for the City of Flat Rock was prepared by McKenna Associates, Incorporated In January 1990.
Go to Filer Township Comprehensive Plan item page

The Filer Township Comprehensive Plan was prepared by the Filer Township Planning Commission on February 19, 1988 and approved on June 7, 1988.
Go to Fenton Charter Township Master Plan item page

The Fenton Charter Township Master Plan was prepared by Ayres, Lewis, Norris & May, Inc. in December 1990.
Go to City of Fenton, Michigan Comprehensive Plan 1989 item page

The City of Fenton, Michigan Comprehensive Plan 1989 was prepared by the City of Fenton Planning Commission with assistance from The WBDC Group in February 1989.
Go to General Development Plan item page

The General Development Plan for Erie Township was prepared by Johnson, Johnson & Roy/inc. and was approved by the Monroe County Planning Commission on December 12, 1974.
Go to Village of Empire-Zoning Districts item page

The Village of Empire-Zoning Districts map was prepared by Leelanau County and is effective as of November 25, 2019.
Go to Village of Empire Master Plan item page

The Village of Empire Master Plan was prepared by the Empire Planning Commission with the assistance of Networks Northwest in 2019.
Go to Future Land Use Plan item page

The Future Land Use Plan for Emmet County was prepared by Vilican-Leman & Associates, Inc. in April 1971.
Go to Comprehensive Recreation Plan item page

The Comprehensive Recreation Plan for Emmet County was prepared by Vilican-Leman & Associates, Inc. in March 1970.
Go to Comprehensive Plan for Sewer and Water Facilities item page

The Comprehensive Plan for Sewer and Water Facilities was prepared by Vilican-Leman & Associates, Inc. and McNamee, Porter & Seeley in April 1971.
Go to Charter Township of Elmwood Official Zoning Map item page

The Charter Township of Elmwood Official Zoning Map was created on September 1, 2017.
Go to Waterfront District Master Plan item page

The Waterfront District Master Plan for Elmwood Township was prepared by Smithgroup JJR and was approved on January 25,2012.
Go to Elmwood Township Master Plan item page

The Elmwood Township Master Plan was prepared by the Planning Commission and was adopted on March 18, 2018.
Go to City of Eaton Rapids, Michigan Comprehensive Development Plan 1990-2010 item page

The City of Eaton Rapids, Michigan Comprehensive Development Plan 1990-2010 was prepared by Gove Associates, Inc. and adopted by the Eaton Rapids Planning Commission on December 4, 1989.
Go to Official Zoning Map of the Village of Eastlake item page

The Official Zoning Map of the Village of Eastlake went into effect as of December 18, 2013.
Go to Village of Eastlake Master Plan and Recreation Plan item page

The Village of Eastlake Master Plan and Recreation Plan was prepared by the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments in February 2012.

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